Become a winner in life after college entrance examination

Chapter 312 Little brother, your luck is very bad

Chapter 312 Little brother, your luck is very bad

Chapter 310 Little brother, your luck is very bad
Neon Chinese Cuisine

About 5 minutes after they ordered, the cooking staff came over.

The cooking staff said, "Hello, sir, I will cook for you at this table, do you think we can start cooking now?"

Gong Ming nodded, "No problem!"

After Gong Ming agreed, the culinary staff began to prepare for the cooking. He introduced to Gong Ming, "We first cook the special Wagyu sirloin sukiyaki. The first piece is directly cooked with special sauce, which only takes a few seconds. After a while, it can be processed properly, please mix it with sterile egg liquid and eat it directly.”

Gong Ming nodded.

The cooking staff immediately started cooking. The first round of cooking was special Wagyu sirloin sukiyaki, which was completed in just a few seconds, and then put it in the sterile egg liquid and handed it to Gong Ming, and then continued cooking for the other three Specially selected wagyu beef top brain sukiyaki.

Gong Ming tasted the specially selected wagyu sirloin sukiyaki dipped in egg liquid. The M12 Australian wagyu sirloin almost melted in the mouth, but it was slightly greasy.

If you don't like to eat fatty meat, you should not be able to accept this taste.

It seems that Amy and the others really did their homework!

The on-site cooking of hot pot dishes is only sukiyaki, and other cooking is carried out in the back kitchen, such as grilling jinji fish, which is naturally impossible to cook on site.

Gong Ming finished three slices of premium wagyu sirloin sukiyaki first, and then he ate three slices of premium wagyu top brain sukiyaki. The taste of the top brain was not as greasy as sirloin.

After eating two portions of sukiyaki, Gong Ming ate some cantaloupe to relieve his boredom, and other dishes were served one by one, including the grilled kinky fish that Amy was looking forward to most.

Jinji fish is worthy of being called the neon national fish. Its meat is delicate and full of umami. The key is that it looks greasy, but it doesn't feel greasy.

This is very good!

Everyone was addicted to the delicious food, and there was no situation where the circle of friends ate first.

"Brother-in-law, I still want to eat Jinji fish!" Shangguan Yudie added at the end.

Gong Ming responded, "No problem. How much do you want?"

"Of course there is only one!" Shangguan Yudie complained helplessly with her fingers for a while. They wanted to maintain their figure, and adding a golden auspicious fish was already the biggest compromise.

Gong Ming greeted the service staff and asked him to add 4 golden auspicious fish, which finally raised the food consumption to 17 yuan, which was more than the final consumption of Kiri Sushi.

Grilling the Jinji fish took a bit of time. After nearly half an hour, four Jinji fish came to the table. Gong Ming finished one fish in two bites. He was [-]% full now, but he had no intention of eating any more.

Eight percent full is a very good state. Although there is a cashback card for food enjoyment, there is no need to force yourself to eat more.

Gourmet enjoyment cashback card, you need both gourmet food and enjoyment!
Is eating too much enjoyment?
That is to suffer!

For example, if you eat a buffet, there is really no need to think about getting back your money.

Eating is a happy thing, and there is no need to worry too much about the cost. As long as the economic conditions allow, then concentrate on enjoying the joy of eating.

The three girls ate a little slower, and it took nearly a quarter of an hour before they finished eating the golden auspicious fish.

Shangguan Yudie patted her stomach in satisfaction, and said contentedly, "It's so full, so comfortable!"

Why does it sound a bit problematic?

Shangguan Yurong seconded, "As expected of Jinji fish, this taste is really good."

Amy said distressedly, "I'm miserable! After this meal, I will have to do two hours of aerobics to burn off these calories."

Shangguan Yudie answered, "Sister Amy, I will dance with you!"

dance together?

Could it be that Shangguan Yudie can also be a horse?

Shangguan Yurong snorted, "I don't care anymore, I won't get fat anyway!"

Hearing Shangguan Yurong's words, Amy and Shangguan Yudie couldn't help but pull her to the table and kicked hard.

It's a good sentence to eat and not get fat. Once this sentence comes out, I have no friends anymore.

Half an hour later, everyone was satisfied, and Gong Ming got up to pay the bill.

Four people spent 18575 yuan on dishes and 12 yuan for service fees, without any discounts. The total consumption was 18587 yuan.

Gong Ming paid by swiping his card directly.

