Chapter 314 Commercial Espionage
Chapter 310 Seven Commercial Espionage

"As long as they come to the door, the police in charge of economic investigations in Shanghai will receive them well. As for the investigations, let them wait slowly. If they want to wait, they will wait, and if they don't wait, they will go back." After Han Shuo finished speaking , Then he laughed.

This works great!

Because Nihong can't say that Huaguo is not cooperating, but Huaguo is cooperating. As for how to investigate, Nihong can't teach Huaguo to do things, can it?
Hua Guo: Are you teaching me how to do things?
If so, something is wrong with Neon!

According to this approach, the team of the investigation department of the Neon Economic Ministry has only one choice, and that is to wait patiently, and wait patiently for the investigation of the economic investigation patrol in the magic city.

As for whether we can wait for a ship at the airport?

hold on!
hold on!
The boat must come!

Gong Ming couldn't help laughing after listening to Han Shuo's narration. He suddenly thought of a line from a movie.

Tianming Investment Company: Who is kneeling in the hall?
Investigation Division of the Ministry of Neon Economy: I am the Investigation Division of the Ministry of Neon Economy.

Tianming Investment Company: Why did you sue me? .
Investigative Section of the Neon Ministry of Economic Affairs: Your Excellency is suspected of operating Chinese companies!

The Economic Investigation Patrol Office under the General Patrol Office of Shanghai Metropolis.

San Xiajing from the investigation department of the Neon Economic Ministry led three people to the economic investigation patrol room again. When he walked in, he bowed and said, "Hello, Chen Sang, we have obtained some information about Tianming Investment Company. Chen Sang, please have a look at the illegal evidence."

San went down to the well and handed a document to Chen Hao.

Chen Hao was in charge of receiving the large police officer of the Investigation Division of the Neon Economic Ministry this time. He took the document and responded, "Mr. Sanxia, ​​please wait a moment, I will check this document right away."

After responding, Chen Hao greeted, "Xiaolin, welcome Mr. Sanxia and make four cups of tea."

Lin Ling responded, "Okay, Brother Chen."

It's a pity that I don't understand Huaguo culture when I go down to the well three times!

In Huaguo's hospitality culture, there are rules for serving tea!
Tea, good tea, and good tea are three completely different grades.

Now Chen Hao arranged for Lin Ling to make four cups of tea, which was the first level, even the polite 'serving tea' was useless.

Chen Hao opened the information sent by San Xiajing. He didn't pretend to check it, but looked at it seriously to determine the specific situation.

As the saying goes: Know yourself and know the enemy, and win every battle!
If you don't read the information provided by the well three times, how can you talk about defeating the opponent?

Chen Haozai carefully checked the information provided by Sanxiajing, this information is still the third one, which explains the relationship between Tianming Investment Company and Internet public opinion, and lists the timeline completely.

But what are these for?

It doesn't work at all!
There is no direct relationship between the two parties!
Chen Hao delayed for half an hour before responding, "Mr. Sanxia, ​​I have repeatedly checked the information you provided, and none of these information can directly prove the criminal behavior of Tianming Investment Company, but we will arrange to investigate Tianming Investment Company, please be patient〃"

Sanxia responded by saying, if there is any news, please contact us with Chen Sang. "

"Definitely!" Chen Hao replied.

"Please!" Sanxia bowed to the well again.

"Please." The three investigators who followed three times down to the well also bowed and saluted.

After San went down to the well and left, Lin Ling sneered, "Little days...these neon people are really interesting, they want us to handle the case with some unfounded evidence?"

Chen Hao responded with a smile, "We are friendly neighbors with Nihong. When they come, we will welcome them well. Just do what we need to do. If there is evidence, we will investigate. If there is no evidence, let them provide it, or let them wait. .”

"Brother Chen is brilliant!" Lin Ling flattered.

"You boy, you still have to learn!" Respond.

On the other side, Sanxia took three companions out of the general patrol station, and the accompanying Xiaobo Yeyuyi Zhang gritted his teeth, "Section Chief, I can't stand such insults, they are clearly trying to perfuse us, I dare say they will not Will investigate!"

Another investigator, Masami, seconded, "I also don't think they know how to investigate."

Saburo on the crazy line looked at the three servants, "Your Excellency, we already have the address of Tianming Investment Company, should we come to investigate in person?" He stared at Bohe Xiaosaburo, "This is Xia Guo, we have no right to investigate, if If you act recklessly, you violate the laws of the Xia Kingdom. Do you know how serious that is? "

Saburo on the crazy line quickly bowed, "Sorry, Your Excellency, I made a slip of the tongue, please forgive me."

