Chapter 300 Earned 1000 Two Million Overnight
Chapter 400 Earned [-] million overnight
Seeing the PK victory, Kaka was unforgiving, and said directly to Seventh Brother Zhang: "Brother Seven, since it is PK, there must be punishment, so I won't make things difficult for you, and make 50 frogs with your masturbation cup." Just jump!"

After Kaka finished speaking, all the audience in the live broadcast room were happy, this is a proper gift!

"Miss Kaka, wait for a while for the punishment, I'll go to the bathroom to get something!"

"Fuck, upstairs, what do you want to do, you actually go to the bathroom at this time, luckily there is one next to my computer desk!"

"My Nutrition Express can't keep up!"


Gong Ming didn't expect that this Kaka was actually a little witch, and he could think of such a way to give benefits.

But it doesn't matter, Brother Zhang Qi is already used to it!
Brother Zhang Qi walked down from the computer desk, pointed the camera at his room, and then took out an oval-shaped masturbation cup, one in each hand, and quickly jumped into a frog squat.

Just after finishing 50 leapfrogs, the pk interface was closed directly.

Seeing Zhang Qige closing the live broadcast room, Kaka also said something to the audience in the live broadcast room, and also exited the live broadcast room.

Looking at the anchor broadcasting at the speed of light, the second audience in the live broadcast room felt lost in their hearts.

Of course, there are also those who have a good attitude, bring themselves into the identity of Gong Ming, and then happily hold the anchor in their dreams.

"Dad, why do you have time to come to me again today?" Kaka just finished streaming, and she hung on Gong Ming's body like a koala.

Gong Ming felt it with his hands slightly, and after not seeing this pair of giant pandas for a month, they got fat again!
"Father, tomorrow is the competition for the Three Kings and Four Empresses on the Dou Sha platform, I want to earn some money!" Kaka said as she wrapped herself in Gong Ming's arms.

Gong Ming didn't expect that, as the end of the year was approaching, the Dousha platform would come up with this method of plucking wool in order to stand out among the three major platforms.

"Okay, is there any difference between the three emperors and four queens?" Gong Ming asked, after all he didn't know much about these activities.

"Well, I want to compete for the queen of the game area, Dad, you will definitely support me!" While speaking, Kaka stuck out her tongue and licked Gong Ming's chin.

Gong Ming's head was slightly lowered, and he caught the naughty red lips in one go.

An hour later, a system notification sounded in Gong Ming's mind.

[Congratulations to the host, have you completed the mission once? Do you want to receive a reward after completing the mission of the demon-killing stick technique? 】

Gong Ming suddenly understood that this task was not a one-off, looking at Kaka who was already exhausted and with weak hands.

Gong Ming took out a bottle of Red Bull functional vitamin drink from the refrigerator, and then put a slice of ginseng and two goji berries into the teacup, and poured the Red Bull directly into it.

"Baby, get up and drink some water!" Gong Ming brought the Red Bull closer to Kaka's mouth, looked at Kaka's delicate red lips, and drank the whole glass of Red Bull.

Only then did Gong Ming show a satisfied smile. Now that he had supplemented his nutrition and physical strength, Gong Ming once again used his full strength to cast the demon-killing stick technique.

Overnight, the battlefield spread all over Yipin Tomson's Daping floor.

Gong Ming didn't expect that this method of supplementing nutrition that he saw in a certain forum in his previous life was really effective.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the task: Subduing demons and eliminating demons with stick method X7, whether to complete the task settlement! 】

[This reward host shark fin: 1400 million. 】

[Special reminder: The shark fin recharge funds this time come from Tianming Investment Company, which is obtained from the Bitcoin market by Tianming Investment Company. 】

"Are you still broadcasting live today?" Gong Ming was messing with Kaka who was lazily lying in his arms.

The current Kaka seems to be a kitten that has found its owner, enduring Gong Ming's pregnancy, trying to remember its owner's breath.

"Dad, Kaka only played the game tonight, but dad is Kaka's all day today!" Kaka raised his head, staring at Gong Ming pitifully with his beautiful eyes.

Gong Ming nodded, agreeing to the other party's request.

"Yesterday, Kaka received her salary. Today I'm going to buy a car, and then take Dad to dinner! Dad wants to buy me nice clothes and beautiful bags!" Kaka counted her fingers one by one and made plans.