'Gourmet enjoyment cashback card successfully used! '

'Random cashback factor for this gourmet meal: 99,

'Satisfaction coefficient of this food enjoyment: 3.0'
'The final cashback limit for this gourmet meal: 5520339 yuan. '
'The funds for this cashback reward are obtained from the U.S. stock market by the host's private investment account in Tianming Investment Company, and will be completed on the latest U.S. stock trading day, and the corresponding funds can be freely operated on the next day. '

'The funds for this cashback reward, no matter the method of profit or the method of profit operation, are reasonable, reasonable and legal, and all operations are well documented. Please rest assured to use the corresponding reward funds. '

This time, the total amount of cashback for food enjoyment is very auspicious. The combination of 520, after this amount of money arrives, will make Gong Ming's WeChat balance soar to a height of 800 million.

That's why Gong Ming never worried about the 'pocket money' in the balance of WeChat. Anyway, with a wave of various rewards, he can earn several million rhythms. No matter how much pocket money is, is it enough?

After paying the bill, Gong Ming greeted, "Beauties, shall we go?"

Shangguan Yudie took the initiative and said, "We are so full, brother-in-law, let's find a place to hang out?"

Gong Ming asked back, "Where do you want to visit?"

Shangguan Yudie shook her head, "I don't know."

"SKP or Yintai?" Gong Ming asked.

Whether it is SKP or Intime, they are the top shopping malls in the imperial capital, bringing together various top luxury brands in the world.

Amy walked up and said, "There's nothing we want to buy, so let's take a walk."

"Otherwise, let's take a stroll around this commercial center, it looks quite interesting." Gong Ming suggested.

Amy directly refused, "No, there is nothing to shop in this commercial center, it's better to go home and watch TV."

There is nothing wrong with this logic!

Shangguan Yudie interjected, "Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, have you ever been to Pan Garden?"

"Antique market?" Gong Ming asked back.

Shangguan Yudie hummed, "That's called a flea market! Antiques? It's all a lie!"

Amy seconded, "I went there when I was a child. At that time, I often heard that people suddenly became rich in Panyuan. Now Panyuan has been converted into a flea market."

Shangguan Yudie responded, "Brother-in-law, you see I have been in the Imperial Capital for so long, and I haven't been there, why don't we go for a walk?"

"Okay!" Gong Ming replied.

He silently communicated with the system in his heart, asking if the system could load him with a 'profit rate system', even temporarily, and he was going to pick up the leak.

However, the system is completely silent!
The commercial center is in the North District, and Pan Yuan is in the southeast district. Gong Ming Shangguan Yudie drives a Porsche 911, and Amy and Shangguan Yurong drive a Mercedes Benz McLaren behind him.

Around eight o'clock in the evening, the four of them arrived at Panyuan
Amy introduced to Gong Ming: In the past, Panyuan closed at six o'clock, but now Panyuan has opened a night market, which is a bit like the ghost market in the past.

I heard from my dad that there are always some strange products in the night market in Panyuan.

"Strange product?" Gong Ming was puzzled.

Amy lowered her voice, "It's all kinds of fakes!"

"The light at night is not good, and there are more scams and abductions. Let's take a look later. Don't ask the price, and don't buy it. Naturally, you won't be fooled." Amy explained.

The Pan Garden in 6102 has been completely formalized and is no longer as complicated as it was two or thirty years ago.

In Pan Yuanzhong, Shangguan Yudie volunteered to lead the way, Gong Ming led Amy and Shangguan Yurong, and the three of them followed behind Shangguan Yudie.

As Amy said, Pan Yuan in the night market really has all kinds of things.

Gong Ming even saw a middle-aged man concentrate on telling a story, saying that the toilet bucket sold at his stall was used by Lafayette.

This toilet is a toilet, has anyone used it before and got any special bonuses?

Gong Ming said that everyone is stupid!Also. In Pan Yuanzhong, Anliang and the others are really in the rhythm of shopping. They only look at it, and don't ask or buy it.

"Brother-in-law, there seems to be some excitement over there!" Shangguan Yudie greeted.

Gong Ming looked over and found a lot of people gathered at the entrance of a shop. They walked over and took a look, only to find that it was a stone gambling scene.

"It's actually a stone bet!" Shangguan Yudie was surprised.

— A young man was performing a stone analysis in public. With the emery wheel, he cut the rough jadeite, but there was nothing inside, and the surrounding crowd burst into laughter.

From the discussions among the people who eat melons around, An Liang heard a general idea. This young man has opened seven rough jadeites and invested close to 300 million yuan, but he has not produced any jadeite, not even the worst quality jadeite.

It seems that this young man's luck is a bit bad?
Shangguan Yudie obviously heard the gossip, she said beside Gong Ming, "Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, your luck is so good, do you want to try?"

