Chapter 279 Another Helper
Chapter 280 Another Helper

Gong Ming put away the umbrella and handed it to the waiter at the door.

The waiter gulped his saliva. He couldn't believe that one day he would be able to hold this umbrella worth more than [-] yuan.

"Sir, do you have an appointment?" The waiter took the umbrella with both hands, and handed the umbrella to the person next to him, asking him to put the umbrella in the valuables storage.

"Yes. Yes, it's right there!" Gong Ming nodded, and then stretched out his right index finger to point to Meng Xiangwan, the table they were at.

"Okay, sir, please follow me!" The waiter, leading the way, walked towards Meng Xiangwan's location.

"Sir, you can call us anytime you want!" The waiter pulled out a chair for Gong Ming and put it away for Gong Ming, saying very respectfully.

Gong Ming nodded, ordered a cup of Nanshan coffee, then waved his hand to tell the waiter to leave.

"How's it going?" Gong Ming asked, looking at Meng Xiangwan.

"What else can I do? Just stay the same! Xiangxiang was assigned to another manager by the company, so he has no choice but to come out and bring in newcomers!" Meng Xiangwan stirred the coffee in front of him with a spoon.

"Is the filming of the TV series finished? When is it going to be released?" Gong Ming asked.

"The filming is over, and it's going to be screened around New Year's Day. They've been doing publicity recently!" Meng Xiangwan looked a little sluggish.

Gong Ming seemed to understand something, and asked lightly, "Are you happy staying in the company?"

Meng Xiangwan nodded. Now she was squeezed out by others, and almost all the artists under her were poached. The only ones who were not poached were the 4000-year-old beauty, and Tang Yaner, the troublemaker.

"By the way, how about your car?" Meng Xiangwan asked.

Hearing that Meng Xiangwan finally got to the point, Tang Yan'er, who had been wandering away just now, perked up to 12 points.

"Well, see for yourself!" Gong Ming handed the quotation form sent by Aston Martin to Meng Xiangwan.

Seeing the quotation of 462 million yuan, Meng Xiangwan took a breath and handed the quotation to Tang Yan'er.

Tang Yan'er reached out to take it, and she was shocked when she saw the 462 million offer.

At first I just thought it was an ordinary Ford, but when I bumped it, I didn't know it was an Aston Martin?
Who is to blame for this? If you want to blame, you can only blame Aston Martin's logo and Ford's logo.

Tang Yan'er found an excuse for herself in her heart, and with this excuse, Tang Yan'er relaxed a lot.

"The insurance company should have told you that part of the more than 400 million yuan is not covered by insurance claims, so you have to pay 242 million yuan in the end!" Gong Ming looked at Tang Yan'er, looking at her big-hearted expression, I really want to tease her.

When Tang Yan'er heard that she had to pay another 242 million, her entire face grew longer.

242 million, I have just become an artist now, and my monthly salary is only about 5000 yuan, and 242 million needs my salary for 43 years.

Now I am 22 years old, and I will be 43 years old in 65 years. For the man in front of me, I want to work and pay off my debts until I am 65 years old. How is it possible?

"Have you thought about changing another company?" Gong Ming looked at Tang Yan'er's expression, and was not going to tease her anymore. After all, a cute girl is worthless in front of a mature and charming girl.

"Where can I go?" Meng Xiangwan said helplessly.

"In this way, you can be a broker in my company, and I will give you first-class resources!" Gong Ming still had a certain understanding of Meng Xiangwan's abilities.

"Okay!" Meng Xiangwan agreed without thinking, as if waiting here for Gong Ming's invitation, and didn't talk about the treatment at all.

Gong Ming said to himself, "Damn it, you're being hasty!"

"How is it? 242 million, how do you plan to repay it?" Gong Ming decided to tease this naive Tang Yan'er.

"Ah, I don't have any money!" Tang Yan'er buried her head, hoping that Gong Ming would not find her.

Gong Ming smiled softly: "If you don't have any money, give me a part-time job. It just so happens that the company lacks a girl who serves tea and water. This way, you will be paid 20 yuan a month, and [-] yuan will be deducted from you every month as compensation. In this way, you only need It can be repaid after [-] years of service!"

"Ah! Tea girl, I don't want it, I'm a big star in the future!" Tang Yan'er shook her head like a rattle.

"Okay, don't scare her anymore. Yan'er is a trainee in our company. She has just been assigned to my subordinates and hasn't signed the contract yet!" Meng Xiangwan buried the rattle in his chest.

