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Chapter 143 Meng Yunxi

Chapter 143 Meng Yunxi (610 for subscription)
Bai Ye has a lot of ideas about little mice now, his mind is full of mouse ideas, so much so that he dreams of mice...

In Fatty's words, it means that {day} thinks, night dreams...

Originally, when I got in touch with Meng Yunxi, I wanted to chat with him about the use of the mouse breeding base, but after slowly talking about the city and telling stories, Bai Ye was also helpless.

But I can't procrastinate, there are a lot of things waiting for me, I must solve the mouse problem in the near future.

So when he picked up the phone and was about to send a message to Meng Yunxi, Bai Ye was suddenly at a loss. Having been single for more than 20 years, he suddenly felt, should he first analyze and analyze how to get started?

If it was any other woman, Bai Ye might be able to deal with business, but for Meng Yunxi, Bai Ye always felt weird, always felt that she was a woman with a sense of mystery, and a woman who told her own story...

But... Bai Ye shook his head, let go of his own business first, and the mouse business is more important!
After getting ready, Bai Ye picked up his phone with confidence, opened Meng Yunxi's WeChat, and was about to send a message: "I have something to tell you."

But just as he was about to send it, he saw a message from the other party: "I have something to tell you."

Bai Ye was taken aback for a moment, his head was in a daze, what's going on?Storytelling again?
But with a shake of his hand, the message was sent instantly...

The other party was obviously taken aback... because the two messages were basically sent at the same time!

A bit of a coincidence?Um!
"What a coincidence!"

"What a coincidence!"

"You speak first……"

"You speak first……"

Bai Ye was confused, the master didn't say what to do when encountering a repeater?

Meng Yunxi is also in a mess, what does this mean?
Since the routine is unreliable, Bai Ye straight to the point and said: "Hello, I want to talk to you about the mouse."

Meng Yunxi also said: "Well, I'm going to tell you about this too."

Bai Ye said: "Because of some experimental matters, I need some data and experiments, and I need a lot of mice, so if possible... I can pay for the relevant expenses."

Meng Yunxi: "Let's meet and chat. My family's experimental base is not in Kyoto, but in an experimental base in Dongshan, Shanxi Province. I am also in Jinxi during this period. When do you think it is suitable?"

Bai Ye was taken aback for a moment, he was actually in Jinxi, so it was much better!
After making an appointment, Meng Yunxi suddenly said, "Well... can you tell a story?"

Bai Ye was a little confused: "Are you insomnia again?"

Meng Yunxi nodded: "I've been too busy recently, but I haven't been able to sleep well, and I don't have a good rest. I don't know what's going on. Your story doesn't work..."

Bai Ye was taken aback, your story doesn't work anymore?
Meaning the old story works?When Bai Ye heard this, Xiao Lu jumped up and down...

At this time, the fat man came back at some point. When he saw Bai Ye, his face was blushing, and he suddenly asked, "Yo? What are you doing to be so red? Is there a tablet in your phone?"

Bai Ye quickly pressed the black screen, and the fat man curled his lips: "Aren't you stingy? What's the matter? Are you dating a girl?"

Bai Ye suddenly pulled the fat man over and asked, "What kind of clothes should you wear when meeting a girl for the first time?"

The fat man was stunned: "Are you really dating a girl? What does it look like?"

Bai Ye's face was dark: "Speak seriously, hurry up, make an appointment to talk about things!"

The fat man pulled the chair and sat down, stared at Bai Ye face to face, and said in a serious manner: "You have to see what you are doing now. Wearing formal clothes, the more imposing you are, the better; when you wear fashionable clothes, you can be as aggressive as you want; Wear casual clothes on a date, how do you like it..."

This guy, Fatty, pretended to be aggressive, and spoke vividly and vividly.

At this time, Bai Ye heard the phone vibrate, and quickly turned it on: "Is it convenient? I turned on the voice?"

"Convenient, convenient!"

While typing, he walked out and got on the phone.



After telling a story for half an hour, when he came back, the fat man walked up to Bai Ye, stared at Bai Ye's face carefully, and suddenly sighed: "My son has grown up, I can't help him...Come, I will send you a housekeeper." Baby, stay safe!"

The fat man took out a few condoms from the drawer and handed them over.

Bai Ye was taken aback: "Where did you get this thing? What are you doing with this, a single?"

The fat man had a bitter face: "I was in the anorectal department last month, and I touched countless hemorrhoids with this thing on my fingers... and they were all from the old men! Those guys in the anorectal department... let me give it to you." Men's finger examination!"

Bai Ye threw it to the fat man and went to bed.

The appointed location is at the Dongshan Experimental Base, and the time is between 9:30-10:[-].

It seems that the other party is a person with a strong sense of time.

The next day, Bai Ye got up early and set off. Bai Ye didn't take Fatty's words seriously. What he had in his heart towards Meng Yunxi was just a sense of curiosity and mystery.


Will you like someone you haven't met?

After arriving, Bai Ye finally understood why the time was between 9:30 and 10:00.

Because Meng Yunxi had already negotiated business with two groups of people before Bai Ye arrived, and Bai Ye was the third group.

This was the first time Bai Ye met Meng Yunxi. She was a woman with an obvious oriental temperament, without any feeling of mixed blood. Her face was very elegant like that of a woman in an ink painting.

Maybe it was because of talking about work, she was wearing business attire, looked at Bai Ye with a smile, and said, "Hello, my name is Meng Yunxi, please sit down!"

Yingying let go of her hand as soon as she shook it, and Bai Ye smiled slightly as a signal.

"I'm sorry, but I really only have 30 minutes." Meng Yunxi's smile was very professional, and Bai Ye didn't care.

"I'm sorry to trouble you. I want to stay in your company's mouse breeding base for a while, hoping to do some experiments. Of course, I will pay the market price for the mice used and the related consumption." Bai Ye State your purpose directly.

Meng Yunxi nodded: "Well, Daisy told me about this matter, the main rats in our company's breeding base are for internal use and will not be exported, so they can't meet professional standards. No need, because our mouse breeding is not very up to standard, and now we can no longer meet our needs for experimental mice, so we are going to transfer the experimental mouse base in the near future, and today we are talking about these things.”

Bai Ye was taken aback!
I go?


I haven't done any experiments myself, so how can I transfer it?

Bai Ye rejoiced in his heart, but fortunately he came early, otherwise the real base would have been sold to someone, and he would even do a woolen experiment.

Meng Yunxi looked at Bai Ye, smiled and said: "It's okay, the transfer may take a while, and you can use it for free during this period!"

(End of this chapter)

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