Become a winner in life after college entrance examination

Chapter 313 The Neon Country Has Arrived

Chapter 313 The Neon Country Has Arrived
Chapter 310 The Sixth Arrival of the Neon Country

The atmosphere at the scene was awkward for a while, and everyone focused their attention here.

Zhang Deyi frowned, "What do you mean?"

"What do I mean?" Wu Xingbang sneered, "I mean, you have two choices now."

"First, return the consumption of me and this buddy intact, and compensate according to the rule of one fake and three penalties." Wu Xingbang responded.

"Heh! Little bastard blackmailing?" Zhang Deyi sneered, "Do you know where this is?"

Wu Xingbang sneered, "It seems that you have chosen the second path. All right, then follow the second path. You are suspected of consumption fraud, and the amount involved is extremely huge. I have already notified the police department, and you will be honest. Wait!"

"Heh!" Zhang Deyi still sneered, "Is it frightening for you to be a master? Our Panyuan has Panyuan's rules, as I said just now, buy and leave, and be responsible for your own profits and losses."

- Some onlookers expressed solidarity.

"That's right, our Pan Yuan's rules are like this!"

"This young man is really dishonest, wouldn't he admit that he lost money betting on stones?"

"Young man, listen to a piece of advice, this kind of thing is a matter of luck, if you are unlucky, you can't blame anyone!"

Wu Xingbang responded calmly, "Let me remind you in advance that the person who is still speaking for Boss Zhang will be dealt with as an accomplice in the fraud case later. I spent a total of 200 million. This buddy spent 50 million, the total amount of fraud is as high as [-] million, according to the legal standards of Huaguo, the amount of fraud exceeds [-], which falls under the standard of 'a particularly huge amount'."

Wu Xingbang continued, "The sentencing standard for a particularly huge amount is a fixed-term imprisonment of more than ten years to life imprisonment, and a fine or confiscation of property."

"According to the situation that Boss Zhang defrauded [-] million, there is a high probability that he will be sentenced to life imprisonment and his property will be confiscated. The sentencing standard for an accomplice may be three to ten years in prison. If you don't want to be implicated, I suggest you leave now .” Wu Xingbang said calmly.

Originally, there were people in the crowd who supported Zhang Deyi, but after Wu Xingbang finished speaking, they silently shut up and even left secretly.

This kind of thing has nothing to do with true or false, because they can't afford to gamble!

What if it was true?

What if he was really regarded as an accomplice and sentenced to three to ten years in prison?
That's not a loss!

Wu Xingbang watched some of the melon-eaters leave quietly, and he looked at Zhang Deyi again, "Boss Zhang, you have already lost, do you understand?"

Zhang Deyi's expression changed, he snorted coldly, "I don't understand what you are talking about, I will report the case to the police immediately, you are suspected of extortion."

"Please go ahead." Wu Xingbang responded, "Your jadeite rough stones are all fake things that have been opened and then repaired with a 3D printer."

"Although they are almost fake, but the fake ones are fake. I have already shot the corresponding video and left evidence. The police will come after a while. I hope you will still have such a tough performance when facing the police. .” Wu Xingbang responded.

Gong Ming was watching the show, did Zhang Liangji meet the wall ladder?

Zhang Deyi thought that Wu Xingbang was a fat sheep, but it turned out that Wu Xingbang was the hunter, and the goal was to reverse Zhang Deyi's routine?
Zhang Deyi's face became very ugly, he never thought about being found out!

"Who are you?" Zhang Deyi stared at Liu Xingbang.

"As I said, my first name is Wu Xingbang, and my nickname is Wu Erbai!" Wu Xingbang responded, "But people in the Jianghu are called Wu Ergou!"

"It turns out to be the second master of Tianjin Wei Wu's family!" Zhang Deyi sighed, "Second master, I admit defeat and ask for a way out."

"Didn't I give you a way to survive?" Wu Xingbang responded.

Zhang Deyi cried and said, "Second Master, I don't have so much money. I will refund your money to you. You can pick one of the things in the store at random, and I beg Second Master to show your respect."

"You just lack a little sincerity!" Wu Xingbang complained, "While begging me to give me a way out, and at the same time setting a trap for me, what kind of rubbish is in your store, can you not know?"

"I'll give you another chance to return our money and buy the jadeite we opened at the same price. We need to sign a contract, understand?" Wu Xingbang stared at the other party.

Zhang Deyi nodded helplessly, "Thank you, Second Master."

Gong Ming interjected, "So I made money the first time I gambled on stones?"

This is a good way to make money!
It turns out that it can really be missed!

