Chapter 301
Chapter [-]: Great Feedback from the Family
Gong Ming was a little dumbfounded, it was the first time she saw a girl who could eat so much food.

There were two big plates full of beef, and Gong Ming paid a silent tribute to the boss.

Could it be?Is this another cook?

To Gong Ming's astonishment, Kaka ordered two large plates of beef, and put them all into his stomach.

Originally, Gong Ming thought that this was over, how could he know that this was just the beginning.

Because the buffet has a steam pot, Kaka took two pots full of seafood and put them in the steam pot. Both pots were full of Malay tiger prawns.

These live and throbbing prawns were put into the steam pot, and Kaka chose to turn on the steam.

Gong Ming got up, took some food, and ordered two steaks by the way. When he came back, he found that the tiger prawns that were supposed to stay in the steam pot had all shed their shells.

Kaka, put the white and tender shrimp meat with his secret sauce into his mouth.

The delicious feeling hit the taste buds, and Kaka's eyes narrowed unexpectedly.

Finally, the prawns were finished, and Gong Ming put one of the steaks in his hand in front of her.

Kaka used a table knife to quickly divide the steak. When Gong Ming was halfway through eating, Kaka was already holding her basket to look for the next wave of seafood.

At 1:40, just as the restaurant was closing, Kaka was kicked out by the restaurant waiter. Looking at the more than 20 half-price coupons in her hand, Kaka looked beautiful.

"Dad, look, the benefits of PK are available tonight!" As he spoke, he shook the half-clip coupon in his hand.

Gong Ming didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but looking at Kaka's still flat belly, Gong Ming had some doubts, where did all the food go?

"Father, what are you looking at?" Kaka looked at Gong Ming and asked suspiciously.

"I'm watching, how did so much food get in?" While speaking, he tentatively probed Kaka's lower abdomen with his right hand.

Well, the watermelon is ripe!

"I hate it. Dad has the kind of body that doesn't get fat. No matter how much he eats, he won't gain weight. He is also very troubled!" Kaka said shyly.

"Do you listen to what people say"

At this moment, Gong Ming really wanted to replace thousands of women and beat her to death, but after thinking about it, forget it, after all, the energy of matter is conserved.

Since the energy of these foods is not transferred in the abdomen, the ultimate goal of these energy transfers...

Gong Ming took a look at the 38f giant panda. Sure enough, despite eating a lot, the fat energy did not run around.

"Dad, I feel like I've grown up recently, let's go shopping for clothes!" Kaka buried Gong Ming's arm deeply in her giant panda.

Gong Ming smiled slightly, shopping for clothes?I like it the most.

But when it was time to buy clothes, Gong Ming was shocked again. Everyone has their favorite places to go when shopping for clothes.

Gong Ming's favorite places to go are IFC Center and Plaza [-] on Nanjing Road.

But Kaka actually brought him to a different place.

Qipu Road in Shanghai is also the largest clothing wholesale market in Shanghai!

Kaka seemed to be very familiar with the road, and Gong Ming was shocked by the way he bargained. This time, Gong Ming started to look at Kaka squarely. This is really a treasure girl.

Gong Ming found out that this Kaka looked exactly like a live broadcaster a few years later.

Gong Ming, you look at the crowd on Qipu Road. At this moment, he feels the smoke and fire of life.

Looking at those men and women who left with big bags and small bags, Gong Ming suddenly understood that since he was born, he had to work hard to live.

Gong Ming started the Ferrari 458 and arrived at Plaza [-] on Nanjing Road.

Gong Ming looked at the balance in WeChat, and found that there was a loss of more than 20, so he was satisfied and ready to go home.

Just after arriving home, Gong Ming's mobile phone received a WeChat message, and his prestige came from his group of children.

The content of this wechat is the last round of PK prizes tonight.

Time passed minute by minute, and with a ding-dong sound, the doorbell of Yipin Tomson's house was rang.

Kaka, wearing home clothes, happily came to the door, looked through the cat's eyes, and found that there was a beautiful young lady standing outside the door.

Kaka was slightly puzzled, and after asking the other party's identity, opened the door.

"Who is it!" Gong Ming's voice came out from behind the sofa.