Gong Ming asked suspiciously, you are paid, why don't you buy your own clothes?If you buy a bag yourself, let me do it!
"Dad is so stupid. Kaka's salary is so little. He bought a scooter and treats dad to dinner. Where does Kaka have money?" Kaka looked at Gong Ming innocently.

For this ever-changing witch, Gong Ming couldn't put it down more and more, because Kaka can do it, don't fight, grab, make trouble, or cry. A woman has done this for you, just wanting you to accompany her for a simple stroll How about a street?

After the two of them got dressed and took a simple wash, Kaka put on a beautiful light makeup, then chose a Louis Vuitton handbag from her bag cabinet, and naturally carried Gong Ming's arm down building.

Gong Ming used the remote control to wake up the Ferrari 458, but Gong Ming frowned slightly when he got into the car, because the car hadn't been driven for a long time, and he drove it out by himself yesterday and forgot to refuel.

Now that the warning light of the fuel tank was on, Gong Ming shook his head, started the car directly, and then left.

There is a large gas station near Yipin Tomson. After Gong Ming came to the gas station, he used the Knight Card to get a [-]% discount on refueling!
When Gong Ming took out this black and gold knight card, the cheer girl was stunned. It was the first time she saw someone driving a Ferrari and using the knight card for so many years in the wealthy area of ​​the magic city.

There is no other way, come on, little girl, so I had to tell Gong Ming very kindly that this gas station prohibits the use of the privileges of the knight card. If you want to use the privileges of the knight card, you need to go to the designated gas station to use it.

As for the designated gas station, the designated gas station in the city of Minhang!

There was no other way, Gong Ming could only choose the payment method again, took out his mobile phone, and clicked on the WeChat wallet.

Looking at the eight-figure balance of the change in the wallet, 700 yuan was deducted after a beep, and the change in my wallet became seven figures. Sure enough, the small money will leave me.

With great grief, Gong Ming recharged another [-] to the WeChat wallet, and the change returned to eight figures.

Looking at the eight-digit change, Gong Ming felt at ease at this moment.

For Gong Ming who did this, Kakabiao fell in love with him, and it turned out that his father could be so real.

"What car do you want to buy?" Gong Ming drove a Ferrari 458 to the largest 4s sales center in Shanghai.

"My salary for the past few months, plus the rewards you gave me, this time I have received a total of 27 yuan, which happens to be the down payment for a BMW 325, so I also own a BMW!" Kaka looked proud Speaking of.

When Gong Ming heard Kaka's words, the steering wheel in his hand shook and almost missed the green belt on the roadside.

I'm lost, I'm a majestic man, I brought a girl to buy a car, and I can only buy a BMW [-]-series. The key point is that you are still the richest man. Why do I want to lose face?
Gong Ming sensed the malice of the society, glanced at Kaka and said coldly, "I'll give you a chance to reorganize the language, tell me, what kind of car do you want to buy?"

Kaka was taken aback for a moment, thinking that Gong Ming didn't like BMW, and his heart was pounding. After thinking for a while, he said with a wince, "Why don't I buy a Mercedes-Benz A200!"

Gong Ming looked at Kaka's expression like a frightened little rabbit, and finally couldn't help but put on the brakes and stopped at the Guangben 4S shop.

Kaka looked at the Guangben 4S store in front of him, thinking that Gong Ming wanted to choose a car here, so he took off his seat belt, and said weakly: "Actually, the cars in the Neon Country are not unacceptable, but they are too thin. Thin, easy to kill!"

After saying this, he started to open the door, but found that the door was still locked.

"Is your pursuit so high? You can't talk about better cars!" Gong Ming patted his head weakly. For Kaka, a small anchor, Gong Ming really didn't know what to say.

The Ferrari 458 was restarted, and this time it came to Porsche's 4S shop.

I originally wanted to buy a Maserati, but looking at the car logo shape of the dung fork, I thought about it or forget it.

"Get out of the car!" Gong Ming unfastened his seat belt and got off the Ferrari 458.

Kaka covered her mouth in disbelief, she just wanted to buy a car, it was just a means of transportation, and now her father, the money owner, brought him directly to the Porsche.

Kaka is afraid that he will not be able to repay the car loan in the future. After all, the cheapest Porsche 718 will cost close to one million after the option, and he will earn more than 20. Return to 100 million.

Kaka really doesn't want to become a car slave, after all, her beautiful life has just begun.

