Chapter 291

Chapter 290 Four Welfare Ji
Da Lang's ending is tragic, but Gong Ming doesn't have a brother named Wu Er, so Ximen is better.

As for Gu Xiwen, such a girl, Gong Ming, still chose "I'm scared! I'm scared!"

"By the way, do you have any favorite cars?" Gong Ming suddenly thought that Amy and Shangguan Yurong both had their own cars, and he had never thought of buying a car for Shen Youchu and the others for such a long time.

Hearing Gong Ming, he asked himself what kind of car do he like?

Several people were stunned for a moment, Zhong Chuqiao thought that he owns a Porsche little frog, isn't that a car?
If this question is asked, everyone will probably laugh. When can Porsche's little frog be called a car?

"Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Ferrari, Lamborghini, whichever you choose?" Gong Ming directly listed four brands.

The three of them didn't speak for a while, you look at you and I look at me.

After a while, Zhong Chuxi tentatively said: "Is it really a random choice?"

Gong Ming slapped his forehead, these three were actually waiting for him here.

"Choose whatever you want, as long as it doesn't exceed eight digits!" Gong Ming gave an upper limit. As for the lower limit, there is no lower limit.

"I like the BMW I8." Shen Youchu said directly, after all, he was allowed to choose at this time, so he must want to buy it for himself.

"Yes!" Gong Ming nodded and agreed. BMW's I8, he still knows that the price of the new naked car in 14 is only around 170 million, which is not very expensive.

"I want to buy a big G!" Zhong Chuxi said her request, but Gong Ming was slightly taken aback by this request. The girl drives a big G, so what's the matter?

But of course Gong Ming wouldn't care about what was said and the water that was spilled.

After Zhong Chuxi finished speaking, Gong Ming's eyes fell on his younger sister Zhong Chuqiao.

Zhong Chuqiao didn't think of such a benefit, and he has it too. You know, he already has one and wants a little frog. Wouldn't it be a little bad if he wanted another sports car?

After thinking for two seconds, Zhong Chuqiao said directly: "I want a Chevrolet Camaro!"

Zhong Chuqiao revealed her decision, which Gong Ming never thought of.

Because in Gong Ming's memory, Zhong Chuqiao already owned a big toad, and now he measures the bumblebee again, how could he want to hold a meeting with animals!

Now that he decided to buy a car, of course he had to contact professional talents. Gong Ming contacted Ren Ran. Now that the film and television companies are getting bigger and bigger, a large network connects many relationships.

Buying a car is such a small thing, if you leave it to Ren Ran, there will be no problem. As for the color selection, once you get the car, you can put on the car cover and do interior modification at that time, as long as you report it at that time. .

Gong Ming continued to deal with his work matters, while Zhong Chuxi and the three of them said in the group that they had news about a new car while eating dessert.

Shen Youchu: You say that a man who buys things for a woman and spends money does he really love her?
Gu Xiwen: I don't know if this is love for you, but if you spread dog food like this, you will probably be beaten to death by the city management.

Jiang Yexuan: It's your fairy boyfriend, is he going to buy you something again?

Shen Youchu: Well, if you want to buy me a BMW I8, I've already told you, don't want it, but you still have to buy it for me. I'm so annoyed.

Zhong Chuqiao: That’s right, everyone already has a Big Toad, and now they want to buy this Bumblebee.

Zhong Chuxi: That's right, but the big g doesn't know what color to choose!

Jiang Yexuan: Real name envy!


After leaving the restaurant, several people continued to wander around, shop by shop, Gong Ming kept repeating the same action.

Just as she walked out of Chanel, Zhong Chuqiao's cell phone rang.

"Who called?" Gong Ming asked.

Zhong Chuqiao picked up the phone and looked at it, and the words "Jiang Yexuan" appeared on the phone screen.

After getting Gong Ming's nod in agreement, Zhong Chuqiao connected the phone.

"Sister Xuanxuan, what's the matter?" Zhong Chuqiao asked directly.

"Hiss..." Jiang Yexuan heard a slightly painful voice, "Little Qiao, my leg is injured, can you come here?"

Zhong Chuqiao directly agreed, "We will come right away."

After finishing the call, Zhong Chuqiao said to Gong Ming, "Sister Xuanxuan's leg is injured, let's go there now, shall we?"

"Oh!" Gong Ming nodded in agreement, "No problem."

Although Gong Ming agreed, but Gong Ming secretly wondered, Jiang Yexuan's leg was injured, didn't she know how to call an ambulance and call an ambulance to help?

Is it possible that ambulances also discriminate now?Are female patients with big breasts not welcome?
Otherwise, why encountered such a situation and let Zhong Chuqiao pass?