"Okay, the matter has been settled. This is Ren Ran's call. Make a note of it. She will arrange the future!" Gong Ming then sent a number to Meng Xiangwan via a WeChat business card.

Meng Xiangwan nodded. When he saw the words of Ren Ran, CEO of Tianming Film and Television Entertainment Company, Meng Xiangwan was also surprised.

People in the industry of this company don't know that not long after it was established, it completely annexed Bing Bingfan's film and television studio, and even Bing Bingfan became an artist of this company.

You know, Bing Bingfan has been famous in the entertainment industry for many years, and he joined such a little-known company overnight. It is conceivable how deep the background of this company is.

"This is?" Meng Xiangwan looked at Gong Ming with doubts in his eyes.

Gong Ming nodded, then got up and prepared to leave. After all, the things to be done have been done, and school will start tomorrow, so it's time to go back to school and have a look.

Gong Ming got up and came to the door. The waiter took the umbrella out of the valuables locker and handed it to Gong Ming.

After seeing Gong Ming leave, Meng Xiangwan knocked Tang Yan'er on the head.

"Silly girl, you're lucky!" Meng Xiangwan lifted Tang Yan'er's chin, looked at this cute little girl, and couldn't help but kiss her pink lips.

Tang Yan'er's face immediately turned red, "Sister Xiang Wan, what's the matter, she's so embarrassing to be in front of her relatives in public!"
Yes, Gong Ming has unlocked the system to level 15 this time, and he can see more hidden attributes.

Gong Ming also finally understood why it was the first time that Meng Xiangwan, who was already in his 30s, had that night with him.

Because Meng Xiangwan has a deep lesbian attribute in his bones, it makes sense for Gu Xiangxiang to leave everything.

Gong Ming walked on the street holding an umbrella, and the light rain in the sky brought a different kind of characteristics to the city.

When he arrived in front of his own Cullinan, Gong Ming got into the car after several young ladies took photos, started the ignition, and then left slowly while the young ladies were chasing after him.

Through the rearview mirror, looking at the few girls who were as close as sisters just now, fighting there without any image, I sighed that my charm is still unparalleled.

Gong Ming parked the Rolls-Royce Cullinan in the underground parking lot of Yipin Tomson, and then went upstairs to change the key of the Ferrari 458.

anyway?Now I am still a student, and I drive a Rolls Royce to school every day, which is indeed a bit high-profile, but this Maxima is different, low-key luxury with connotations.

The roar of the Ferrari 458 engine appeared on the road on the campus of Shanghai University of Technology.

Gong Ming stopped the Ferrari downstairs at No. [-] apartment, threw a pack of cigarettes to the dormitory teacher, and then went upstairs and opened the door of the dormitory.

At this time, the three people in the dormitory were blowing on the air conditioner and playing games.

"Hurry up, the vision of the next road is gone!" Song Cheng said to Ma Fei and the two.

"I see, the opponent's wheel mother is hiding in the grass, and the one in the middle of the road quickly brings your dog over to catch a wave," said the hero.

"Understood, you play it a little bit, this wave is going to cheat a double kill?" Song Cheng manipulated his fire man and appeared in the river on the next road.

The blind dog in the jungle is always protecting Huo Nan.

A four-on-two game will soon subside.

"Brother Ming, when did you come back? I don't even know how to tell you, so that the brothers can cleanse you up!" After the game ended, Song Chengren turned around.

"As soon as I came back, I saw the three of you playing games so lively!" Gong Ming said with a smile.

"Brother Ming, you don't know that there is a fish pond owner in our dormitory!" Ma Fei said mysteriously.

Gong Ming was taken aback, when did his dormitory have such a talent?
"Ma Fei, shut up!" Song Cheng hurriedly wanted to stop him.

But it was too late, Ma Fei said the following words directly.

When Gong Ming heard Ma Fei's words, his face changed when he looked at Song Cheng.

This guy, during the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holidays, actually attacked a female vice president of the student union of the school, joking about the student union, which is the largest department of the school's official Weibo.

You must know that the student union has great authority, this sentence is not for nothing.

But this is not the end, on October [-]th, Song Cheng actually had dinner with a freshman student from an ethnic minority, and was even posted on the campus bulletin board.

"That's amazing, our Brother Song really can't learn it, just can't!" Gong Ming said jokingly.

"We are all just classmates, and eating together is just a communication between classmates, how can they say this?" Song Cheng explained.

"Beautiful!" Gong Ming praised her with both hands, and that was the end of his words.

"Have everyone eaten?" Gong Ming asked.

You know, after a busy day, I have to eat the work meal at noon more seriously, but the work meal replenishes my energy, and I have doubled the exhaustion during the test drive in the afternoon.