"Boss, we are here!" the girl said respectfully.

"Well, since you're here, put the things in the live broadcast room. By the way, find a table and pile up all those things, at least for the audience in the live broadcast room to see?" Gong Ming directly ordered.

"Okay, boss." After the woman finished speaking, with a wave of her hand, four burly men in suits carried two boxes and entered the live broadcast room dedicated to Kaka.

"Father, who are they? And what's in the box?" Kaka hung on Gong Ming's body like a koala.

"Inside that box! It's the props for your live broadcast tonight, and it's also the foundation for you to become an empress!" Gong Ming said mysteriously.

Because from the time he came back today, Kaka's live broadcast room, Gong Ming, has sealed it off and won't let him in at all!
Now that Dad has already made arrangements, Kaka is happily waiting for the PK, and then he will be the queen of the fighting shark platform game area.

"Boss, everything is ready!" After 15 minutes, the woman walked out of Kaka's live broadcast room with four burly men.

"Okay, you guys go back first, if you have any other requests, I will call you again!" After Gong Ming finished speaking, the woman left the room with the four big men.

There is still an hour and a half before the broadcast, and Kaka is so nervous that she is wearing a very old-fashioned dress today, so that she can be crowned emperor today.

"Dad, love me!" Kaka was really nervous, and the only way to relieve the tension now was to be beaten up severely by the magic stick method.

An hour later, Gong Ming was satisfied. With this set of demon-killing stick techniques, Gong Ming was happy physically and mentally.

At this time, Kaka was lying on the sofa exhausted. Just now, she suddenly understood, how did the great virtuous monks in ancient times subdue demons and demons?
After Gong Ming got dressed, Kaka struggled to get up from the sofa, then put his arms around Gong Ming's neck, and asked, "Dad, what are those good things?" Kaka was only completely affected by curiosity.

Just when Gong Ming was about to speak, the system prompt sounded in his mind.

[Congratulations to the host, with justice in his heart, helping the righteous way, and completing a mission of subjugating demons and eliminating demons. 】

[The task reward of 200 million fighting shark fins has been distributed, please check the host in time! 】

[Special reminder: The shark fin recharge funds this time come from Tianming Investment Company, which is obtained from the Bitcoin market by Tianming Investment Company. 】

Gong Ming suddenly understood why Confucius was so kind during the Warring States period?

Because if you do good deeds, there will be good rewards!

Kaka saw that Gong Ming didn't respond, but the beast that had been hiding in his body began to wake up.

Kakafei also seemed to come down from Gong Ming's neck, jokingly, the beast hadn't woken up for more than an hour before the means to subdue the devil, and the beast would not fall into a deep sleep again.

Kaka returned to her room, changed into a new set of clothes, put her arms around Gong Ming's neck, and was carried to the computer chair in the live broadcast room.

It was only at this time that Kaka saw that he was live broadcasting the room differently.

There is an extra table in the room, on which there are a large number of unopened fruit phones and fruit tablets.

"Father, are these the prizes you prepared today?" Kaka asked incredulously.

You must know that the price of this pile of things has already exceeded tens of millions.
"How about it? How about these things as a gift for you to become the empress?" Gong Ming said with a smile.

"Dad, I love you!" Kaka jumped up happily, hanging in Gong Ming's arms.

Kaka didn't expect at all that the game hadn't started yet, and Gong Ming had already prepared for herself as the queen's Qing palace item.

It's actually a fruit phone and tablet with a price of nearly [-] yuan?

After hearing Gong Ming's introduction, Kaka became even more uneasy, because if these things were placed with other anchors, they would be the finale.

Now with the help of my father, these fruit phones and tablets are just benefits for the lucky draw after I have passed the PK theory.

Time passed like this, Kaka started the live broadcast, and Gong Ming was sitting on the computer opposite.

Now that he has decided to make Kaka the queen of the game area, how can he have so few super rocket assists.

The Kaka live broadcast had just started, and nearly ten thousand people flooded into the room in an instant.

When someone sees a large number of fruit phones and tablets piled aside, the barrage will appear on the public screen.

"Fuck, Kaka, are you going to bleed a lot today?"

