Chapter 280 Su Daji Quit Shark Fighting

Chapter 280 Three Su Daji Quit Shark Fighting

Gong Ming took out a napkin and handed it to Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yueyue did not refuse. When she took it, she found that the napkins used by Gong Ming were different. The napkins used by Gong Ming had a finer surface and felt better when they touched the skin.

Zhang Yueyue felt a little gloomy in her heart. The gap between her and Zhang Yueyue was too far. Maybe the other party was doing charity!
"Let's go, I'll take you to a place first." Gong Ming greeted.

Zhang Yueyue silently followed behind Gong Ming.

The two came to the open-air parking lot downstairs of the dormitory, and Gong Ming pressed the key of the Ferrari.

"Get in the car!" Gong Ming opened the co-pilot's door and said to Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yueyue hesitated for a while, but still sat in the co-pilot.

Gong Ming closed the car door and walked into the cab.

"Your hands are inconvenient. Give me the seat belt, and I'll fasten it for you!" Gong Ming said.

Zhang Yueliang nodded. After the seat belt was fastened, the Ferrari left the campus and drove towards a street not far from the campus.

This is a store that is being renovated. The store is not very big, only about [-] to [-] square meters. It looks like a milk tea shop.

Gong Ming parked the car in the parking space and unfastened his seat belt for Zhang Yue.

The two got out of the car.

"Student Zhang, do you know how many universities are near our school?" Gong Ming asked.

Zhang Yueliang nodded, and then said one by one.

"Yes, college students are young people, and they are a large consumer group. Do you know how many students in these universities can really consume?" Gong Ming asked.

Zhang Yue shook his head, he really didn't pay attention to this kind of thing.

"This is a milk tea shop that I'm going to open. Its consumer groups are college students from nearby universities, as well as those who live here!" Gong Ming pointed to the milk tea shop in front of him that was still being renovated.

"How's your hand?" Gong Ming asked.

Zhang Yueyue shook his head, and then said: "The doctor said, it's a very common soft tissue contusion, just hang it up for a few days and it will be fine!"

Gong Ming also probably guessed that the injury should have been paid by the unlucky shopkeeper. Otherwise, with her financial strength, a plaster cast would cost at least 500 yuan, and Zhang Yueliang probably would be reluctant.

"Come on, I'll show you inside!" Gong Ming entered the milk tea shop that was being renovated.

Originally, I wanted to open a milk tea shop, so I entrusted this matter to Andy. Sure enough, with Andy's ability, this kind of small business was quickly settled.

Gong Ming took Zhang Yue in and walked around, and asked about the progress of the decoration. It will be finished in about seven days.

"Get in the car and follow me!" Gong Ming opened the passenger's door again, and the two drove slowly on this street.

But every time he came to a milk tea shop, the car stopped, and then Gong Ming got out of the car to buy some of their most recommended milk teas.

There are about seven or eight milk tea shops in this street. Before leaving, Gong Ming had already bought more than 20 cups of milk tea.

"Do you know what's special about every milk tea shop?" Gong Ming asked again.

Zhang Yueyue shook her head. She really hadn't drank milk tea a few times. After all, a cup of milk tea cost more than ten or twenty yuan, and the ten or twenty yuan was her food expenses for a week.

Gong Ming drove back to the school dormitory. Gong Ming opened the co-pilot's door downstairs in the girls' dormitory, and happened to run into his classmate Zhao Min again.

"Hello, boss of the life committee," Zhao Min jokingly called out.

Gong Mingjian nodded and greeted each other. Zhao Min and Zhang Yue lived in the same dormitory, which made it much more convenient.

"Student Zhang, after you go back tonight, drink each of these milk teas, and then write an evaluation report for me," Gong Ming said to Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yueliang nodded, carrying a few cups of milk tea and Zhao Min screwed the leftover milk tea upstairs.

Gong Ming drove away again, and parked the car in the public parking space near the dormitory building. The parking space here is not open-air.

When he returned to the dormitory, the hero was talking on the phone, and Ma Fei was using Douyin, which Gong Ming didn't expect.

You must know that Douyin has only been released for more than a month, and the current number of users has reached 2000 million, approaching 3000 million.

When Douyin is still the most primitive, all the good things are closely related to you.