Sanxia helped Chi Shangsaburo up by the well, "Although we can't investigate directly, we can collect more detailed evidence by chatting with the employees of Tianming Investment Company."

The other three showed, I see, expressions.

It is true that they cannot conduct investigations in the Xia Kingdom, but if they just chat, then there is no problem at all, right?
It's a pity that they underestimated the power of Tianming Investment Company!
Do not!
To be precise, they underestimated the power of the interest groups behind the scenes of the senior hall this time. They simply believed that they were just investigating a financial investment company in Huaguo.

But in fact, it touched the core interests of an interest group!
When they arrived in Shanghai, they had already been paid attention to. If they were honest, there would be nothing wrong with them, but they wanted to make trouble?
That is definitely asking for trouble for yourself!

After all, the police officers who thought they were doing nothing were actually spying on them. When they were about to find trouble with Tianming Investment Company, whether it was San Xiajing or San Lang on the idiot, they were all arrested by the police in Shanghai. .


Of course, Tianming Investment Company sued Sanguan Zhiren and the four for trying to steal Tianming Investment's business secrets, but the employees of Tianming Investment Company vigilantly discovered the abnormal situation of the three and four persons, so they chose to contact the police.

When such a situation arises, the three direct persons and four persons who originally represented the Ministry of Economic Affairs in investigating whether Tianming Investment Company had any illegal acts in the case of abnormal fluctuations in the stock price of Shishitang directly became transnational commercial spies! .
After everything was settled, Gong Ming separated from Han Shuo and the others.

It is impossible to go to nightclubs, and the quality of those girls is not good.

Gong Ming opened the door of Longhu Yihe's original villa. To be honest, he hasn't been to this villa for a long time.

However, there is a professional butler in the villa, who cleans the villa professionally every week.

The clean-up staff appeared in the surveillance throughout the whole process, all to ensure the safety of the owner's house.

As soon as Gong Ming entered the room, his mobile phone rang, and the caller ID showed 'unknown number', which was the signature of Tang Wenhao~'s call.

Gong Ming swiped the screen to answer.

Tang Wenhao's voice came, "Boss, those packages have been packed and are being sent to Lan Kupa. The corresponding goods have also been found and fully controlled. The relevant detailed information has been sent. Please give further instructions."

Isn't the security company's efficiency too high?

As Gong Ming ordered, he hoped to get the result today,
"We have already investigated the person you want to investigate." Zhuang Xinya responded.

"Whether there is any record of illegal crimes, there is no need for An Liang to take action to solve the trouble.

Gong Ming prefers to solve opponents through rules.

Unless it is a guy like Wang Heng who breaks the rules of the game, Hong will not solve the problem first by breaking the rules.

Because breaking the rules will inevitably be rejected by others!
Even if he is not in Gong Ming's circle right now, if he uses the method of breaking the rules, it will also easily cause fear.

Besides, if you can solve your opponents through the rules, why do you want to treat yourself like a punk, as if you can't do anything other than fight and kill?
Zhuang Xinya responded, "This person's situation is more complicated. What he did is on the gray edge. It is a bit of a problem, but it does not constitute a crime. We have no way to forcefully deal with him."

"Where's his personal information? Gong Mingliang asked.

"His personal information is a bit exciting. I'll type it up later and take pictures and send it to you. By the way, he also has a small interest group behind him. You should pay attention to it." Zhuang Xinya responded.

"Oh?" Gong Ming was curious, "What small interest group?"

"Anyway, some stakeholders," Zhuang Xinya responded.

Gong Ming frowned, "I will pay attention. By the way, is Lao Chen still there?"

"Do you need something from him?" Zhuang Xinya asked back.

"I have something to say." Gong Ming responded.

"The contact information I gave you is his personal contact information, you can contact him directly." Zhuang Xinya responded.

"Okay!" Gong Ming added, "Remember to send me that girl's information as soon as possible."

"Okay." Zhuang Xinya responded and hung up the phone.

Gong Ming continued to contact Chen Jianmin and waited for Chen Jianmin to answer the phone. Gong Ming said first, "Good evening, old Chen, are you asleep?"

He responded, "Not yet. Mr. Gong, is there anything wrong?"

"About what we discussed earlier, should we make an appointment tomorrow for a face-to-face meeting, or can we talk over the phone?" Gong Ming asked cautiously.