As for the cup of coffee, it can only be said to quench one's thirst, and the other effects are not reflected at all.

"No, I'm going to eat just after finishing this game!" Said the good guy.

"That's just right, your game is over, why don't we go to the cafeteria to eat!" Gong Ming asked aloud.

The two cafeterias of Mohai University are open to the public, so when eating every day, many grandpas and grandma who live nearby also eat here.

Gong Ming and the others still chose the Danyuan cafeteria, which is the closest to the dormitory.

When everyone arrived at Danyuan canteen, it was already 06:30 in the evening.

Looking at the bustling people in the cafeteria, I didn't know it, and thought it was a vegetable market, because there were all kinds of people in the cafeteria.

Gong Ming saw Zhang Yueyue sitting in the corner at first glance. At this time, there was a porridge and two free side dishes in front of Zhang Yueyue.

At this time, classmate Zhang Yueliang was wearing a plaster cast on his right hand, and was struggling to eat food with his left hand.

"Student Zhang Yue, what's the matter? Didn't I just distribute the 5000 yuan of welfare before the holiday?" Gong Ming asked suspiciously.

"Oh, don't mention it, Zhang Yueliang transferred the 5000 yuan to his mother in the country, and left 200 yuan for himself," Song Cheng explained.

"During the holiday, I found a job distributing leaflets off-campus, but I hid among cuddling bears. While distributing leaflets, I was pushed by a bear child, fell down and hurt my arm!

The sisters in their dormitory wanted to give Zhang Yue some help within their ability, but Zhang Yue, this girl seemed weak, but she had a different kind of strength in her bones. She refused all the requests of the girls in the dormitory!After Song Cheng finished speaking, he looked at Zhang Yue with a hint of admiration.

Gong Ming handed his meal card to Song Cheng: Pond Master, the meal card is in your hands, and you decide what to order next.

After finishing speaking, Gong Ming walked towards Zhang Yueyue. When he walked across from Zhang Yueyue, Gong Ming sat down directly.

"Student Zhang Yue, you are very short of money!" Gong Ming never likes to beat around the bush.

"Yeah!" Zhang Yueyue just hummed, and then continued to eat there with her head down.

Others chose to eat, and Gong Ming was not good. What to say, at this moment, Song Cheng and the three brought all the food over.

Looking at the food on the table in front of him, Zhang Yueliang still only ate his own portion, and didn't even glance at the extras.

Gong Ming didn't continue to ask, and started to pick up vegetables for Zhang Yuexi directly, ranging from scrambled eggs with tomatoes to fried shredded pork with green peppers, and pushed a cup of steamed eggs in front of Zhang Yuexi by the way.

"Eat!" Gong Ming said simply.

Zhang Yue didn't refuse this time, or her body instinct overcame her rejection. She swallowed, and silently started eating steamed eggs.

When the vegetables were almost filled, Gong Ming reminded, "These must be eaten. Our rule is that food is not allowed to be wasted."

Zhang Yue is still dumb.

Gong Ming didn't pay attention to her either, he knew it was enough if he heard it, "You three eat, we can't waste it."

Ma Fei complained, "No way, brother Ming, you haven't eaten yet, are you cheating on us?"

"I have foreign aid." After saying this, he pointed to Zhang Yue.

Song Cheng scolded with a smile, "Stop talking, hurry up and eat together!"

"Okay, I also miss the school cafeteria a little bit." Gong Ming started eating without being pretentious.

Because Zhang Yue eats with her left hand, her speed is slow and her movements are clumsy. After the four of them finished eating, she only ate half.

"Brothers, let's go first, I will have something to do with classmate Zhang Yueyue later." Gong Ming greeted.

Song Cheng nodded, "Okay! I'll go back to play games first, and get platinum one today!"

"Well, Brother Ming, let's go back first." The hero also said.

Ma Fei glanced at Zhang Yue, then nodded.

After the three left, Gong Ming was so bored that he sent a message on WeChat.

"Rub Dang"

The iron spoon fell on the dinner plate.

Gong Ming looked up at Zhang Yue, and he reminded, "Don't worry, I have a lot of time, eat slowly, and I'll take you to a place later."

Although Gong Ming told Zhang Yue to eat slowly, Zhang Yue still speeded up, but unfortunately she was not left-handed, and she was quite clumsy when eating with her left hand.

When it was approaching seven o'clock, Zhang Yueyue had finished eating all the food, and she couldn't help but burped.

After hiccupping, her sickly pale face flushed with embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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