Chapter 75 Delicious Pastries

Chapter 75 Delicious Pastries
The Rolls-Royce drove into the hotel quickly, and Yin Yang opened the car door for Gong Ming. After getting out of the car, Gong Ming looked at Li Lina beside him and felt that she looked like a female star, so he directly opened his eyes of reality.

Character: Li Lina
Age: 22 years old

Height: 167cm
Body: 90 points

Face value: 95 points

Favorability: 82 points

Health: 93 points

I really can't tell that this woman with a score of 95 is actually the daughter of that bad old man Li Hancai, who has not inherited any bad genes.

Li Lina obviously also felt Gong Ming's gaze. In the past, although she knew that her father was the president of Dingsheng Co-President of one of the two major associations of Lan Kupa, as a student of the Media College (fictional) of the United National University of Malay My father didn't let me get in touch with things in the club.

This also caused Li Lina's resume to be as clean as a blank sheet of paper.

"Go upstairs and get a room to take a good shower and sleep, and everything will be over when you get up tomorrow!" Gong Ming patted her on the shoulder and comforted her.

During this period of time, Li Lina has been unable to sleep peacefully, her father died for no apparent reason, and her elder brother is a vegetable, lying on the hospital bed every day.

Saying that I am a loner, it is not an exaggeration to say that I will wake up in nightmares every day after falling asleep, and the face of my father when he died often appears in dreams.

And he finally found an opportunity to take revenge, but was stopped by the man in front of him.

Although Li Lina also knows that the president of Dingsheng Heming is her father, but behind the scenes, it is the young man in front of her who has the final say. Now that Cheng Junsen has become the president, he wants to liquidate his family's property, but he gets nothing. will give up.

Li Lina knew even more that if Cheng Junsen snatched the money left behind by her father, then her brother who was lying on the hospital bed would really die, or follow in the footsteps of her father.

"Master Gong, I'm afraid, can you stay with me?" Li Lina stretched out her delicate hand to grab Gong Ming's belt.

This action caused endless reverie. Gong Ming glanced at the weak Li Lina. Should he eat the cake delivered to his door or not?
"Forget it, I'll send you up!" Gong Ming patted Li Lina's back lightly. After all, Li Lina was really pitiful after her family changed dramatically.

Although I promised her to be the president of Dingshenghe, there is still half a month left before and after.

In the past half a month, I was traveling at sea with nothing to do, and chatted with Su Mei and Meng Xiangwan through wechat. With Meng Xiangwan's character, Gong Ming's desire was already inflated by the seduction.

I just ate a few good meals, and I have been a monk for another month. Now that such a stunner is delivered to my mouth, how can I not eat it?

In the presidential suite of the hotel, Gong Ming was lying on the bed, and Li Lina drew circles on Gong Ming's body with her jade-like fingers.

Gong Ming lit a cigarette, and then patted the buttocks of the people around him: "Dingshenghe must go on the right track, and you are not allowed to touch any dark things after you take office. No one knows about Blue Ice Rx 45, hehe, his thinking is too simple!"

After Gong Ming finished speaking, Li Lina looked at him with a puzzled expression. She had never heard of Lan Bing Rx 45. She remembered her father. Although he was a gangster, he was very principled and never touched him. poison.

"Cheng Junsen stole the drug formula from the Seven Star Club, and then cooperated with the rice field group to sell it to the Neon Country. He didn't know that this batch of rx 45 was seized by the police department of the Neon Country just after landing." Gong Ming watched. Li Lina, who was lying shyly in his arms, told her the whole story.

Gong Ming thought of the formula of Rx 45, and couldn't help but think of Lim's Pharmaceutical Group in Penang. This formula was developed by their research laboratory Has.

Thinking about it this way, it's not good...

Gong Ming picked up the phone from the bed and checked the time. It was already five o'clock in the morning.

Regardless, should I make this call or should I make it?

The phone was connected, and a sleepy voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Hello? Cousin, what's the matter? Call at this time!" The lazy voice of the third cousin Qin Changluo came from the other end of the phone.

"Third cousin, have you noticed that there is a has laboratory under Lin's Pharmaceutical Group?" Gong Ming said straight to the point.

"Why are you asking this?" Qin Changluo on the other end of the phone lost all sleepiness.

Sure enough, they knew it, but Gong Ming didn't know that his uncle had already become a governor, so why should he care about the money.

"Cousin, let me tell you that the princelings behind Lin's Pharmaceutical Group must not have anything to do with them!" Qin Changluo hurriedly said on the phone.

Qin Changluo was very frightened. If his cousin was involved with the princelings, his family would have no choice but to escape.

Princelings, Gong Ming heard from Qin Changhao that Mr. Tan is a leader of the princelings. This princeling has gathered the princelings from all the major powers in Southeast Asia. It seems to be an offensive and defensive alliance, so they should not be easily offended.

Hearing this, Gong Ming was relieved, as long as his uncle's family did not walk with these people, then Hua Guo would be the most important support for his uncle's family.

After all, if Southeast Asian countries do not have good relations with China, do you really think that the farts of those politicians in the Stars and Stripes will come true?
Mr. S, Mr. K and several Malaysian presidents also know this, so the position of uncle vice president will be held for ten years, and no one can shake it during this period.

Gong Ming chatted with Qin Changluo for a while, and after agreeing to find a time to get together, he hung up the phone directly.

At this time, Cheng Junsen also received the news that the shipment to the Neon Country was directly seized by the Neon Police Department as soon as it landed, which made him furious in the office.

At this time, Kang Ge, his subordinate, told him that he saw that Luo Jia of the Seven Stars Club had a good chat with Mr. Song who was next to Qingtian, and he also took out a photo of the two chatting.

Suddenly, a certain string in his mind was plucked, and he understood that Luo Jia and Mr. Song might both be undercover agents of the police.

"Kangzi, please edit and send an extra copy of this photo to Zheng Taicheng on Seven Star Social." Cheng Junsen thought of the last time he was beaten by Luo Jia and the other, this time he must be beaten to death.

(End of this chapter)

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