Chapter 73 A Chess Piece Died

Chapter 73 A pawn dies

"Sure enough, this Cheng Junsen didn't disappoint me. The foster father who was so kind as a mountain betrayed him if he said he would betray him!" Gong Ming said with a smile.

"Do you need someone to deal with these things?" Uncle asked with concern. In his opinion, a gentleman cannot stand under a dangerous wall.

It is best for such a mad dog to be dealt with by a professional dog-beating team. What if one day it bites its owner?

"Uncle, there's no need, I'll take care of it myself tomorrow!" Gong Ming had already made up his mind that if Ding Shenghe wanted to completely clean up his crimes, neither of the father and son Li Hancai and Cheng Junsen could stay.

This is, the tiger's poison does not eat its children, this Cheng Junsen can actually betray his godfather with no regrets for a little profit.

In the afternoon, Gong Ming shared his travel experience with his uncle in his study.

The uncle looked at Gong Ming, with the look of offering treasures, and remembered the time when he and his sister were young. In the blink of an eye, more than 40 years have passed.

"Xiao Ming, let the housekeeper arrange some people to go with you tomorrow!" Uncle gently wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"Uncle, there's no need to have Yin Yang and Christmas around me, those people are nothing to worry about, and besides, he doesn't dare to fight me at all!" Gong Ming said with a smile.

Second day

Dingsheng Heling Hall

Cheng Junsen discovered yesterday that the funds in Dingshenghe's account had already been transferred, leaving only an empty shell of Dingshenghe, and the real estate had already been transferred to the name of Li Hancai's paralyzed son.

The bamboo basket fetched water in vain, perhaps this can be described as Junsen's showy operation this time.

During this period of time, Zheng Taicheng has already thought clearly, he wants to completely cleanse the Seven Stars Club, and will not do any illegal things in the future.Today he came to pay homage to Li Hancai in order to make Ding Shenghe Cheng Junsen's one-word hall, so that the cooperation between them can be more perfect.

At this moment, the veterans of Dingshenghe arrived one after another, and they cursed and said grinningly.

"Cheng Junsen, you come out and you have to give us old guys an explanation. When did Dingsheng become your one-word hall, you want to be the president and we are the first to say no!"

The crowd was furious, and a group of people were cursing.

Cheng Junsen still had a bald head, and slowly walked out of the room, looking at the group of troublemakers led by Yue Lao, Yi Lao Mai Lao really wanted to take them to climb the mountain.

However, Cheng Junsen can still maintain a pleasant face, after all, today is the death day of his adoptive father, if he is embarrassed, Ding Shenghe will lose all face.

"Old Yue, today is my godfather's death day, if you want to make trouble, I will send you to see my godfather!" Cheng Junsen said arrogantly.

At this time, Zheng Taicheng, who was watching the fun, walked over with his head held high, patted Cheng Junsen on the shoulder, and then said to the people who just took over: "Uncles, today is the anniversary of the death of President Li, everyone give me three points." Don't worry, I, Zheng Taecheng, promise here that I will definitely not let everyone suffer!"

This group of people gradually retreated when they saw Zheng Taicheng, the president of the Seven Star Club, come out to make a guarantee.

When the crowd dispersed, Cheng Junsen walked with Shinji Aota of the rice field team, and the two chatted one after another.

At this time, Gong Ming's Rolls-Royce stopped at the gate.

Yin Yang got off the co-pilot, came directly to Cheng Junsen's side, stretched out one hand and grabbed his neck and dragged towards the Rolls-Royce.

This scene stunned everyone present, and a group of younger brothers wanted to come up to stop them, but Cheng Junsen hurriedly waved his hands to persuade them to leave.

The windows of the Rolls-Royce opened slowly.

"Cheng Junsen, you are fine. I asked you to cooperate with Zheng Taicheng, and you killed your godfather directly. You did a great job!" Gong Ming's figure appeared in the car.

Cheng Junsen looked at the person in front of him, terrified. This person was an existence that even his godfather was afraid of.

"Master Gong, I didn't kill my godfather. I was organizing a group arena down there that day, and my godfather was shot in the head in the room. I haven't found the murderer yet!" On the window of the Rolls Royce.

Gong Ming said directly: "No matter who it is, since he's dead, it doesn't matter anymore. In the future, Dingshenghe will have the final say, but Dingshenghe Financial Investment Company will be completely separated from Dingshenghe. Since you want to expand the club, I will won't stop you!"

"Thank you for your success, Young Master Gong, Cheng Junsen will definitely confuse you for Young Master Gong!" Cheng Junsen said excitedly, the person in front of him admitted his identity, then he became the president of Dingshenghe, and no one could shake him status.

Gong Ming's figure was discovered by Zheng Taicheng who had been observing from a distance. He didn't expect that this person was behind Ding Shenghe?
He couldn't forget that that day at Councilor Luo's house, Councilor Luo's attitude towards this young man was extremely low in front of this young man.

The current him, a little bit in his heart, knew that Li Hancai was behind Li Hancai, how could it be impossible for him to argue with him about those messy things?
Gong Ming obviously also saw Zheng Taicheng, nodded slightly and then patted the driving seat of the Rolls-Royce, Yin Yang got into the car and the Rolls-Royce left slowly.

Looking at the shadow of Rolls-Royce leaving, Cheng Junsen seemed to have won the gold medal for avoiding death, and his whole aura changed.

Now he knows why there is no penny in Dingshenghe's account. To put it bluntly, Dingshenghe is the money laundering machine of that young man just now. The 40% of the company contract is just for the sake of looking good on the surface.

Dingshenghe's money, to put it bluntly, is the temporary small treasury of the person in the car. If I want to cooperate with Zheng Taicheng, then I need money. The fastest way to get money now is the blue ice Rx 45 in my hand formula.

As long as I sell this formula to the rice field group, I will get a lot of money, and then my follow-up plans can be put on the agenda.

In the corner, Luo Jia saw that there were few people around, so he found an opportunity to chat with Consultant Song. It turned out that this Mr. Song was an agent of the Malay FBI.

He told Luo Jia that Cheng Junsen had sent an invitation to the gangsters in Southeast Asia, and wanted to take this opportunity to announce some important things, and Qingtian had always had some private contacts with Cheng Junsen on drugs, which involved RX45.

"Luo Jia's top priority is, you need to find out, what is the sales channel for Blue Ice Rx 45 between the two of them?" Mr. Song turned and left after speaking.

He didn't know that the conversation he thought was hidden had already been recorded by someone with a heart.

Back at the Seven Stars Club, Zheng Taicheng panicked more and more, but as a policeman who had been an undercover agent for more than 20 years but became the president, he had never seen anything, and this time he wanted to cleanse the Seven Stars Club, and wanted to come to the car that day. bit will not refuse.

(End of this chapter)

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