And Song Cheng changed his perfect method of hunting and leading the dog. Song Cheng not only led the wild and led the dog, but also brought a female.

He found a female companion with a relatively high winning rate on Bixin, and ended his first time.

Of course, the price is relatively high, the level has dropped from gold one to gold three, and every game has to be paid.

Gong Ming was lying on the bed, chatting with the girls on WeChat, and slowly fell asleep like this.

At seven o'clock the next morning, Gong Ming came to the place agreed with Zhang Yue, the cafeteria of the headquarters.

Because school has just started and there are still classes in the morning, the two of them only have free time during breakfast time.

"Student Gong, all the test forms you need are listed," Zhang Yueyue said.

Gong Ming brought over the test sheets and opened them carefully. In the test sheets, the advantages and disadvantages of each cup of milk tea were recorded.

Gong Ming was very satisfied, and then put away the test sheets: "By the way, what class is today?"

"Professor Qian's introduction to the world economy in the morning, and the deputy dean's international economics in the afternoon are both big classes!" Zhang Yueyue reported without thinking.

"Well, I have some things to deal with today, and report to me when the roll call comes." Gong Ming said, turned and left.

"No, I can't order it for you if you don't go!" Zhang Yueyue was suddenly very uneasy. You must know that this young master is a celebrity in front of teachers of various subjects, so what's the point of helping him order it yourself?
Gong Ming waved his hand and turned to leave. After a while, the sound of the Ferrari 458's engine sounded outside the cafeteria.

Only then did Zhang Yueyue know that this boss of the life committee was completely teasing himself. You must know that all the materials such as this boss of the life committee are already on the principal's desk. Which teacher dares to tell such a classmate? A failed pending order?

As long as he can graduate, Gong Ming is the representative of outstanding graduates. As for future work, it may not be important to them at all.

Because once such a person graduates, he either enters his own company as a young boss, or enters a department to study, so the job is not important.

Zhang Yue didn't seem to notice the changes in herself, she sat down and continued to deal with the unfinished breakfast on the table.

After Gong Ming left the school, he sent a message to the class teacher, informing him that he had to take a few days off recently for some matters.

The news that the class guide will come back soon, agreed to his own vacation.

Ever since his coquettish operation, the college has opened the door to him, and he doesn't care how much vacation he has.

Gong Ming left the school and went downstairs to the company.

"Andy, I'm going to have a video conference later, you can organize it!" Gong Ming said to Andy.

After the National Day, a lot of things happened in the international market. No one can go smoothly. Gong Ming's team has frequently experienced loopholes in recent operations. Although the loss is not a lot, it is still money.

Gong Ming sensed something unusual about the sudden incident in the Middle East a few days ago.

Andy: "Okay, boss!"

When Andy turned around and was about to leave, Gong Ming suddenly thought of something again, and hurriedly stopped Andy.

"Andy, help me make an evaluation form for various milk companies in New Zealand. I want the best quality milk supply!" Gong Ming said hastily.

Because I opened a milk tea shop, I can only use fresh milk. If I use those milk powders for brewing, there will be something like that.

As for the tea, Gong Ming contacted a high-quality tea agent, Longjing, Biluochun, Tieguanyin, and even Anxi white tea can supply the best tea.

In Gong Ming's heart, the milk tea shop is completely a dream. I can choose not to make money, but I can't slap myself in the face.

"As well as the ingredients in the milk tea, help me choose, I want the best!" Gong Ming said to Andy.

"Understood, boss, if there's nothing else, I'll get ready!" Andy gestured OK.

"Thank you!" Gong Ming was very thankful that the system arranged for him a strong woman like Andy, which saved him a lot of trouble.

Gong Ming turned on the iPad and contacted Ren Ran.

The video was connected quickly, and Ren Ran actually went shopping in the mall. Sure enough, this is Ren Ran's style.

"Boss, do you have anything to order?" Ren Ran just clicked on the video in the fitting room after changing her underwear.

Gong Ming looked at Ren Ran's appearance with a score of more than 90 points, coupled with a perfect figure, and felt that his nose was itchy.

"That's what, by the way, how long will it take for the TV series to be filmed, and can it be in time for the winter vacation?" Gong Ming remembered what he wanted to ask after a while.

