Become a winner in life after college entrance examination

Chapter 290 I Want to Practice Yoga Poses

Chapter 290 I Want to Practice Yoga Poses
Chapter 290 Three I Want to Practice Yoga Poses

In the action of buying low and selling high this time, the average price of buying Shiseido stocks was 7989 yen, and the average selling price was 9030 yen, which is equivalent to a profit of 13.41%.

It seems quite little!

The main reason is that the amount of funds is too large, and the stock price of Shiseido has been broken down too hard. The real-time stock price of Shiseido at 9030 yen has been broken down to below 9000 yen.
If it is necessary to calculate the loss, this kind of forced liquidation operation in a short period of time probably lost [-]% of the profit
Besides, the 13.41% return is less?
Based on the total amount of funds of 70.8 small goals, the return of 13.41% is 9.39 small goals!

In one day, I earned 9.39 small goals, which is still a safe 9.39 small goals. Why is it not good?

More importantly, there is still a chance to squeeze the wool tomorrow.

The current total amount of funds has expanded from 60 small goals to 80.2 small goals.

Gong Ming posted the relevant data in the group of friends.

Seeing this news, everyone gasped. After all, in two days, 20 small goals were recorded. In this way, one car per person, and Rafa got it.

In the group chat, there was silence.

Gong Ming: Cheers!

See you for a while, in the group chat, there are all pictures of 666.

Tang Niu: Mr. Gong, is there any event tonight? If not, please visit M2!
As an event planner in the group chat, all large-scale events are usually arranged by Tang Niu, and he is also very happy about it.

Qi Minghao: "Your company just came with those models, and they will also bring them tonight!"

Qin Hao:? ? ? , little mouse, young man, mouse tail juice!

Gong Ming:? ? ? , little mouse, young man, mouse tail juice!

Wang Yu:? ? ? , little mouse, young man, mouse tail juice!


In the group chat, this sentence was unanimously brushed up, and Qi Minghao was blatantly dissed.

Qi Minghao: You are all bad guys, my mother told me not to play with bad guys!
"But to be honest, let's go to m2 in the evening, and there will be a big show in M2 at night, so we can have a good time!" Jiang Xin said.

Qi Minghao: Brother Xin is right, actually I think the same way.

Jiang Xin smiled slightly: Little mouse, young people want to talk about martial arts, mouse tail juice!

As soon as Jiang Xin said this, everyone couldn't help but burst out laughing. This knife was a direct critical hit, and he still used the Dragon Saber to make up the knife.

Qi Minghao was bullied, squatted down on the spot and drew circles, he has grown so big, he has never been wronged like today, but this feeling is really good.

Sinan Mansion
Gong Ming put down his cell phone. It is impossible for him to participate in the bar event organized by Tang Niu. The main reason is that someone just blew himself up. If he wants to participate, he must bring Shen Youchu and the others with him.

Gong Ming went to Zhong Chuxi and the three of them and sat down.

Zhong Chuxi asked, "Are you done?"

"Basically, I'm done. The Neon stock market is closed at two o'clock, and there is nothing to do at the last hour. Andy will send me the information for the other end-of-day data." Gong Ming said without hiding anything.

"Did you make money today?" Shen Youchu also asked casually.

"Of course!" Gong Ming replied affirmatively.

After all, with the commercial confidential information provided by the system and his own behind-the-scenes operations, Gong Ming doesn't believe that God can make him lose money?

Afraid to drink too much fake Wuliangye?
No, no!
Even if Gong Ming drank too much Wuliangye and lost a lot of money, Andy would help him make it back.

Why did Gong Ming have such confidence, because it was only in the past few days that he discovered that Andy was extremely sensitive to numbers.

"I made a lot of money today, do you three want to buy it?" Gong Ming asked casually.

Shen Youchu thought for a while before shaking his head, "It seems that I don't need anything."

Yesterday, the three of them bought a lot of high-end luxury brands and high-end ready-to-wear, and also bought a girlfriend bag. She felt that there was nothing to buy.

"Do you want to go around?" Gong Ming asked again.

Zhong Chuxi still refused, "No! I want to watch TV and practice yoga"

"Let's go, let's go shopping, let's go to Hang Lung Plaza!" Gong Ming tempted.

"No! I want to watch TV and practice yoga later!" Zhong Chuxi said.

"Practice yoga, I'll help you!" A weird smile appeared on the corner of Gong Ming's mouth. After the smile appeared, a different voice suddenly sounded in the room.

In order to smile slightly, just the three of you still want to fight me, so you didn't do it casually.

Near seven o'clock, Gong Ming went out with Zhong Chuxi in his arms.

