Become a winner in life after college entrance examination

Chapter 48 The Immortal Designer's Design

Chapter 48 The Immortal Designer's Design
Chapter 49 The Design of Immortal Designers

On the third floor, Gong Ming walked up through the spiral staircase!

He rubbed his eyes hard, unable to believe what he saw!
What came into view were two beach chairs, and a medium-sized indoor swimming pool of nearly 100 square meters. In the corner stood a freezer filled with happy water from Feizhai!

The only two rooms on the third floor are a small sauna and the other is a small bathroom!
And that house, with a ceiling close to [-] meters high, that is to say, this apartment was originally supposed to be four floors, but it was turned into three floors because of the swimming pool in front of me!

What kind of fairy designer designed this?
Pushing open the door of the bathroom, a circular bathtub with a radius of two meters greets you!And the built-in grid for storing bath products!
A small sauna room, when you open the door, you can see a wooden sauna room. Gong Ming's house was originally a building, so he still has a certain understanding of these materials!

The wood in front of me is the best material for sauna, Finnish spruce!
Finnish spruce itself is remarkable in waterproof and high temperature resistance, this century-old wood with a long growth cycle!
Because it has a very solid wood fiber foundation, even without other artificial processing, its corrosion resistance and physical deformation resistance are much better than other wood materials.

What's more, after further processing into sauna fir boards, the effect is even more excellent, but wood like Finnish spruce is surprisingly expensive, and is suitable for the design of some high-end sauna rooms.

Unexpectedly, the materials used in the sauna room in front of me are all high-quality materials, such as the century-old Finnish spruce, the cost of which can be imagined!

Gong Ming suddenly had some admiration for the designer of this apartment. What the hell did he come up with to build a swimming pool on the third floor!Build another sauna!

He is not afraid of the swimming pool leaking and completely submerging the downstairs!
"Come out and explain the system! Otherwise, I really don't dare to live in this apartment!" Gong Ming asked the system in his mind!
[The 40-story swimming pool uses special building materials to ensure that the swimming pool water will not leak for 200 years!Host, please rest assured to use the swimming pool]

Gong Ming, now I want to complain, 200 years, who do you look down on?I can live another 150 years, and I will earn it all!
Gong Ming took off his clothes and swam in the swimming pool.Swimsuit, how could there be such a thing!I still need to wear a swimsuit in my swimming pool!

Two hours later, Gong Ming was lying comfortably in a bathtub of more than ten square meters in the small bathroom!
Feel the warm water washing your body and relieve the fatigue of the day!

Such a big apartment without a hostess, what a pity!

Gong Ming, wrapped in a towel after taking a shower, returned to the bedroom on the first floor!

Take out a bottle of Feizhai Happy Water from the refrigerator, then turn on the computer, and play a game of LOL happily!

Gong Ming, who has the blessing of money ability, becomes the God of War and is invincible in all battles!

At this moment, Gong Ming's changed clothes were thrown into the washing machine and dried!
After putting on his clothes and turning off the computer, Gong Ming left Yipin Tangchen!
When he went downstairs, Gong Ming had already called a special car through the car-hailing app!
An hour later, at the Peace Hotel, Gong Ming chose to check out!
This time when I came to Shanghai, all the things I should solve have been solved, and it is time to go back. After all, there are still two days before my mother's birthday!

When I came here, I only brought a bag, but when I went back, I brought a small suitcase!
As for the clothes he bought, Gong Ming decided to send them to Yipin Tangchen's apartment first!

After all, if I live here in the future, it will be really inconvenient if I don't have a change of clothes!

When he came to the front desk, Gong Ming took out the bank card from his wallet and started the final settlement!

The room rate of the Peace Hotel is really not expensive. I collected a total of 4 yuan in 5 days, and the few hundred yuan in the fraction were directly wiped out!

Then I started to settle the consumption at the Peace Hotel during this period. A meal with Meng Xiangwan was about 1 yuan, two bottles of red wine in the room were 4 yuan, and a few days of Western food was 5000 yuan, which was another 55000 yuan. spending!

This is not over yet, the four-day Rolls-Royce pick-up service cost a total of 4000 yuan!
The final settlement amount is 109000 yuan!
Gong Ming directly handed the card to the cashier at the front desk, entered the password on the POS machine, and the set of actions was smooth and smooth!
When the doorman at the door saw Gong Ming coming out, he immediately opened the door!

Gong Ming nodded to the two of them, and then got into the Rolls Royce with the door already opened!

The Rolls-Royce headed towards Yipin Tomson. While sitting in the car, Gong Ming took out his iPad to check the train departure time to Sioux City in three hours!
Three hours later, Gong Ming arrived at Hongqiao Station!

Gong Ming was in the lobby, buying a business ticket for the latest train!
Because it is nine o'clock in the evening, there are many office workers who start life in the two cities!

However, most of them bought standing tickets worth more than ten yuan. After all, it is not easy for people living in Shuangcheng!
996 per day, the housing prices in Shanghai are so expensive, even if you can’t afford to rent a house, why not use that money to pay a down payment in Sioux City!
Gong Ming's business seat platform was empty, looking at the crowded crowd not far away, Gong Ming suddenly remembered his life in his previous life!

Wasn't I also a member of these people in my previous life? At that time, both my parents died, I was in a daze every day, and I closed the heavy iron door in my heart to my friends and family members!
It is said that ice cubes will melt after a long time, but my heart at that time was a thousand-year-old cold iron, who has the ability to realize the heat of myself!
When the bullet train arrived at the station, Gong Ming looked at the crowd entering the bullet train and shook his head. Now everything he owns has changed!
My future life will become even more different, a winner in life, yes, I will become a real winner in life in the future!

At this moment, Gong Ming's mind reached sublimation, and he completely separated himself from his previous life!
Enter the carriage, find your seat according to the position on the ticket!

After an unremarkable journey, the bullet train arrived at Sioux City Station an hour later.

Gong Ming pulled his small suitcase and came to the underground parking lot!

I pressed the car key of the Audi R8, and the lights suddenly turned on, which shocked an internet celebrity who was really taking pictures!
Gong Ming opened the co-pilot's door, threw the suitcase on it, and went directly to the main driver, got in the car and ignited the car, the action was done in one go!
"Little brother, your car is so handsome, can you take him for a ride?" The net red girl lay on Gong Ming's driver's window, revealing her beauty, and asked sweetly!

When Gong Ming was taking pictures of Internet celebrities, he had checked her with real eyes. He had a 75-point appearance and a [-]-point health. How could he like such junk food?

(End of this chapter)

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