Become a winner in life after college entrance examination

Chapter 47 Exchange 1st Grade Tomson Apartment

Chapter 47 Redeeming Yipin Tomson Apartment

Chapter 48 Redeem Yipin Tomson Apartment

in the afternoon.

In the Xiangyi Tea Room in Jing'an Temple, Gong Ming signed a cooperation agreement with the Magic City Cultural Brokerage Company where Meng Xiangwan works. Gong Ming will invest 500 million and the Magic City Cultural Brokerage Company will invest 200 million. Good Times" web drama, both parties share all rights and interests.

Signing the contract, of course such a thing needs to be handed over to a professional person!
Lawyer Luo Bin held the contract in his hand and flipped through it. The red pen in his hand had drawn all the controversial clauses!
There are also two loopholes in the contract, which are also circled!
Then the contract was handed over to Gong Ming. Gong Ming looked at it carefully, and there was nothing else, except for the profit distribution. Gong Ming looked a little amused!

These old foxes are really dishonest, do they think that the 500 million really fell from the sky?

Gong Ming pushed the contract back to the person in charge of Qili Culture!
"Lawyer Luo, this contract is entrusted to you!" Gong Ming smiled. With a 3% revenue share, Luo Bin's fee is really not ordinary low!
Luo Bin nodded, Gong Ming stepped aside and started making tea!
The representatives of the two sides argued fiercely, and Gong Ming initially completed the steps of washing the tea!
The eyes of the representative of Qili Culture changed. There is an unwritten rule in signing a contract in the investment industry. If the owner makes tea, if the tea is poured and the contract has not been finalized, then everything will be forfeited!

Qili's representative apologized to Lawyer Luo Bin, and as a last step, went out and made a phone call!
Ten minutes later, the representatives of the two parties signed the agreement, and Gong Ming directly transferred 10 million funds to the Qili Cultural Brokerage Company in Modu. The system has already guaranteed the profit. What else is Gong Ming worried about?
"Master Gong, do you have time tonight? I'll treat you to dinner." Meng Xiangwan invited.

Gong Ming thought about it, he still has things to do in the afternoon, and he will be returning to Su City tomorrow.
"Forget it? I still have things to deal with in the afternoon, so I'll eat this meal after our show goes live!" Gong Ming smiled, and picked up the teacup in his hand!

The representative of Qili Culture naturally understood the meaning of Gong Ming.

He got up and shook hands with Gong Ming Luo Bin, and then left with Meng Xiangwan!

"I'm going to trouble Lawyer Luo today. Be careful, it's not respectful!" Gong Ming took a box out of the drawer and put it in front of Luo Bin!

Luo Bin took the box, opened it directly in front of Gong Ming, and found that there was actually a watch in the beautifully packaged box!
"A small gift is not a respect, and I hope Lawyer Luo will not refuse!" Gong Ming said with a smile!
Because last time, in the case of his own villa, Luo Bin would not charge any fee, even if it was a friend's help!
Of course, Gong Ming is not a stingy person. If you throw a peach, you will return it with a plum!
After the phone call in the morning, I went directly to the Rolex monopoly and bought this black water ghost!

But this black water ghost is not the kind of low-end goods that cost 116613 yuan. This black water ghost is a Rolex Submariner 97203-LN-[-] black dial watch!

The public price is [-] in Rolex counters!
Luo Bin fell in love with this watch at first sight, took off the Omega Seamaster from his wrist, and put on this Black Water Ghost!

"That's right, it's very suitable for Lawyer Luo, you have the style of a successful person!" Gong Ming smiled and praised Luo Bin imperceptibly!
After all, we are all human beings, who would not like to be praised by others?Besides, this is a Rolex worth hundreds of thousands of real money!

"Then I will thank Young Master Gong!" Luo Bin did not refuse!
Today, when he went to the hotel to pick up Gong Ming, he had already discovered that the watch on Gong Ming's wrist was no longer the Jaeger-LeCoultre, but a Patek Philippe worth more than 200 million!
Because of something to do in the afternoon, Gong Ming didn't invite Luo Bin to get together. The two left the teahouse together. When they checked out, they found that Meng Xiangwan and the others had already settled the bill!

At the door, the two separated!
Looking at the Lincoln sedan leaving, Gong Ming casually called a special car on his mobile phone!
In the afternoon, Gong Ming wanted to use the apartment exchange coupon in his system space!

After all, there are limited apartments in Shanghai in 15 years, and many famous apartments in later generations have not yet been developed!
Yipin Tomson, Gong Ming came to the most expensive apartment in Lujiazui!
Huayuan Shiqiao Road, Yipin Tomson, was built in 2006. At that time, the housing price in Lujiazui was 20000 per square meter, and Yipin Tomson had already sold for [-]!

A few years later, the average house price in Lujiazui is now around 18, and Yipin Tomson has sold for [-] square meters!

With this apartment exchange certificate, it is a small goal to just exchange for a small apartment of [-] to [-] square meters!
Building 3801, 40, Gong Ming stood downstairs, looked at the [-]-story building in front of him, and then used the apartment exchange coupon in the system!
With a ding-dong sound, the system prompts that the exchange coupon has been used successfully!
At this time, Gong Ming's system backpack has an extra set of small green books and a bunch of keys!
Take the key, get on the elevator, and press directly to the 38th floor!
3801, when you open the door, you will see a very large living room!
"Damn it, I made a lot of money this time!" Gong Ming closed the door and took out the real estate certificate!

I didn't expect that I used the exchange voucher to exchange it for a three-story duplex apartment!

The total area has reached 800 square meters!

How can he be unhappy when he is close to two small goals?
This house has been renovated, with a modern and simple style, especially suitable for young people like Gong Ming to live in!

Some people say that European-style houses are very comfortable to live in, but Gong Ming doesn't like it. My grandparents live in a Chinese-style courtyard, and my own community, Suzhou Courtyard, is even a Chinese-style community!
Because of the influence of culture, Gong Ming likes the Chinese style even more!

Gong Ming walked towards the restaurant to the west, and found that the building complex of all nations was directly facing the window of the restaurant!This is very good, you can enjoy the scenery of all countries while eating!

In the southwest bedroom, one side corresponds to Yu Garden, and the other side corresponds to Dongjiadu River View!

Close the door and open the curtains of the second bedroom, and you will see the bustling scene of Lujiazui. If you look here at night, you will find the brightly lit Lujiazui!
The south-facing kitchen has particularly good lighting, and the kitchen utensils in the kitchen are all imported items!

It's not that domestic products are not good, but that some details of domestic products are not as good as imported ones!
The spiral staircase goes up, and the living room on the second floor draws the curtains of the large French windows facing west. Standing here, you can watch the river view!
Then all the three bedrooms can watch the river view, and you will get bored if you see too much of the river view!
Pushing open a door to the south, a large audio-visual room greets you!

Six sofas are arranged in two rows, and in front of them is a large audio-visual curtain!

Home theater, so this is called home theater!
The spiral staircase continues upwards, and the third floor has something special!
(End of this chapter)

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