"It's all your fault, and I don't know how to be gentle!" Zhong Chuxi's calf trembled a little while walking. Obviously, she practiced yoga a little too hard just now, and now her knee still hurts.

It was agreed to practice yoga, but in the end the three of them were arranged by Gong Ming in yoga poses.

When I was at the International Finance Center yesterday, because of the presence of Jiang Yexuan, Zhong Chuxi and Zhong Chuqiao were embarrassed to buy more bags. In fact, she quite liked the other bags.

"Which one of you is driving?" Gong Ming asked just as he walked to the parking space.

The three of them rolled their eyes at Gong Ming at the same time. They were arranged by Gong Ming just now, how could they have the strength to drive?
"Go!" Shen Youchu and the three of them hummed in unison.

Gong Ming drove the Rolls-Royce Cullinan into the traffic flow, while Shen Youchu sat in the co-pilot and adjusted the seat backwards, lowering the back of the seat a little.

She is wearing Gucci sneakers today, a Louis Vuitton wool coat and sweatpants she bought yesterday, and warm wool socks on her feet.

It's appropriate to dress for the winter, the three of them are all dressed in Louis Vuitton, but the girl Zhong Chuqiao can wear it with a sweater.

Gong Ming took a look, he was wearing a simple sweater, did he have some disrespect for this winter?

While Gong Ming was driving, Shen Youchu took off his sneakers, lay back on the lowered seat back, and put his feet on the center console.

Gong Ming glanced at Shen Youchu, and said casually, "Hey, why do you smell like feet?"

Shen Youchu complained in response, "You have stinky feet!"

Before he finished speaking, two pairs of little feet stretched out from behind to the armrest box in the middle, and Gong Ming couldn't say anything more.

In fact, Gong Ming knew very well whether the three women had foot odor. He was just joking.

While waiting for the traffic light, Gong Ming quickly picked up his mobile phone and took a picture of Shen Youchu and the three of them.

Seeing Gong Ming's movements, Shen Youchu couldn't help asking in doubt, "What are you doing?"

"Didn't it just end? You still want it, but you look around, is it suitable?" Gong Ming caught the loophole in Shen Youchu's words, which made Shen Youchu's pretty face blush.

"You know that's not what I asked, what I want to ask is, why are you taking pictures?" Shen Youchu calmed down and asked.

"Life needs a sense of ritual, and a beautiful photo can record every detail of life!" Gong Ming said in a very youthful sentence a few years later.

Sure enough, these Wenqing have no other skills, and these pretentious words come out endlessly all day long, which is great!
Hang Lung Plaza, it is now 7:40, but there is still an endless stream of people in Hang Lung Plaza.

Plaza [-] is the top luxury shopping mall in Shanghai, but not many people shop here. The main reason is to see if you can really buy it, you can’t afford it!

Chaotang, a restaurant specializing in Chaoshan cuisine.

Because it is not the peak season for dining, Gong Ming asked for a small private room.

"Sir, we have discounts in our private rooms. This is the menu, please choose slowly!" The waiter still reminded, and then put the menu in his hand in front of Gong Ming.

Chaozhou cuisine, I also know Gong Ming, is hand-made beef balls and seafood soup with rice, because these two dishes are so famous.

Gong Ming randomly drew seven or eight of their family's signature dishes, all of which are suitable for everyone.

"What do you guys drink?" Gong Ming looked at the three of them, "Mango poplar nectar, or passion fruit and green lemon honey?"

Shen Youchu chose passion fruit and green lemon honey, and the Zhong Chuxi sisters chose Hong Kong-style mango and poplar nectar.

"Okay, that's all, there are two cups of passion fruit and green lemon honey, and two cups of Hong Kong-style mango poplar nectar, help us a little faster!" Gong Ming handed the menu to the waiter at the side.

The waiter walked out with the menu. One minute later, the door of the private room was opened again, and the waiter walked in with a tray.

"Sir, this is the pre-dinner tea and snacks provided by Chaotang, please take it easy!" The waiter put the items on the tray on the table.

Then he made tea for everyone, bowed and turned to leave.

At this time, Zhong Chuqiao, who was sitting on the side, ran behind Gong Ming, wrapped her arms around Gong Ming's neck and said, "Husband, I just received the benefits for you, do you want to take a look?"

"Welfare?" Gong Ming wondered, when did he need to live on welfare?

Looking at Zhong Chuqiao's sly smile, Gong Ming still nodded.

Zhong Chuqiao smiled slightly, and clicked on the WeChat photo on the phone.

Immediately, Gong Ming's blood spurted, and this game was a bit exciting.

I saw Zhong Chuqiao, but there are two photos in WeChat, one of Jiang Yexuan cosplay and Yan Lingji.