Obviously calling an ambulance can easily solve the problem.

Fortunately, it was around nine o'clock in the evening, and the streets of Shanghai were not very congested. Coupled with the blessing of Rolls-Royce Cullinan's flying statuette, the group arrived at Shanghai Expo soon.

Zhong Chuqiao guided Gong Ming's car into the Shanghai World Expo Museum with his familiarity, and came directly to the parking lot, and then took Gong Ming straight to the location Jiang Yexuan sent her.

A few minutes later, Zhong Chuqiao brought Gong Ming and the others to an exhibition area of ​​Guoman. Sure enough, Jiang Yexuan was sitting on the ground at this time, her forehead was already dripping with cold sweat due to the pain.

"Sister Xuanxuan!" Zhong Chuqiao trotted over, "Is the situation serious?"

Jiang Yexuan shook her head first, then nodded, "It's an old problem, the calf ligament is strained, but this time it's a bit serious, and I can't stand up anymore."

Gong Ming stood aside and observed the Guoman exhibition area. This area is really small, probably less than 400 square meters, right?

At this time, the area was crowded with a large number of people, and because of Jiang Yexuan's fall just now, there was no one around.

The roof is very simple, with countless spotlights hanging from the simple stainless steel hoist, and the lights hit every cosplay girl.

At this time, Jiang Yexuan was still wearing his cosplay costume of Yan Ling Ji.

"Husband, sisters, help me." Zhong Chuqiao summoned, "We will send Sister Xuanxuan to the hospital."

Gong Ming nodded, he walked over and stretched out his right hand, motioning for Jiang Yexuan to pull him, and he pulled Jiang Yexuan up.

"Oh, husband, be a little gentleman, Xuanxuan's calf ligament is strained, are you going to let sister Xuanxuan hop around on one foot?" Zhong Chuqiao reminded.

Gong Ming looked at Zhong Chuqiao suspiciously, and then at Zhong Chuxi, what kind of sister is this, what the hell?

Seeing Gong Ming looking over suspiciously, Zhong Chuqiao couldn't help but give Gong Ming a blank look, "You won't hug Sister Xuanxuan!"

"Honey, you have to be gentle with your hands!" Shen Youchu added a reminder.

Gong Ming frowned slightly, but still nodded. He said and glanced at Jiang Yexuan, "Okay, you know, although they are all national treasures, I don't like red pandas."

Shen Youchu was a little puzzled when she heard it, she was thinking silently.

Zhong Chuxi and Jiang Yexuan rolled their eyes at Gong Ming again, this guy is really not serious!
Gong Ming squatted obediently. His left hand passed through Jiang Yexuan's knees, and his right hand passed under his armpit. Jiang Yexuan wrapped her arms around Gong Ming's neck very sensiblely.

Gong Ming directly picked up Jiang Yexuan from the ground, his hands are very regular!

Zhong Chuqiao glanced at it, and then responded, "Mother Xuanxuan, are all your things in the locker?"

"Well, a coat, long johns, a pair of sneakers, and a pair of jeans." Jiang Yexuan explained.

Shen Youchu said, "Do you want to put on your coat?"

"Have you guys come here by car?" Jiang Yexuan looked at Gong Ming and asked.

Seeing this scene, Shen Youchu frowned slightly. At this moment, she seemed to understand why she was injured, and instead of calling an ambulance, she called Xiao Qiao.

"Well, the ones in the open-air parking lot will take several minutes to walk there." Zhong Chuqiao said.

"It's okay, I can hold on for a while." Jiang Yexuan had her own thoughts in her heart.

Gong Ming complained secretly in his heart, everything was exactly as he thought!
"Husband, hurry up later." Xiao Qiao reminded from the side.

Gong Ming nodded, "Yes!"

Zhong Chuqiao opened the door for Gong Ming, Gong Ming walked in front, he walked very fast, Zhong Chuqiao needed to trot to follow behind.

"Do you understand?" Shen Youchu asked Zhong Chuxi who came together.

"Well, with impure thoughts, it seems that he is a strong enemy again," Zhong Chuxi said.

"Let's take one step at a time. There's nothing wrong with having one more sister. After all, you can bear the damage?" Shen Youchu looked at Zhong Chuxi.

When Zhong Chuxi thought of a giant, he had to know that he was ambushing on all sides, and in the end all the ambush circles were overthrown.

Zhong Chuxi thought of this and shook her head. After all, these injuries are real physical injuries. As for the magic damage, it has not yet come.

When Princess Gongming carried Jiang Yexuan to the parking lot, he found that his perception of the princess's hug seemed to be wrong?

Because his princess is holding Jiang Yexuan, and Jiang Yexuan's hands are around his neck, so Jiang Yexuan's center of gravity is facing inward.