Wu Xingbang smiled and said, "Congratulations buddy for missing 200 million!"

"You're welcome!" Gong Ming responded with a smile, "Half for you?"

"Too polite!" Wu Xingbang refused, "My share is more, if you give me half, don't I want to give you half?"

"It's interesting!" Gong Ming responded with a smile.

This Wu Xingbang is really interesting!
He made the game himself and helped Gong Ming make money by the way. If he didn't bring Gong Ming with him, then it would be fine to blackmail Zhang Deyi for 600 million, right?

"Let's get to know each other again, Wu Erbai from the Wu family of Pingjiumen, nicknamed Wu Ergou, a professional treasure appraiser and part-time counterfeiter, who specializes in touching and abducting merchants like porcelain!" Wu Xingbang re-introduced.

Gong Ming raised his eyebrows. Do you specialize in merchants who are deceived by porcelain pits?
Maybe this kind of talent can be accepted, maybe it will be useful in the future!
When Gong Ming was considering bringing Wu Xingbang into the gang, he received a call from Wang Heng.

"Hey, Brother Heng!" Gong Ming spoke first, "How do you know I've come to the Imperial Capital?"

"Have you come to the imperial capital?" Wang Heng was taken aback for a moment.

"Uh!" Gong Ming asked back, "What's the matter?"

"In this troubled time, why did you come to my imperial capital? Forget it, come here as soon as you come. We have encountered something. If we don't handle it well, we may be robbed!" Wang Heng explained.

"We were plucked?" Gong Ming wondered, "What's going on?"

Pulled the wool onto his head?


As a professional fleece master.

Whether it is using the life winner system to gather wool, or through some business information to build a plan to gather wool, he is a master among the masters.

As a result, now he is going to be plucked by others?
"I couldn't figure it out on the phone for a while. Brother Ming, anyway, you are also in the imperial capital, so let's make an appointment to hang out?" Wang Heng invited.

Gong Ming joked, "Your images are completely gone, you decide on a place first, and I'll bring Amy and the others over later."

Wang Heng was powerless to complain, their new image was indeed completely shattered.

"Okay, let's find a place first, and then we'll talk when we're sure." Wang Heng responded.

"Okay." Gong Ming replied.

Waiting for Gong Ming to end the call, Zhang Deyi, the boss of Tongbaozhai, asked politely, "Brother, what is your account number, I will give you a refund and buy your jadeite."

Gong Ming accepted this kind of profiteer's compensation with peace of mind. He even thought about the use of this sum of money. He planned to use the name of Tong Bao Zhai to donate all 200 million to the children's welfare home in the imperial capital.

Gong Ming believes that the boss Zhang Deyi will be very grateful when he finds out, right?
After all, he did good deeds in the name of Tongbaozhai, after the Imperial Children's Welfare Institute announced the donation to the public.

Without special instructions, the relevant media will definitely report Zhang Deyi's boss's high righteousness!
At that time, those who need to donate from all walks of life should come early, what will be the horoscope, and such an opportunity to collect wool should not be missed!
I only pray that the boss Zhang Deyi can withstand the pressure in the future, continue to do such good deeds, and contribute to charity.

Thinking about the result, it seems pretty good?
After Zhang Deyi's boss compensated, Gong Ming took the initiative to get acquainted with Wu Erbai, "Dude, add a WeChat?"

Wu Erbai responded in refusal, "Meeting by chance, there is no certainty of meeting or parting. Buddy, see you again by fate!"

"Let's make friends?" Gong Ming invited again.

"There's no need to force a relationship if you have a different circle." Wu Erbai said politely, "I think my buddy must be a big shot, and I don't know how to be a low-ranking person like this. This time, the purpose of bringing in a buddy is to share the risk together, so there is no Is it necessary to know?"

This person is interesting!
"Brother, add me as a friend. If there is something good to do, I will contact you!" Does Gong Ming like this kind of person more and more?

After all, such a person is very sensible!

"Huh?" Wu Erbai was also slightly taken aback, he didn't expect that the other party would still want to make friends after saying it like this.

"Let's add a wechat, and we will contact you if we have good things in the future." Gong Ming said again.

"Okay!" Wu Xingbang agreed, "There is a way to get rich, buddy remember to say hello."

"No problem." After Gong Ming added the other party's WeChat, Wu Xingbang left in a hurry.

Gong Ming returned to the side of Amy and the others, and Song Qian took the first step to tease, "Gong is a high-ranking official, so you can miss it!"

"This is luck!" Gong Ming responded, and then looked at Amy, "Amy, brother Heng just called to ask me to have a skewer, do you want to go together?"

