Chapter 218 Touring the Huangpu River (for Subscription)

Chapter 210 Eight

Curry Hot Pot accepted Lianmai's invitation, and soon a 24-year-old man appeared in the live broadcast room.

"Big Curry is so handsome!" the little Internet celebrity couldn't help but praise.

The little Internet celebrity is called Fu Xiaoxiao, and because she heard people around her say how much money Internet celebrities make, and how much money live broadcasting makes, she resolutely quit her nine-to-five office job and joined the mighty army of live broadcasting.

Once you enter the live broadcast, it is as deep as the sea, and from then on, Qianqian is a passerby.

Not only did Fu Xiaoxiao not make any money from the live broadcast for more than a month, but she also used her savings for many years.

The purchase of various equipment, live broadcast cloud platform, live broadcast mobile phone, live broadcast tablet, 7788 cost about [-] to [-] yuan.

Fortunately, my good best friend is a little rich woman, and she lives directly in her best friend's house while living on the street.

Then, for half a month, I will eat and use my best friend's products, and even the cosmetics are my best friend's.

In the past half a month, she also saved a thousand yuan.

Unexpectedly, it was just a chance encounter with me, my mind was wide open, and I wanted to live broadcast the lives of the rich second generations in these magical cities, and accidentally met the first elder brother in my life.

At the beginning, it was ten rounds of super fire, which was a small 1, and I didn't have a guild to distribute it to myself, so I still had more than [-].

Fu Xiaoxiao, start to think about it now, now that you have more than 1 yuan, you must treat your girlfriends to a good meal.

At this time, in the live broadcast room, Fu Xiaoxiao's live broadcast gimbal camera was always aimed at that ultra-luxury yacht.

"Fuck, these people have gone up!"

The audience in the live broadcast room saw a group of more than 20 people boarding the yacht.

"Hot Pot Boss, please solve your confusion online, what kind of yacht is this?"

Curry Hot Pot, sorted out his thoughts, and then introduced: "This yacht is Sanlorenzo steel62 made in Italy. This yacht is 62 meters long and 11.58 meters wide. The weight of the whole ship is 870 tons. The speed can reach 17 knots, and the draft is three meters one."

"Boss, we don't care about this, we just want to know how much this big toy is?"

Sometimes someone asks in the barrage.

The curry hot pot touched its nose, and then burst out a more reasonable price
"This yacht should be the one that was booked in the first half of this year. The price was 2.75 million at that time, but it was booked by a free countryman. Now it appears in Huaguo. It seems to be a second transaction. So good Brother should be around [-] million!" Curry hot pot, after thinking for a while, revealed the price.

The audience in the "Si" live broadcast collectively gasped.

These are three small goals. How many people have never earned a fraction in their lifetime, but now they are bought by these, the rich second generation of Shanghai, a big toy.

Qin Hao's palace inscription on the boat, a group of people began to visit. To be honest, this boat just arrived at noon today, and it was the first time for everyone to board the boat.

"Everyone, is there anyone who knows how to sail a boat?" Gong Ming asked all the young and old.

All the young and old looked at each other and were joking, this is a yacht. If you say that it is no problem to drive a supercar, you have never thought about it at all.

Gong Ming thought for a while, took out his mobile phone and dialed Tang Wenhao's number.

This guy has been hiding in the shadows, and from there he, tanks and planes can drive a small yacht, there should be no problem.

Within a few minutes of hanging up the phone, Tang Wenhao had already appeared on the pier.

He was accompanied by security personnel from two companies.

"Boss, is this the ship?" Tang Wenhao walked up to Gong Ming and asked.

Gong Ming nodded, and Tang Wenhao led the two into the cab. After one operation, the yacht started to warm up the engine. After 20 minutes, the yacht left the dock.

"Brother, the people around you are so strong! It's amazing that they can even drive yachts!" Qi Minghao and the others praised.

Gong Ming smiled and said nothing, clapped his hands and asked Tang Niu to take these girls to play on the deck.

In the living room of the yacht on the second floor.

"Come on, what do you mean?" Gong Ming asked, sitting beside Qin Hao, looking at the people around him.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally Wang Yu said directly, "Young Master Ming, last time you made so much money with everyone, everyone was really embarrassed, so they just wanted to give you something. , there is no shortage of cars, so I thought about sending you a yacht, so that everyone can have a place to play when they gather together!"

"And then? There's nothing else, do you want to talk?" Gong Ming asked again.

They are all big men, but when it comes to the topic of sending a girl, I am still a little embarrassed.

After a lot of elections (rock, paper, scissors), Qi Minghao was honorably elected.

Qi Minghao touched his nose in embarrassment, paused for a while, and then said: "Those two sisters are very clean, their father is a bad gambler, and a company with assets worth tens of millions went bankrupt because of bad gambling!"

"So?" Gong Ming asked
"In order to help their father repay his gambling debts, the two sisters wanted to get a small loan, but for some reason they entered Tang Niu's modeling agency, and then we helped him repay his 1000 million gambling debts. After that, the two sisters and their father will go back together again. It doesn't matter!" Qi Minghao confessed directly.

I lost it, is this an alternative type of buying and selling people?

You know, buying and selling people is illegal in China.

"Brother Ming, don't worry! The pair of sisters were taken to the hospital for a professional and comprehensive examination. They are very clean!" He said with a look that a man could understand.

Gong Ming was so angry that he went up and kicked his ass directly.

"Am I the kind of person you think? Who do you take me for? Forget it, next time something like this happens, don't treat me like a person!" Gong Ming, because he said it so smoothly, the third sentence was also rejected. brought out.

In fact, those who can be on this ship now are not ordinary characters in Shanghai.

These people only found out a general idea of ​​Gong Ming's power in Southeast Asia, but they dare not underestimate it.

Moreover, the detached garden villas in Sinan Mansion are not something you can buy with money. For example, Papa Ma, who is not interested in money, only rents in Sinan Mansion.

Gong Ming knew that it was not easy for him to refuse these things, after all, these were their wishes.

"In the future, I will put this ship on the pier. As for the docking fee, I will ask the company to pay for two years in one lump sum. If you want to use the ship to go out and play, just call and I will send someone to sail for you. !" After Gong Ming said this, everyone, young and old, knew Gong Ming's decision.

The sky was getting dark, and everyone, young and old, played on the boat for more than three hours. To be honest, it was the first time for them to sit on a [-] million yacht, and this time they were really happy.

(End of this chapter)

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