Ren Ran was a little disappointed, and then replied directly: "There is still one and a half months before the TV series will be finalized, and then it will be post-production. If it is fast, there should be no problem with the Spring Festival file!"

"Well, it's a little bit harder at the company. I found a helper for you. I think it will be over in a few days. At that time, some artists can be handed over to her, so that you can relax a bit!" Gong Ming told Meng Xiang Wan told the other party about the incident. After all, the film and television company has always been hosted by Ren Ran, and he had to tell the other party about the people he arranged.

"Okay, boss, don't worry!" Ren Ran nodded, and then prepared to change a set of underwear.

Seeing Ren Ran's action, Gong Ming hung up the video directly.

Ren Ran saw the video hang up, smiled slightly, and said, "Coward!"

But she was also very puzzled, if the other party hadn't hung up the video just now, would she really change her underwear in front of him?
Gong Ming was bored at leisure, so he clicked on the video of Dou Sha's live broadcast, and found that Su Mei was actually broadcasting live.

"Welcome Brother Gong to the live broadcast room!" Su Mei said directly when she saw the animation of Gong Ming entering the live broadcast room.

Gong Ming glanced at the audience in the live broadcast room. Since Su Mei terminated the contract with the guild, there was no recommendation from the guild. In addition to the long-term filming, the live broadcast time was reduced. Now the live broadcast room has returned to its original state.

Looking at the only two or three kittens left in the live broadcast room, Gong Ming felt helpless, and then said to Su Mei.

"Stop live streaming here, go to Douyin, it's okay, shoot some short videos, and then I'll recommend them to your homepage!" Gong Ming's arrival has attracted hundreds of thousands of viewers to the live broadcast room.

You know, there has always been a rumor [I'm really not Su Daji, because I met offline, I was disgusted by the super emperor's palace, and then I successfully disfollowed her! 】

Such rumors were actually believed by many people because Gong Ming hadn't logged into the live broadcast room for a long time.

In fact, everyone who knows knows that this is just a rumor released by Su Daji's previous guild in order to praise newcomers. They even imitated a Gong Ming's account and offered rewards in their newly launched Xiaohuadan live broadcast room.

Su Mei lost a lot of fans due to this wave of drainage operations, but since Su Mei was filming, she has become indifferent to these things in the live broadcast room.

"Well, I'll listen to your arrangement!" Su Mei didn't say anything, she directly closed the live broadcast room, and then registered a Douyin account through her mobile phone.

Seeing that the studio was closed, Gong Ming left the studio.

Entering Kaka's live broadcast room, because of what happened a few days ago, the popularity of Kaka's live broadcast room has obviously returned.

Yes, just flashbacks, No.1 Gong Ming gave a reward of more than 100 million, and No.2, an unknown earl, gave a reward of 2000 yuan.

It is not an exaggeration to describe the following list as horrible.

"Kaka, you are too miserable!" Gong Ming couldn't help complaining.

As a game anchor, Kaka was playing games while broadcasting live, and suddenly saw this sentence from Gong Ming in the live broadcast room, and asked Annie in the middle of the road to stop there and not move.

"Father, you're finally here. Kaka thought you'd leave after you wiped everything out!" Kaka said happily.

You know, this one is a real golden thigh. Su Daji was penniless before, but just met this wild golden thigh, and thus directly became the top anchor of the Dousha platform.

Although it was said that the guild was hit because of the termination of the contract and thus plummeted, but they have now entered the entertainment circle, which is the place that many anchors yearn for.

Kaka has her own channels. She found out from some secret channels that Su Daji entered the entertainment industry with the help of Gong Ming, a golden thigh. She also heard that even the famous Fan Ye joined her. this entertainment company.

Such a company, when it comes out, is a star!
There is such a leaderboard in the whole circle.

Director... Top stars, first-tier stars, second-tier stars, fourth-tier stars, first-tier anchors, second-tier anchors, fifth-tier stars, eighteenth-tier stars, and then all the way to nine-tier anchors.

In other words, even a fourth-tier star would look down on a first-rate anchor.

Because it is impossible for you, a female anchor, to enter the entertainment industry without the [support] of noble people.

Because you have been labeled as an anchor, it is very difficult to wash it off.

This is also why a top-notch anchor would try his best to please an expired star a few years later.

(End of this chapter)

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