Chapter 127

The sea market in April has gradually warmed up.

And Shi Qi felt that his life and career had begun to recover.

As a professional social scientist, he has a standard, which records who should be angry, who should not be angry, who should be angry every day, who should be angry every day, and who should be angry several times a day.

Ever since he met Bai Ye, he felt that he had met a noble person. It was the first time he hated Bai Ye, and he entered the top ten of Weibo's daily search. This time it was even better, directly in the top three!

Moreover, this time I am standing on the side of justice, and the army of hundreds of thousands of fans behind me are showing off their power, full of style.


If there are such people who come to hate every day, isn't it a kind of happiness to hate people?

Three days ago, Shi Qi received a call from someone who hoped that Shi Qi could reveal something related to Bai Ye's thesis.

The bigger the trouble, the better, and it would be best to make Bai Ye's graduate student invalid.

For this reason, the other party also gave Shi Qi a deposit of 10 yuan!

It was the first time for Shi Qi, who had been a professional stalker for several years, to see such a good thing, to slap the sky, to slap the air, this was his daily job, but this time he still has money to take?

Could there be anything better than this?

Seeing that the Ching Ming Festival is approaching, Shi Qi, feeling relaxed and happy, specially ordered a 1-jin premium Yuqian Longjing with a fellow from Hangzhou.

Seeing the crazy number of fans on the computer screen, Shi Qi took a sip of tea, this is happiness...

In just one day, the number of fans increased by 100 million.

Whenever I issued an order to Bai Ye to march, the hundreds of thousands of Shi family's "spray" army didn't have to use their brains at all, and rushed forward with their mouse and keyboard.

This feeling is so wonderful!
Moreover, I have almost 500 million fans. Well, I can increase the price when I take orders and promote things. After all, I am a well-known critic now, or a critic who represents justice and fights against injustice.

He felt that he should discuss cooperation with the Weibo official, and change his label appropriately...

As for the lawyer's letter?
All right!As a fan, this is your certificate of honor. You said you haven't received a lawyer's letter for a while?Well, then you are screwed!

Litigation is a good thing!
Inexpensive, super cost-effective fan booster artifact, it is estimated that I can stay on the hot search for a few more days.

He was worried that Bai Ye was too scumbag and couldn't keep himself warm for a few more days!

He saw the article posted by the new president of Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, stretched his fingers, and started spraying!
Read your thesis?look at you ghost!If I can understand what to do?

He, Master Shi Qi, couldn't understand the messy English and a bunch of ghost-like mathematical characters at all.

But he has the great method of juggling right and wrong and turning black and white!

"Letter from Lawyer?This is just the last fig leaf, right? "

"Principal Li's reply touched me very much. I was moved that there are still people who are really knowledgeable and academic in our country, but... can this be the reason for us to believe in Bai Ye?"

"Think about it, this is actually a fabricated story full of loopholes. You said that you found no one who could help you solve the problem in this circle of friends, but Bai Ye solved it... Haha... I believe it... ...But will your friends believe it? You are a dignified Li Hanlin who is a doctoral supervisor, so your circle of friends is so vulnerable?"

"Okay, let's not talk about this, let's talk about other articles? But... I didn't find much data analysis in other articles! Could it be that Bai Ye is not only superb in statistics, but also has a full-level material science? A full grade in molecular biology? Wow! And a full grade in cell biology? . . . Goodness! Are you sure about this guy?"

"15 papers, 3 first authors, 12 co-authors, involving 13 different fields, can Bai Ye be omnipotent to help everyone solve problems? Could it be that he comes from... Marvel? Or... stop kidding okay?"


After finishing writing this article, Shi Qi published it directly, but he still felt a little unfinished, and at this moment, his hands were so hot that his hands felt hot, and he wanted to be angry!Can't stop it!
So another article came out that shook the world, wept ghosts and gods, I saw pity, moved people to tears, moved my heart, felt empathy, moved the world, thanked Dade with mixed feelings!

"To have great ambition to sacrifice, dare to teach the sun and the moon to change into a new sky!"I hope the sun and the moon are still in the sky, so what if I go to jail! "

"Maybe, there are some things that I shouldn't do, but I did it! Because I saw it! If I don't do it, my conscience, my integrity, my soul... everything about me will be cast aside by myself!"

"Maybe, if I do this, I will offend the interests of some important people, offend organizations that cannot be offended, be bound by some unspoken rules, and even go to jail!"

"But I'm not afraid! Because my thoughts, my soul... my keyboard is not afraid. As a social critic, I deeply know what my mission is! Facing such unfair and unjust... things, I, Shi Qi, have the obligation to express their inner thoughts for the public!"


"Because of the great ambition to sacrifice, dare to teach the sun and the moon to change into a new sky! I hope the sky will return to the sun and the moon, so what if you go to jail!"

After finishing writing, the satisfied Shi Qi praised it!

But he still felt that there was something wrong, suddenly, with an idea, he picked up the lawyer's letter, faced the sky, put the phone aside, and a selfie came!
Not bad!

The effect is perfect, send it out!

So, another article with photos was published on Weibo.

After Shi Qi drank a cup of tea, the number of comments below slowly climbed up.

"Well said! Master Shi Qi said so well!"

"How ambitious to sacrifice, dare to teach the sun and the moon to change into a new sky! I hope the sky will return to the sun and the moon, so what if I go to jail! I cried when I saw it... This master Shiqi is really great. I misunderstood you!"

"Master Shi Qi, I will be your brainless fan from now on!"

"Support Master Shi Qi and crack down on academic fraud! Make the academic circle clear."

"I hope that the relevant departments can increase the punishment for academic fraud and other behaviors, and regulate academics..."

"It's really hard work for a school to do this for a student. To be honest, I don't know why. Is a student really worth it?"



Looking at the comments one after another, Shi Qi nodded in satisfaction, feeling flattered in his heart, thinking where should he go to have fun tonight...

 Thank you Gonggong for the Dragon Brothers 5000 Award!Bookworm, Zhang 1000 reward!Guoshi Wushuang haha, 200 rewards for Linhu fishing tt, there will be more updates today, don't go away!

(End of this chapter)

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