At this time, the center of gravity of Jiang Yexuan in her arms is inward, which means that Jiang Yexuan's body is tilted inward. During the process of walking, shaking will inevitably occur, and then he clearly felt the impact brought by the pair of 40f True magic damage, but is this actually more impactful?

Gong Ming checked Jiang Yexuan's attributes again, with a body score of 97!
Although he felt Jiang Yexuan's real situation, Gong Ming pretended nothing happened, and he still walked quickly to the parking lot.

What was supposed to be a 5-minute journey took less than 3 minutes.

Zhong Chuqiao followed a few steps behind, she came over and opened the rear door, Gong Ming put Jiang Yexuan in the back seat, and Zhong Chuqiao followed in the back seat.

After a while, Shen Youchu and Zhong Chuxi also left, come here
Gong Ming went around to the driver's seat and drove, he asked, "Which hospital are we going to?"

"The nearest No.1 civilian hospital is fine," Jiang Yexuan responded.

After Gong Ming set up the navigation, he drove to the No.1 civilian hospital.

The hospital is less than ten kilometers away from the Shanghai World Expo Museum, and the off-duty nightlife has just begun to peak.

Gong Ming drove directly to the No.1 People's Hospital. He parked the car in the open-air parking lot, then picked up Jiang Yexuan again, and walked towards the outpatient department of the hospital.

In the outpatient clinic, Gong Ming put Jiang Yexuan on the rest chair, and the three daughters of Shen Youchu looked playful, and Gong Ming started to register.

"Sister Xuanxuan, is our uncle honest?" Zhong Chuxi asked.

Jiang Yexuan responded affirmatively, "Well, very honest. By the way, what did you guys say before?"

Zhong Chuxi blushed, and she did not respond to this question.

"What's the matter with you, you know you have an old injury, why did you get injured again?" Zhong Chuxi asked back.

Jiang Yexuan sighed, "Hey! Mr. He, recently helped me compete for a role. If I succeed, I might be on the big stage, but in the current situation, there should be no chance!"

Zhong Chuqiao comforted, "If you don't have a chance, you won't have a chance. Your body comes first. In fact, you don't have to work so hard."

Jiang Yexuan gave Zhong Chuqiao a white look, you girl really knows the fullness of a full man, but doesn't know the hunger of a hungry man.

reception area.

Gong Ming described Jiang Yexuan's ligament strain.

After listening to the nurse, the nurse responded, "In this case, you can register for an orthopedic account. The general account is 20 yuan, the chief physician is 50 yuan, and the expert account is [-] yuan. Which one do you think?"

Gong Ming seemed to ask, "Which doctor number is better?"

The nurse listened to Gong Ming's response, and she couldn't help but smile, "Expert number. Our orthopedic specialist, Professor Fang, is a well-known sports medicine expert in China and once served as a medical consultant for the national badminton team."

"Okay! Then register as an expert." Gong Ming replied.

After paying the fee and registering, Gong Ming returned to Shen Youchu's third daughter and Jiang Yexuan with the registration form.

Gong Ming picked up Jiang Yexuan again. The orthopedic medicine department is on the seventh floor. The five people took the elevator to the seventh floor. Jiang Yexuan guided the direction and came to the corridor outside the director's medical department. They sat on the waiting chairs and waited.

— After a quarter of an hour, it was their turn to register, and Gong Ming carried Jiang Yexuan into the consultation room again.

In the consultation room, Gong Ming put Jiang Yexuan on the hospital bed.

Professor Fang looked to be in her 60s. Gong Ming didn't expect that she would recognize Jiang Yexuan. After all, even a woman would have a deep memory of a beauty like Jiang Yexuan.

"It's you again, what happened this time, is it a ligament strain?" Professor Fang asked.

Jiang Yexuan responded affirmatively, "Yes. During the performance today, I accidentally moved too much and strained the previous leg ligament. Professor Qu, do you think the situation is serious?"

Professor Fang checked immediately, and after a while, she sighed, "In my preliminary judgment, the situation is a bit serious. I told you last time that your ligament strain has not fully recovered, so don't do high-intensity exercises."

Jiang Yexuan responded helplessly, "I've been fighting for an opportunity recently, there's nothing I can do about it."

"So that's the problem now?" Professor Fang sighed, "You young people, you just don't know how to cherish your body.Well, I will arrange a recovery course for you. In fact, the most important thing is to rest, especially not to use force on your feet. "

After speaking, he turned his gaze to Gong Ming, who still wanted to sit aside, and then said with a smile, "Young man, this girl needs to rest physically, at least she can't perform or engage in strenuous activities for two months."

(End of this chapter)

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