Chapter 74, Untitled

Chapter 74 kick
Zheng Taicheng returned to the Seven Star Club, he knew that the whitewashing project of the Seven Star Club was imminent, and there was not much time left for him.

He gathered all the elders of the gang together to discuss the restructuring project of the Seven Star Club.

"Everyone, today's society is no longer what it used to be. We have to keep pace with the times. I want to lead the Seven Star Club to develop real estate, so that all our brothers can go ashore for nothing!" Zheng Taicheng stood on the main seat, Said to the many elders on the sofa.

"President, now the Seven Star Club, you are the master of the house, if you can lead the brothers on the right path, who wouldn't want to live in peace and stability?" Sun Zhengyi said "".

"This time, I took over the renovation project of the slums for the Seven Stars Corporation. This is our first step towards the right path. Remember that we are a real estate company in the future, and we are no longer the black sh that fights and kills." Zheng Taicheng , After speaking, he slapped the table with a slap.

A few days passed, what should have happened still happened!

With Yu Yongyi's personality, it's impossible for you to let him take over the land in a safe and secure manner. It's not because of the forced demolition that the Seven Star Club was once again pushed to the forefront.

"Aren't you stupid, if he wants money, you can give him 50 dollars, right? What we want now is that piece of land, and you're so good that you burned down his house!" Zheng Taicheng sat there and counted Yu Yongyi.

"Boss, you know that I don't want to either. That gambler who hit the street actually agreed to raise the price on the spot. 50 will be 100 million in a blink of an eye. I'll even buy his house!" When Yongyi mentioned that rushing to the street, his face was full of disdain.

At this moment, Zheng Taicheng's phone rang, and he made a silent gesture to Yu Yongyi who was beside him, and connected the phone directly!
"Zheng Taicheng, what the hell are you thinking? You were asked to be in charge of the demolition of the land in Heiyan District. You actually asked people to burn their homes and were caught by reporters. Why don't you think it's not messy enough?" Luo Zhong's roar came from the phone Come out.

Zheng Taicheng had no choice but to blame his younger brother, if he didn't take the blame, who else would take the blame.

"Mr. Luo, we will take care of the matter quickly, and you can rest assured that it will not cause trouble to the progress of the project." Zheng Taicheng directly assured.

With Zheng Taicheng's guarantee, Luo Zhong hung up the phone with satisfaction.

This matter made Zheng Taicheng frown. It was already a simple matter, but now it has developed to such a situation. When will the Seven Stars Club's whitewashing be a problem.

In the evening, Hu Qianyue, who attended the banquet between the rich businessmen's wives, returned to Zheng Taicheng's home, looked at the frowning man, and told the news she had inquired about today among the rich wives.

It turned out that Mr. Tan, the governor of Lankupa's family, was enthusiastic about charity recently and wanted to hold a charity auction. This sentence directly opened a window for Zheng Taicheng.

I can donate to a welfare home, increase social influence and publicly apologize for the forced demolition of Heishiyan, and everything will be solved by then.

"You are indeed my lucky star!" Zheng Taicheng embraced Hu Qianyue, and an indescribable thing happened between them.

Just after the indescribable things happened to the two, many things happened to Lan Kupa, Cheng Junsen's secret underground casino was swept away by Luo Jia and Bai Zhenhe, and the loss was heavy!
On the second day, Seven Star Company

In order to make up for his mistakes in the demolition, Zheng Taicheng donated a large sum of money to the charity fund in the name of Tan Gongzi to restore Tan Gongzi's support.

Zheng Taecheng also specially held a press conference, in front of the camera, he put on the appearance of a benevolent gentleman, which won the praise of the public.

Malaysia, this tropical country rains when it says it rains.

Gong Ming was sitting in a Rolls-Royce, and now he was going to Li Hancai's cemetery.

Looking out of the car window, the people in a hurry, the sky began to become gloomy, and after a while, big raindrops fell down.

In the cemetery, Zheng Mengqi stood alone in the heavy rain. The rain had already soaked her whole body, but she was like a puppet, standing there without any consciousness.

On this day, Zheng Mengqi's three views are about to collapse. The good father she always thought was a big drug lord, and the man she thought she could trust for life is actually an undercover agent. What's wrong with this world? Why are they all against her? ?
At this moment, another pretty figure appeared in the rain. This figure was holding a butterfly knife and rushed towards Zheng Mengqi who was standing in the rain.

"Zheng Mengqi, go to hell!" It was Li Lina, Li Hancai's daughter, who came here.

Seeing that the butterfly knife was about to stab Zheng Mengqi, another figure appeared in the rain.

Gong Ming easily snatched the butterfly knife from Li Lina's hand, put the knife back into the sheath and closed the butterfly knife.

"Li Lina, that's enough for you. You can't decide this matter. After your father dies, you will be the president of Dingshenghe!" Gong Ming casually threw the butterfly knife to Li Lina.

"But, he is Zheng Taicheng's daughter, and I want him to pay for my father's life!" Li Lina said aggrievedly while standing in the rain.

"I said, let's forget about this matter. Is it because I can't understand Chinese characters or something?" Gong Ming said word by word.

However, the coercion between the lines made Li Lina feel scared.

Zheng Mengqi saw that it was Gong Ming who came, and couldn't hold back the tears in her eyes. It turned out that she was completely holding on to the previous appearance.

"Why? Why is it like this? Why is my father a big drug lord?" Zheng Mengqi couldn't hold back her tears. She lay her body in Gong Ming's arms and cried bitterly.

Gong Ming had no choice but to sit and pat her on the shoulder slowly to comfort her.

At this time, Li Lina stood beside him in a daze.

Gong Ming took the two girls to the Rolls-Royce and left the cemetery. Not long after they left, a anxious figure appeared here.

This person is Zheng Mengqi's top boss, Zeng Shihuan, but he came too late.

Gong Ming and Zheng Mengqi sent her back to the apartment, and then looked at Li Lina who was beside her.

"I said, you must be the leader of Dingshenghe." Gong Ming sat in the co-pilot and looked at the submissive Li Lina opposite.

"But, my father is dead, and Zheng Taicheng killed me to avenge him, shouldn't I?" Li Lina looked at Gong Ming very aggrieved and said.

"Some things are not about your father. I will give you an explanation. Don't run around in the near future. Remember that you will be the head of Dingshenghe in the future!" Gong Ming patted the cab after speaking, and asked the driver to Li Lina sent it back.

However, now Li Lina just lost her father, which is the most insecure time in her life. She was just a college student, and her whole life has changed.

(End of this chapter)

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