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Chapter 132 Ke Ao's Data

Chapter 132 Ke Ao's Data


Just after Bai Ye finished speaking, everyone around looked at Hu Fengyun shyly, and looked at Hu Fengyun with black faces that were slightly flushed.

Seeing this, Hu Fengyun sighed helplessly, and said to Bai Ye: "Xiao Ye, you also know that our scientific research and papers in western Shanxi have always lagged behind those of other provinces. As the principals of major universities, we I'm really worried!"

"However, this kind of thing can't be solved in a hurry, but when everyone knew that the deputy editor-in-chief of "Cell" came to our school, everyone discussed it and thought it was a good opportunity."

Bai Ye was taken aback for a moment, so that was the case, no wonder these big bosses came to him, it turned out it was because of Ke Ao's matter.

But, what is the matter with Ke Ao?

At this time, President He of the Medical University sighed, and said slowly: "Many old professors in our school actually have very good subject content and good results, but their papers cannot be published in top journals. This...so, very It is not conducive to our academic development, after all, in the international arena, people still value those top journals and magazines."

"So, we all want to invite the editor of "Cell" to give a lecture on how to publish papers, as well as the development direction and major trends of some modern scientific research..."

"The most important thing is to tell the children that these students are actually quite good, but because of the general environment, our current scientific research level and paper level are much lower than those in developed regions..."

After finishing speaking, everyone looked at Bai Ye with hope.

Seeing this, Bai Ye said without any hesitation, "I will try my best to do this, but I'm not sure about the specific result."


After Bai Ye bid farewell to everyone, he went directly to the hotel.

After Ke Ao arrived, he got together with Bai Ye and was settled in a nearby hotel.

He didn't have too much contact with too many people. His purpose of coming here was very simple and simple, just to find Bai Ye and ask Bai Ye to help him see if he could unlock the data.

After Bai Ye arrived at the hotel, Ke Ao saw Bai Ye coming back and rubbed his hands, very excited!
"Whoa, are you done? Let's get to work!"

Bai Ye hummed, and said a little embarrassedly: "Well, I can help you process the data wholeheartedly now... But, can I ask you for a favor?"

Ke Ao was stunned: "What?"

Bai Ye thought for a while: "Can you hold a lecture here? A lecture on thesis writing and scientific research trends."

Ke Ao's eyes widened: "What do you mean?"

Only then did Bai Ye talk about what happened in the morning, and after finishing speaking, he looked at Ke Ao quietly.

"Can you help me with this? Don't worry, I will do the data thing with my heart, I promise."

Keo got up to heat a pot of water and made himself a cup of instant coffee.

Both were silent.

After about a cup of coffee, Ke Ao suddenly sighed and said, "I thought about it carefully, I'm not very good at data analysis, and I can't help you much when I'm with you. I can agree to the lecture." is you."

Bai Ye was taken aback! "real?"

Ke Ao nodded, a smile appeared on his unshaven face, he patted Bai Ye on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Yes, I promise you, but... I can only stay in Jinxi for a week, after a week I'm about to leave, and... my lectures are charged! The market price is calculated, and for the sake of you being my friend, I won't add any extra money."

Bai Ye's eyes lit up, he hugged Ke Ao excitedly, and said: "Thank you. I will definitely handle the data for you."

Afterwards, Bai Ye contacted Hu Fengyun, and everyone on the other side was obviously waiting for news from Bai Ye.

After learning that Ke Ao agreed, I was very excited!
Hurry up and talk about the price!
In fact, as editor-in-chief-level tasks of "cell", "nature"... these top journals, lectures are no longer measurable by money.

Their lectures may not be expensive, but you can hardly get them, that's the truth.

Sometimes, this circle is really weird.

That night, Hu Fengyun and more than a dozen principals worked together to make a plan for the lecture.

The next day, Bai Ye took Ke Ao to meet everyone, and Ke Ao was very generous.

It is promised that there will be more than ten hours of lectures in the next few days.

Bai Ye was not involved in the specific arrangement, and he booked a room next to Ke Ao's room for a week that night.

After all, Keao came to China alone, so Bai Ye still did his best to accompany him, and the school was responsible for all expenses, more than a dozen schools to be precise.


That night, Ke Ao opened the laptop, and mysteriously inserted a mobile hard disk.

He said to Bai Ye solemnly: "This is the purpose of my visit, the data I want to ask you to help calculate."

"Really, Bai Ye, please, you must be able to figure it out, right? You are a genius!"

Bai Ye was taken aback!
He looked at Ke Ao, who was a little distracted, and was a little surprised. What is this data?
Only then did he look at the opened data.

Bai Ye took the lead in browsing a frame, and immediately, Bai Ye understood what it was!

This is a complete new drug development process!
Moreover, this is not an ordinary drug, this is a molecular targeted drug development technology for the treatment of tumors that is basically monopolized by Western developed countries!
Bai Ye's heart was pounding suddenly. Although this was a framework, it was very systematic!
The first part is experimental design, watching a series of hypothetical conjectures appear on the screen, followed by a large number of hypothetical analysis and experimental conception.

He can see the discovery of new drugs, the extraction of new drugs, and the preparation of new drugs... etc. This is the first stage of experimentation.

The second stage is the experimental animal experiment, which covers most of the data, and hundreds of pages of data are all the results of animal experiments.

And the last part is the clinical trial that surprised Bai Ye?

But why is there no data in the third part of the clinical trial?

Not a single piece of data!

what is happening?
At this time, Ke Ao suddenly said: "This data may contain a lot of information, so it may take a little more effort, so I have worked hard for you these days."

Bai Ye shook his head and asked, "This is... is this an experiment you participated in?"

When Ke Ao heard this, he forced a smile: "Hmm! Yes? This is an experimental data from my original experimental base. I have always wanted to write a paper to summarize it, but the experimental data can't get the results. What's wrong... …I'm not so sure either."

(End of this chapter)

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