Chapter 76 Charity Banquet
Chapter 76 Charity Banquet

The time was like this, and another three days passed. During these three days, Li Lina had been lying beside Gong Ming at night, and playing with Gong Ming during the day, as if all her troubles had left her.

In three days, Li Lina's development progress reached 100%, and she completely belonged to Gong Ming.

This also made Gong Ming choose the future for himself, and Dingshenghe was very satisfied with being the head of the family. After all, it doesn't matter if you are capable or not in an association company, as long as you are obedient and have no strength, it doesn't matter.

In the evening, Gong Ming received a call from Qin Changxin, and his uncle asked him to attend a charity banquet.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Li Lina, who was dressed up, took Gong Ming's arm and got off the Rolls-Royce.

"Brother, your new girl is not bad!" Qin Changxin suddenly patted Gong Ming's shoulder from behind.

"You're like this, next time pay attention to the eighth floor at ten o'clock!" Gong Ming smiled and punched him.

Qin Changxin turned his head and looked at the tall building in the direction of ten o'clock. A foreign man was aiming at his direction with a Barrett on his back. Qin Changxin broke out in cold sweat behind his back.

"Brother, your guards are too terrifying, and this place has already been under martial law, how did he bring a gun in?" Qin Changxin still knows this banquet very well. Martial law has started here as early as a day ago, and outsiders want to enter Within a range of 500 meters, they have to go through heavy checks.

But my old brother's bodyguard was able to set up a sniper rifle in that place, what kind of fairy operation is this?
"It's a good thing you're my younger brother, otherwise you'd have been a headless corpse just now!" Gong Ming smiled and patted Qin Changxin on the back.

"Sister-in-law, you don't care if my brother carries such bodyguards with him wherever he goes, it's terrifying." Qin Changxin said to Li Lina, as if his mouth had been smeared with honey.

When Li Lina heard this sentence, sister-in-law, she looked at Gong Ming shyly, and was very happy to find that Gong Ming did not deny it.

"As long as he is happy!" Li Lina whispered.

"Fuck, I'm full!" Qin Changxin was caught off guard by eating dog food.

When the three came to the door, Qin Changxin took out an invitation card, and the waiter at the door respectfully invited the three of them in.

"Whose banquet is this, why did uncle think of letting us come?" Gong Ming was still puzzled.

"This is a charity dinner. Grandpa told me to bring you over to meet people. These people are good for your company. By the way, aren't you an offshore company registered by Brother Hao? , you will meet some talents you need in the second half!" Qin Changxin said simply.

At the same time, a banquet was also held in another place in Lan Kupa, which was held by Governor Changtan of Lan Kupa.

Zheng Taicheng and Hu Qianyue attended the banquet of Governor Tan of Lankupa State together. Under the recommendation of Mr. Luo, Zheng Taicheng frankly stated to Governor Tan that he wanted to change his career to do legitimate business.

"Seven Star Club, what do you say now?" Mayor Tan cut off the cigar in his hand with a cigar cutter.

"Lan Kupa, of course it's Governor Tan, what you say is right!" Zheng Taicheng's flattery was just right, which made Governor Tan laugh heartily.

"Okay, that's good enough." Governor Tan lit the cigar in his hand, "I'm not having a good time recently, can I ask Lao Luo for help?"

Luo Zhong on the side smiled slightly.

"How dare Zheng Mou sail against the current!" Zheng Taicheng said in a low voice.

"President Zheng, he wants to switch to a legitimate business," Luo Zhong added with a smile.

"Hahaha, if I'm not mistaken, this time you are paving the way for him and yourself!" Governor Tan took a sip of the cigar in his hand and said to Luo Zhong with a smile.

"Sure enough, everything can't be hidden from you, Governor!" Luo Zhong smiled apologetically, "But to be honest, President Zheng really wants to go into politics, but he has no way to serve the country!"

"Hehe, Lao Luo, your idea is really good!" Governor Tan smiled and got up and patted Luo Zhong on the shoulder and said.

Looking at Governor Tan's leaving back, Luo Zhong and Zheng Taecheng looked at each other.

After the governor left, the two also got up and walked out. Hu Qianyue, who had been waiting at the door, walked up and asked doubtfully, "Did the talk not go well?"

Luo Zhong sneered: "Hmph! Don't look at him now, I'm about to reach the final age of the election, and there is not much value left for him, so, he wants to find someone of his own to replace him I'm in my place!"

"Then Senator Luo, what should we do next?" Zheng Taicheng looked at Luo Zhong and said.

"Oh, I found a way to become his own!" Luo Zhong said casually, "Oh, you saw that young man in the blue suit, he is the governor's only son."

"He is the prince of Lan Kupa, can Mr. Luo introduce him to us?" Zheng Taicheng asked with a smile.

"I don't have any personal relationship with her, but I think no one can resist Miss Hu's charm." Luo Zhong said jokingly.

Hu Qianyue laughed, turned around and wanted to go forward, but was stopped by Zheng Taicheng from behind, "Qianyue, I can't hide behind women in everything, right?" After speaking, she walked towards Mr. Tan's direction.

Seeing Zheng Taicheng's actions, Luo Zhong said contemptuously: "A reckless man is not enough to accomplish anything!"

Only this time, Luo Zhong's jaw dropped in shock, he found that Zheng Taicheng and Mr. Tan were chatting very happily.

Hu Qianyue turned her head and said jokingly, "You underestimate him too much!"

At this time, Gong Ming met the legendary Mr. K in the banquet hall.

"Sure enough, a boy born from a hero!" Mr. K was obviously very satisfied with Gong Ming.

"Come on, let me introduce you. This one is Mr. Sun, the Chinese joint ambassador to Malaysia." Mr. K introduced to Gong Ming, "This one is the grandson of our country's vice president, Mr. Qin, and he is also from Hua!"

In fact, before Gong Ming arrived in Malaysia, his information had been passed to the embassy, ​​so Mr. Sun still knew him very well.

It's just that Mr. Sun didn't expect that Gong Ming actually had such an identity behind his back?
"Mr. Sun, it's an honor to meet you!" Gong Ming stretched out his right hand to shake hands with him.

"Mr. Gong, it's an honor to meet you!" Mr. Sun stretched out his hand and they held each other.

Seeing that his goal was achieved, Mr. K said he had other things to do and left first.

"Please, Mr. Sun!" Gong Ming stretched out his hand to invite Mr. Sun to have a drink.

"Mr. Gong, please!"

After the two sat down, Li Lina chatted with those noble ladies very perceptively.

"Mr. Gong is the big boss of Dingshenghe Financial Investment Company?" Mr. Sun also got straight to the point.

"Mr. Sun, don't worry, Ding Sheng He will clean up quickly. As for those illegal businesses, it is impossible to bring them into the country." Gong Ming's words directly gave the other party a reassurance.

"Mr. Gong misunderstood, that's not what I meant!" Mr. Sun wanted to change the subject.

Of course Gong Ming knew that the two chatted very speculatively.

(End of this chapter)

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