I have had no problem with this pair of legs for a year.

"Hey, hubby, how about this benefit?" Zhong Chuqiao asked with a smile.

Gong Ming couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva. These legs, this delicate face and figure, are really Yanling Ji Benji, even if they are put directly into the anime, there will be no problem.

"Does it look good?" Zhong Chuqiao asked again after seeing that Gong Ming hadn't responded to her for a long time.

Hearing Zhong Chuqiao's words, Gong Ming couldn't help turning his head to look at her. What's going on?Is there a bug in the world?

Gong Ming didn't deny it, and replied directly: "It's beautiful, but there is one shortcoming!"

Gong Ming said and enlarged the photo on WeChat, then pointed at Jiang Yexuan and said crunchingly.

"Look at the crunchy hair, she hasn't shaved it off, bad review!" After Gong Ming finished speaking, Zhong Chuqiao said directly: "Okay, you despise senior sister's crunchy hair, now I'm going to tell her!"

Gong Ming was helpless, he didn't even know what he had accepted, was he trying to help him open a harem and pull sisters?

At this time, the waiter opened the door and walked in. Seeing this scene, he chose to ignore it. Sure enough, this is the quality of waiters in top restaurants.

A series of exquisite dishes were placed on the table, and four glasses of drinks were also placed in front of several people.

"Sir, your dishes are already served, please serve slowly!" the waiter said and backed out.

"Eat first, let's take a stroll later!" Gong Ming patted Zhong Chuqiao behind him, and said.

Half an hour later, several people ate all the dishes on the table. Seriously, the big yellow croaker is really fresh, and it shouldn't be cheap.

Shen Youchu, Zhong Chuxi, Zhong Chuqiao and the campus goddesses formed a group together, and they were drinking and chatting at the same time.

Zhong Chuxi: "Sisters, if a man spends money on a woman, does he really like her?"

Shen Youchu: Xiaoer, are you spreading hatred?
Zhong Chuxi: Little San, I am the boss!

Zhong Chuqiao: Xiao San, what my sister said is that I am Xiao Er!
The rest of the girls, seeing this scene, have long been familiar with it, and it is not a day or two for the three of them to fight.

Seeing the chatting of the three girls, Jiang Yexuan felt very uncomfortable. Why was she better than these three girls no matter where she came from? Why was she not as good as they met?
Jiang Yexuan: Do I still have a chance, how about we go climbing together this Saturday?

Good guy, as soon as I said this, the chat group fell into a brief silence. . . . .

Because there has always been a legend circulating in Mohai University, about the bald teacher Zhang Dongsheng, the God of War.

"In the blue sky and the Milky Way, there is a little white boat!" Jiang Yexuan sent a voice message in the WeChat group, and the beautiful singing voice came out immediately.

It was fine before, but since I got to know the legend after I entered the Magic Sea University, this nursery rhyme, Little White Boat, made me a little scared.

"Sister, we know we were wrong, we still have a chance to be friends!" Zhong Chuqiao saw the development of the situation, and said hastily in the WeChat group.

This speed of admitting cowardice is really Zhong Chuqiao.

Seeing her confession, Jiang Yexuan smiled happily. This smile attracted the attention of many photographers around. The camera flashes in their hands lit up continuously, and the film negatives seemed to be free of money.

At this time, Andy sent all the plans for tomorrow. Tomorrow is the last day. Gong Ming wants to make a lot of money and get out as soon as possible.

After replying to Andy's message, Gong Ming saw the three girls sitting together, all discussing things in the chat group.

He couldn't help but move his head closer, and suddenly a sentence caught Gong Ming's attention.

Gu Xiwen: They are all good sisters. The good things of good sisters should be shared. I heard that there is a drug that can make people unconscious. I don’t know what will happen next. Or the three sisters, please arrange it.

Gong Ming was slightly taken aback, what does this mean?I'm going to drug myself.

Suddenly a picture appeared in my mind, sister Jin Lian sitting on the bed was holding a bowl of medicine, looking at Da Lang on the bed.

"Da Lang, get up and drink the medicine!" Sister Jin Lian said in a coquettish voice.

"I don't want to drink medicine. Now I want to drink water and medicine. I don't want to die!" Da Lang resisted desperately.

Sister Jinlian stirred the pill with her index finger, then put her middle finger in her mouth.

"Da Lang, look, this medicine is not poisonous. After drinking the medicine, you will be able to recover. In this way, you will still be the pillar of our family, and you can earn money to buy me bags!" Sister Jinlian said happily.

Da Lang believed Sister Jinlian's evil, and drank the medicine on the table in one gulp, just thinking that he could get better quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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