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Chapter 126 1 piece of uproar

Chapter 126 An uproar

Bai Ye was woken up!
To be exact, Bai Ye was woken up by Xu Zhonglei pulling the quilt off!
Bai Ye stared wide-eyed at Xu Zhonglei who was in a hurry, got on the bed and lifted the quilt in a hurry, and immediately shrank in the corner of the wall in fright.

Xu Zhonglei said: "The principal called you seven or eight times, but you are calm and still sleeping?"

Bai Ye was taken aback: "Why did the principal call me?"

Xu Zhonglei didn't bother to explain: "Hurry up, there are a bunch of people waiting for you, on the way say..."

In less than 10 minutes, Bai Ye arrived at the large conference room. After pushing the door and entering, he was dumbfounded. This...why are there so many leaders...

Bai Ye smiled awkwardly: "Morning, everyone... busy..."

Everyone turned their heads and saw dozens of pairs of leaders' eyes. Bai Ye shivered. The heating in the office was not good...

Hu Fengyun said: "Bai Ye, come here, there are some things that you need to explain clearly to us. The more detailed the better."

Li Peishuo stared at Bai Ye seriously, and asked, "What's the matter with your thesis? Is there any problem, is there any academic fraud?"

Bai Ye was taken aback, he didn't expect the matter to be so serious?

Li Peishuo is a high-ranking party official with great power and dignity in the school. His words made Bai Ye realize the importance of this matter.

He shook his head solemnly: "There is no problem. I participated in all my papers. Among them, two "cells" were discovered and written by myself. I am the only author. One "Experimental Animals" "Promotion and Application" is also my own conjecture, starting from 12 co-authored articles, I have participated in all of them, and some of them have a high degree of participation...so...there will be no problems!"

The surrounding professors and experts were stunned when they heard Bai Ye's words!

""Cell"? Then...that is a top journal at the same level as "Nature" and "Science"! The impact factor has more than 30 points, and Bai Ye has published two articles, which is 60 points!"

Everyone was in an uproar, when did "cell" get published so easily?

Li Peishuo frowned: "You said you wrote it yourself? What evidence do you have?"

Bai Ye was taken aback, he glanced at Hu Fengyun, asked for his opinion, saw the other party nodding, Bai Ye said: "I wrote it when I was at the Nobel Experimental Base!"



In the morning, the leaders of Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine made several decisions after discussions at the meeting!
First: Publicize 15 papers written by Bai Ye, including the cover of the magazine, the table of contents, and the content of the papers, and publicly declare that Bai Ye’s articles were written by himself and participated in the creation, there is no academic fraud, and the academic value of these articles must be proved and influence!
Second: For those who participated in slandering the reputation of Bai Ye and our school this time, they are required to make a public announcement to apologize, and at the same time, submit a lawyer's letter to those who are stubborn!

After the news was released, the comment area exploded!
"Damn it! True or false, two articles from "Cell" and one article from "Promotion of Experimental Animal Application"...a total of 15 articles! It scared me to death."

"...The paper is so easy to publish? Shall I publish "cell" to test the water?"

"Isn't this fake? I'm QNMLGB, are you fucking kidding me? Can a student publish such a top paper?"

"It must have been bought with money! The devil believes that a student can write so many papers!"

"You think "cell" is a story club? Or a youth digest? Don't be ridiculous, okay? Be serious! This is academic..."

"This is a sad story. I am a Ph.D. student... because of the dissertation, it is difficult to graduate... Please correct me how to fake it seamlessly..."

"As a MD who is about to graduate from Harvard Medical School, I said that this is the first time I have seen such aboveboard academic falsification! Don't you care about it in China? This is obviously fake. I only published two SCIs in total. The total score It's only 7 points, an undergraduate student... I'm huh..."

"The sorrow of the country, the sorrow of the nation! Our university not only ignores it, but maintains an act of academic falsification, it is really... so painful! Is our academic circle really rotten to such a state?"

"Good disclosure! Good disclosure! For such academic fraud, we must expose it!"

"That's right, send a lawyer's letter? Who are you bluffing? We want to send a report letter!"

"Yes! Master Dingshiqi, we will resolutely and severely crack down on academic fraud, and we must not tolerate and forgive it!"

"Come on, Master Shi Qi, we will stand with you through thick and thin, and resolutely resist the evil forces!"

"Come on, I have a copy of the lawyer's letter! My home is..."

"Fuck you upstairs, that's my home address!"



In less than two hours, this meager comment has more than 3 comments. This time, it seems that everyone is targeting Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Bai Ye.

Because a paper with an impact factor of 258 is really scary!

So much so that most people don't take a serious look at what these papers are about, or... they don't understand these papers at all.

However, it doesn't matter whether you can read or not, the important thing is that I can spray, I can spray, and my keyboard can spray by itself!

It doesn't matter whether you read the content or not, as long as I find you unhappy, I can spray you.

However, a real wise man spends 20% of his time looking at a news and article, and then spends 80% of his time thinking about it, while a troll spends 1% of his time reading a headline, and then spends 99% of his time thinking about it. Time to start coding, well, at least a person with strong execution ability.

What everyone couldn't understand was that this time Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine took a very tough attitude and resolutely defended its students.

On the same day, Zhang Hanlin, the new president of Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, posted on Weibo:

"I am the first author of the article "Deeply Excavating the Effect of Gastrodia elata Extract on Essential Hypertension". Meaning, this is a sub-project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China that I applied for. The problem has been completed, and the key person to complete the problem is Bai Ye. When the project was in trouble and could not advance or retreat, a coincidence led me to find Bai Ye. …Unbelievable, he helped me solve this stumbling block, this article was published, and the project was carried out smoothly. He is the most talented student I have ever seen, bar none! If you want To slander him, I suggest that you can read the data analysis of my article, maybe...you will know what the gap is. What is genius!"

"I am very happy that our school can cultivate such a talented student. I am very fortunate. As the new principal, I will stand in front of Bai Ye as a strong backing. Our school will strictly pursue its legal responsibility for any adverse effects caused.”

"One last thing, the lawyer's letter has been sent, please keep it! @石琼."

(End of this chapter)

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