Gong Ming is not interested in betting on stones!
But seeing that the three girls were all interested, he nodded and said, "Okay, I'll open one."

When he was in Neon Cuisine just now, the random cashback factor of food enjoyment was 99 times, which means good luck, right?

"Hey, buddy!" Gong Ming walked to the shop and greeted the young man.

The other party looked at Gong Ming and asked doubtfully, "Is there something wrong, buddy?"

"I see that buddy has opened several yuan, why don't you take a break and I'll open two yuan?" Gong Ming explained.

The young man nodded, "Okay, buddy, thank you for changing your luck, I will pay for the late night supper later."

This young man is interesting!
Even with a loss of seven yuan in a row, is his mentality so stable?

"You're welcome!" Gong Ming replied, "By the way, buddy, my name is Gong Ming from the palace, the engraved inscription."

"Haha, what a good name buddy!" The young man responded, "My name is Liu Xingbang, Wendao Liu, Xingbang from Xingguo Anbang."

"My buddy's name is also good!" Gong Ming responded.

"Brother, you have to choose carefully. The stones in Tongbaozhai are outrageous. I opened seven pieces, all of which are broken stones." Liu Xingbang complained.

Gong Ming nodded, "I'll try."

When Gong Ming was selecting rough jadeite, the boss of Tongbaozhai introduced himself, "Hello, little brother, I, Zhang Deyi of Tongbaozhai, do you understand the rules of betting on stones?"

Gong Ming shook his head, "I don't know too well, I just think it's fun, and I'm going to buy two yuan to try."

Zhang Deyi rolled his eyeballs, and he said with a smile, "In the stone gambling business, pay attention to both money and goods, buy it and leave it. It's your own luck and misfortune, understand?"

Gong Ming nodded, "Understood!"

"Since the little brother doesn't know how to gamble with stones, and just thinks it's fun, I recommend the little brother to play smaller. The rough stones here are all hundreds to thousands of yuan, suitable for beginners to play casually." Zhang Deyi said aggressively .

How could Gong Ming fail to hear the other party's aggressive intentions?
However, under such circumstances, there is no trigger system?

Shouldn't there be a mission, and then instruct Gong Ming to pick a piece of rough jadeite, and then cut out a piece worth more than [-] million yuan? Pointing, "Where's the rough stone over there?"

"The rough stones over there are expensive, often costing hundreds of thousands, or even millions!" Zhang Deyi responded?
Observing Liu Xingbang from the corner of his eye, he noticed something unusual about Liu Xingbang, because Liu Xingbang didn't seem to care whether he could drive to jadeite or not?Two people play game?

Gong Ming isn't afraid to play tricks!

It just so happened that Gong Ming and the National Security Investigation Bureau became friends, and he was going to test the sincerity of the National Security Investigation Bureau.

If he got scammed here, the National Security Investigations Agency should help out, right?

"Which one is the most expensive rough stone?" Gong Ming asked.

Deyi glanced at the Patek Philippe on Gong Ming's left wrist. An expert like him couldn't miss it. He recognized at a glance that it was a watch king worth 700 million, not a black starry sky worth more than 200 million.

"This piece!" Zhang Deyi pointed to a piece of rough stone the size of a basketball, "This is our treasure, worth two million copies, and it is an old material from a black hole in Myanmar. If the little brother knows how to do it, he will naturally understand it Definitely worth 200 million."

"After all, it may produce a result worth hundreds of millions!" Zhang Deyi tempted Gong Ming.

"No problem, that's it, swipe the card!" Gong Ming directly handed the bank card to Zhang Deyi.

Zhang Deyi secretly sighed in his heart, he deserves to be a rich man wearing a Patek Philippe watch king, 200 million is just a small problem for such a rich man, right?
Liu Xingbang looked at it in surprise, he even wanted to Huai Gongming to wonder if Gong Ming knew him, otherwise he would not understand anything and just buy a rough jadeite worth 200 million yuan?
Are people really stupid and have a lot of money? .
It took less than a minute from Gong Ming's decision to purchase to the completion of swiping the card.

Then it took another 5 minutes to resolve the stone. Just like Liu Xingbang's bad luck, Gong Ming's luck was also bad.

The rough jadeite that cost 5 million to buy 200 minutes ago is now a pile of crushed stones, worthless!
Zhang Deyi said hypocritically, "Little brother, your luck is not very good!"

Gong Ming sneered in his heart, he had already discovered the problem!
However, before Gong Ming lost his temper, Liu Xingbang spoke first, "Boss, I don't think this buddy is unlucky, but your luck is unlucky."

(End of this chapter)

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