"Wait a moment." Chen Jianmin responded.

After about ten seconds, Chen Jianmin asked back, "Is there any problem with your call environment?"

"I'm in Longhu Yihe's original work, so there must be no problem with the call environment." Gong Ming responded.

"Then we can talk on the phone." Huang Guoxiang responded, "Could it be that Haipu's matter has come to fruition?"

"Of course!" An Liang replied affirmatively, "As I said before, I hope the results come out today!"

"According to the news I got, including Su Lacha, the leader of the Haipu organization, Vichai who was in charge of freight, and Wangsi who was in charge of security, all these high-ranking officials were arrested, and a total of [-] people were arrested. .” Gong Ming replied.

Gong Ming added, "By the way, the death in charge of financial management, in order to avoid trouble, we left her in Tyrande, and we will give her to you when your people pass by."

Treasurer dead?

Chen Jianmin immediately felt that there was a problem!
"Where's the goods?" Chen Jianmin asked.

"Of course they were all seized!" Gong Ming responded, "There is no detailed data yet, but there are at least half a ton, so I am notifying you to send someone there as soon as possible!" It was past eleven o'clock at night.

Gong Ming was contacting Chen Jianmin from the National Security Investigation Bureau. He didn't know Chen Jianmin's identity, anyway, the other party was from the National Security Investigation Bureau.

Facing the situation explained by Gong Ming, Chen!Min asked again, "You really got it done in such a short time?"

"It's actually quite slow." Gong Ming replied.

"..." Chen Jianmin was speechless.

This is also called slow?

Their National Security Investigation Bureau began to pay attention to the Black Cat Organization five years ago, and then investigated the Haipu Organization step by step. In five years, they lost a total of six people against the Black Cat Organization.

It is precisely because of this that Chen Jianmin feels that the efficiency of Tianming Security Company is too high, right?

However, this is called: There is a specialization in the art industry!
NSI has its own rules and restrictions, plus cross-border investigations!It is indeed impossible to compare with Tianming Security Company.

After all, Tianming Security Company has indirectly controlled all the underground worlds in Southeast Asia through Dingsheng and venture capital companies.

For the National Security Investigation Bureau, it is difficult to find out. For security companies, it is as simple and natural as eating and drinking.

"By the way, Lao Chen, let's change the delivery of the goods." Gong Ming explained.

"What happened?" Chen Jianmin asked back.

Gong Ming responded quickly, "We originally thought that this batch of goods was in Guman, but it turned out that they were on the border of Elephant Country, probably on the edge of Xiguang Province, and we can enter Xiguang Province through a forest."

"I'll send you the exact location, contact information, and password, and you can lead someone to operate it yourself, is it okay?" Gong Ming explained.

"You don't deal with such an important matter on the spot?" Chen Jianmin was a little surprised.

"Why do you have to deal with it on the spot?" Gong Ming asked back, "Didn't you investigate me, so you don't know that I have nothing to do with that security company?"

Gong Ming said with a smile, "Accurately speaking, I don't have shares in security companies other than shares in investment companies. Do you think I will participate in something that is obviously illegal and criminal?"

"Old Chen, your awareness is a bit low!" Gong Ming said teasingly, "I was thinking about how the exchange of goods for weapons looks like an illegal transaction, and now I will send you the specific location and transaction method...

"..." Chen Jianmin was speechless.

Isn't Gong Ming too cautious?

But he got a piece of useful news!

Gong Ming didn't even own the shares of that security company?

This news made Chen Jianmin pay more attention to Gong Ming!
Because Gong Ming's realm has risen to another level.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that Tianming Security Company can be controlled like an arm without controlling the ownership of that security company.

"Old Chen, do you have anything else to do? If there is nothing else, I'll hang up the phone and send you a message." Gong Ming asked.

"Wait!" Chen Jianmin greeted, "I asked Xiaoya to send you a communication software, which is the confidential communication software of our National Security Investigation Bureau. We will give you an account, and you can send us messages through it in the future, so that Keep your information safe."

"Okay!" Gong Ming replied.

Gong Ming added, "By the way, pennants, bonuses, and so on, you can't miss any of them. I want everything I want."

Chen Jianmin complained, "I know, I know! By the way, you want to deal with Ji's family?"

"Is there a problem?" Gong Ming asked back

"Fuck him hard! I can't stand this thing for a long time! Do you have a way to mess with him? I'll ask Xiaoya to send you this person's information." Chen Jianmin responded.

(End of this chapter)

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