Amy laughed, "Shouldn't they ask you out to the bar?"

"Hey, do you need to clean up?" Gong Ming hummed.

Amy gave Anliang a coquettish look, "We have eaten a lot today, so we won't go for the skewers, you go and play by yourself."

"Hey?" Gong Ming looked at Amy mockingly, "What's going on today?"

"Xiao Rong and I are not worried about crooked melons and dates in the bar!" Amy said proudly.

Gong Ming laughed. Amy was indeed right. The crooked melons and dates in the bar were too low in purity. How could Gong Ming be tempted?
"Okay, you guys go back on your own, Brother Heng and I will go make skewers." After Gong Ming responded, he was about to call Wang Heng.

"Brother-in-law, can I go together?" Shangguan Yudie expressed his thoughts at this time.

Gong Ming froze for a moment, then hummed, Shangguan Yudie hugged Gong Ming's arm happily.

Amy glanced at Shangguan Yurong strangely, Shangguan Yurong shook her head, expressing that it had nothing to do with her.

After waiting for the answer, Gong Ming said first, "Brother Heng, I've settled it here, post the location, and I'll be right over."

"For your convenience, we specially found a store in your Summer Palace. How about it? How about you?" Wang Heng said with a smile!

What does this mean?
Gong Ming suddenly wanted to kill these three guys!

"Okay, I'll be there soon after I find out," Gong Ming hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

"Amy, Xiao Song, I'll go back with you." Gong Ming explained that the place where he made skewers was diagonally opposite the gate of his Longhu Summer Palace.

Amy responded, "Then we can go and sit down for a while."

Near ten o'clock, Gong Ming and his party arrived at the Chuandian.

The skewer place Wang Heng chose this time is a kebab shop.

Gong Ming saw Qian Duoduo's second-hand Ferrari 812 on the side of the road, and he parked behind Qian Duoduo's car, and Amy also stopped.

Gong Ming brought Amy and Shangguan Yurong into the store, and saw Wang Heng and the three of them. They were all accompanied by female companions, and all of them were acquaintances.

"Brother Ming, this way!" Han Shuo stood up and greeted.

This kebab shop has a square table, and Wang Heng and their female companions each occupy one side. If Gong Ming only brought Amy over, it would be just right.

But now there are sisters Shangguan Yurong!
Qian Duoduo greeted, "Waiter, change to a bigger table."

Gong Ming denied, "No need, just let's squeeze together!"

"Cough!" Wang Heng was fighting with a bunch of big kidneys, and he almost choked when he heard these words.

God stepped on the horse and squeezed it!

This is a long bench, four people squeezed together?
Qian Duoduo silently gave Gong Ming a thumbs-up. He looked at Amy and the Shangguan sisters to see their reaction.

In the end, no matter whether it was Shangguan Yurong or Amy, they didn't intend to refute!
Gong Ming sat in the middle of the bench, Amy sat on the left, Shangguan Yurong sat on the right, and Shangguan Yudie sat next to his sister.


The men in this store all said that they were convinced!
Qian Duoduo put one of his hands upright on the table, and then bent his two fingers on the table.

Han Shuo told the whole story, Gong Ming frowned slightly.

Not selected, it has been so long, those guys from the Neon Kingdom finally came to act.

It doesn't matter if there is an action. Now a team from the investigation department of the Neon Economic Ministry has arrived in the imperial capital, and they contacted the economic investigation patrol in the imperial capital patrol.

However, the Wang family of the Han family had already made preparations. When the investigation team of the Neon Economic Ministry came to the door, the economic investigation and arrest department received them politely and said that they would definitely investigate thoroughly.

But how to investigate?

That's entirely up to the map economic investigation to arrest him, and it's not up to the investigation department of the Neon Economic Ministry to point fingers.

The team of the investigation department of the Neon Economic Ministry waited for the results, but the economic investigation and patrol in the imperial capital showed no intention of moving at all. They didn't even contact Tianming Investment Company!


According to what Han Shuo and Wang Heng said, the police in charge of the economic investigation did not contact Tianming Investment Company at all, because the evidence provided by the investigation department of the Neon Economic Ministry was insufficient.

It is all information based on logical analysis and speculation, so why investigate Tianming Investment Company?

If Tianming Investment Company is a company of Neon, according to the information obtained by the Investigation Section of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Neon, a full-scale investigation can be carried out, but this is Huaguo!
Besides, Chen Jianmin from Guoan also called in advance, so of course this matter has been delayed again and again.

(End of this chapter)

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