"Welcome to Porsche!" Kaka didn't even know how he entered the Porsche 4s store?

She followed Gong Ming in a daze. Gong Ming asked her to take whatever she wanted, and then asked her to sign whatever she wanted.

In this way, Kaka bought the first car in his life, a Porsche 718, and the final optional price was 110 million.

Kaka took the car purchase contract and made an appointment to pick up the car in three days. After being greeted by the Porsche sales lady, she got into the passenger cab of Gong Ming's Ferrari 458 and left.

During the whole process of buying a car, Kaka was in a state of mind wandering, but he saw the car purchase contract in his hand and his signature.

Kaka yelled happily, and kissed Gong Ming directly on the face.

Gong Ming was taken aback by Kaka's nervous expression. Fortunately, his speed was slow, otherwise he would have hit the car in front.

"Dad, I love you!" Kaka compared her hands in various ways, because it was in the convertible mode, and the drivers of the surrounding vehicles saw it and smiled knowingly.

"Tell me! Treat me to lunch, what will you eat? If the food is not good, I'll eat you directly!" Gong Ming asked, changing the subject.

Well, when it comes to eating, the soul of the cook in Kaka's body awakens instantly, takes out his fruit phone, and clicks on the map.

"Dad, let's go here for a buffet!" Kaka temporarily gave Gong Ming the location on the phone.

Gong Ming took a look.Unexpectedly, Kaka actually ordered a buffet, as for the Kerry Hotel in Pudong.

Gong Ming was a little speechless. He didn't expect to be a little wolf dog for a rare time, and he had to go to the buffet. He kept calling his father, but he wanted to use the buffet to send himself away.

I don't know what to think, but Kaka started a live broadcast while eating the buffet. Of course, the live broadcast cannot be separated from the purchase contract of the Porsche 718 in her hand.

With this contract, I don't know how many female anchors are currently live broadcasting online, everyone is sighing loudly, why is it that Gong Ming, the father of the gold master, is not his own.

If I also have such a benefactor father, what will my father say?
Just as Kaka was leaving to pick up food, Gong Ming seemed to have thought of something, took Kaka's phone over, and started the live broadcast by himself.

"Is anyone there?" Gong Ming asked casually.

He didn't know the show operation of the Dousha platform, because of the existence of his father, Kaka's live broadcast room was included in the homepage as soon as it was broadcast, but after a while, there were nearly a thousand people in the live broadcast room.

'Someone! '

"Master Gong, please order!" '

'Sit and wait for the boss to arrange! '

'Boss, is this going to be the live broadcast debut? ? '

"Are there so many people?" Gong Ming said teasingly, "You people, you are watching the live broadcast, why are you waiting for me as a man?"

"Look at the dancing lady, isn't it good? Otherwise, the lady can also sing, why wait for me?" Gong Ming continued to hesitate.

The live broadcast room was full of barrage, and the number of VIP seats had exceeded [-], and it was still increasing rapidly.


'Do you listen to what people say? '
'It is impossible for a righteous person like me to watch the live broadcast of the dog woman! '

'Boss, our goal is very simple, there are only two words, everyone swipes the screen! '

"Waiting for a gift"

"Waiting for a gift"


"Okay, okay, don't be shy, let me talk about some things, if you don't have online help, let's spread the word!" Gong Ming said in the live broadcast room.

Hearing that the boss was about to speak, all the bullet screens in the live broadcast room disappeared immediately.

Tonight is not the selection of the three kings and four queens of the fighting shark platform. Our little Kaka wants to compete. In order to meet her request, the PK said today that as long as everyone swipes the card, the PK victory will be drawn.

As for the prizes, the latest fruit phone, each round of PK has 20 places.

Of course, in the last round, there will be an ultimate prize, but what is this ultimate prize, I will leave a little suspense!

After Gong Ming finished speaking, the live broadcast room was full of excitement for a while. The live broadcast lottery draw, or as long as the PK round is over, the draw is once. Is this Shenhao's handwriting?
All of a sudden, this news spread rapidly throughout the Dou Sha platform. Of course, Gong Ming had a plan of his own.

Aren’t you playing Shark Fighting Platform with three kings and four queens?

Then I will use your opportunity this time to drain traffic for my own Douyin.

Gong Ming secretly praised his good idea. At this time, Kaka slowly approached the position with two plates of things.

(End of this chapter)

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