[Kaka, is it because the patron's father left you that you don't want to live a good life anymore! 】

[Kaka, I came to the live broadcast room to buy goods? 】

... Countless bullet screens were posted, instantly igniting the heat of the live broadcast room.

Looking at the total audience in the live broadcast room, Kaka was also very happy.

At this time, a book placed on Kaka's table entered the live broadcast room and was seen by the audience.

【How to please the patron's father? 】

Someone deducted the title of this book out of fairness. At first, Kaka didn't know what happened, but after seeing the bullet screen on the public screen, her whole face turned red.

He hastily put the book on the table into his drawer.

At this moment, a CG animation appeared in Kaka's live broadcast room.

[The most honorable super emperor's private inscription entered Kaka's live broadcast room]

[Congratulations, the most honorable Super Emperor's Palace Private Inscription has been renewed in Kaka's live broadcast room]

[Congratulations, the most honorable Super Emperor's Palace Private Inscription has been renewed in Kaka's live broadcast room]

[Congratulations, the most honorable Super Emperor's Palace Private Inscription has been renewed in Kaka's live broadcast room]

Appeared 12 times in a row, the super emperor's renewal message immediately exploded the entire platform.

You must know that every time you renew the super emperor, it is the privilege of the super emperor, and the information about the renewal of the super emperor is announced by the whole server.

At this moment, Gong Ming suddenly discovered that there was actually a super tube hidden in the live broadcast room.

We must know that super tubes are generally only those large-scale anchors who can own them. Could it be said that Kaka has become a big anchor?

Kaka: Thank you for your attention. The prizes for this PK event are specially provided by the sponsor’s father. During the conversation, Kaka took out a card and began to read along with the card:
"Today's live broadcast is all about giving back to my family. As long as you want to participate in the lucky draw, family members, everyone can send a gift in the live broadcast room. The price is not too expensive. Just apply for a card. Then Family members can participate in today's lucky draw!"

"In each round of PK, everyone will guess. As long as the guessing is successful, I will randomly draw 20 lucky viewers, and each lucky viewer will give away a fruit phone! In addition, ten lucky viewers will each get a fruit tablet. !"

"There are many things. As long as Kaka can become the queen of the game area today, the sponsor's father said that he will draw another lucky audience. He will be the luckiest one in the audience today. The reward item is unknown!"

After Kaka finished speaking, he said to Chaoguan in the live broadcast room: "Superguan, I shouldn't have violated the live broadcast regulations, right?"

"No, Kaka, our super tube is only used to maintain order in the live broadcast room, so don't talk to us about other things," the super tube in the live broadcast room typed on the public screen.

The PK battle started, and a female anchor randomly came to Kaka's live broadcast room. As soon as she came in, she found a strange live broadcast on the opposite side, and then found her barrage erupting, and then she knew the answer.

"Shivering!" The female anchor first pretended to be pitiful, "Hello, Chaohuang, I am Ruoling from the Tianxia Guild!"

"Okay, anyway, you know me, so I won't introduce myself, let's just start, I'm going to start a lottery draw, I'll turn off the microphone first, please forgive me." After Gong Ming finished speaking, he turned off the microphone on the opposite side, and then Opened the draw.

"The lottery draw has begun, and the winner depends on the sky." Gong Ming poured out a wave of poisonous chicken soup.

Whether you win or not depends on God's will!

Kaka reminded from the side, "Dad, check how many gifts we have received and see how much we will lose in the end."

"There are more than 20 people in the VIP seats. If one person gives a gift of [-] yuan..." Gong Ming paused for a while, "Huh, it seems that we are still going to lose money?"

"Of course it will lose money!" Kaka responded, "The platform has to take most of it, as well as personal income tax, and finally the profit. "

Kaka continued, "It seems that there are more than 20 people in the VIP seats, but more than 90.00% of them are free prostitutes to watch the fun." The barrage suddenly boiled.

'Wow!Who is this looking down upon? '

'Anyway, I invested 6 yuan and bought a ticket for my dream. What if I win? '
'$6 seconded! '
'I also invested 6 yuan and waited for the return of the fruit phone! '

(End of this chapter)

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