Chapter 15

In the political exam in the morning, many of Xiao Xiurong's four sets of papers had some similar questions. Although Bai Ye was not very good at politics, he was definitely not bad either.

Those big questions that need to be memorized, Bai Ye can also memorize them fluently, so there shouldn't be a big problem.

But for a high score... Bai Ye didn't have too high expectations.

After all, Bai Ye is really not very good at this thing, and the next thing is the most important thing.

The exam in the afternoon is English, and Bai Ye's English is lv3 professional level, so there shouldn't be too many problems with English for the postgraduate entrance examination, right?

The rewards for non-star missions depend on the final score, so Bai Ye naturally hopes to get more points in the test.

Postgraduate entrance examination English can not afford politics, this difficulty is still very high!
Most people score between 40-70 in the postgraduate entrance examination English. If you want to score higher than 70, unless you have a very good English foundation, it is difficult to achieve.

Those with a score of more than 80 in English are even more masters...

He has no listening comprehension in English, so after the examination papers were handed out, Bai Ye first did the English subjective questions, English composition.

There are two English essays for the postgraduate entrance examination, one is a small composition, which is generally those message notes, announcements, reports, thank you letters, introductions, etc.

These different essays were summed up by those postgraduate entrance examination institutions, and there are templates. Although Bai Ye didn't recite the templates, he still took a look at the format of each template.

Today's essay is a reply to an invitation letter, accepting the professor's invitation to introduce Chinese culture to international students.

There is no problem with Bai Ye's English level to write such a reply letter.

The total score of the small composition is only 10 points, as long as it is satisfactory, it will usually give about seven points.

One of the advantages of Bai Ye is that his handwriting is extremely good. From a young age, Mr. Bai and Mrs. Hu valued Bai Ye's handwriting very much. They have practiced copybooks for countless copies.

Pang Zhonghua was always the devil in Bai Ye's dream when he was a child...

So much so that when he wrote English words later, he always had the taste of Pang Zhonghua... I don't know if Mr. Pang should thank Bai Ye for expanding his business after learning the news, or...

But I have to say that Bai Ye's English handwriting is very beautiful.

The big composition is a picture composition, an icon, and the title is the number of museums and the number of visitors in my country from 2013 to 2015.

For large essays, every year a large organization gives a universal template.

The first template is obverse, the second is reverse and the third is neutral.

The general formula for the first paragraph: There has been a discussion recently about apicture in which ____The pictures convey a clear and strong message to us that_____.

What is the problem illustrated in the picture, and the importance of what has been recognized recently, and there are many discussions about this point of view.

What follows is an analysis of the views and importance of various people and social organizations on this issue.

The last paragraph concludes with a few questions.

Bai Ye didn't know much about it at the beginning, mainly because Fatty studied this thing all day long and made a lot of templates. In his words, this is a summary of his own experience and a good thing for future generations.

Bai Ye's English has no dead ends in all aspects, whether it is vocabulary, spoken language, or English grammar.

After finishing English composition and translation, most people have to start reading comprehension.

After all, it occupies a lot of points, four readings, 20 options, 40 points, some people say that the reader wins the world, this is definitely not a joke.

But Bai Ye did it side by side from beginning to end, and he has an ability called flat push... This is the correct way to open up a master.

Whether it's studying or solving problems, Bai Ye gets into the mood very quickly.

Generally, most people in English for postgraduate entrance examinations can't finish it, so that they can do cloze and new question types casually or just get an answer directly.

About 30 minutes before the end of the exam, Bai Ye finished the English, checked it back and forth, and after reconfirming, Bai Ye was relieved. There were still 3 minutes before the test was handed in, and the invigilator was no longer the same Sun Qiaoyue in the morning. .

At this time, everyone was flipping through the test papers in a hurry, and the writing machine was reading the cards.

Shanxi Province has four distinct seasons, and the winter is very cold, dry and cold!Cold!

Fortunately, Shanxi Province is a large coal-producing province, and the heating is timely every year.

However, even so, there were still bursts of chill in the empty postgraduate entrance examination classroom.

But the anxiety and passion in everyone's hearts far outweighed the coldness of the outside world at this time.

Because today's English questions are really much more difficult than before.

Especially for reading comprehension, many uncommon words make it impossible for everyone to analyze how to choose.

too difficult!
A kind of uneasiness and anxiety arose in everyone's heart. Could it be that after a year of hard work, it will be ruined here?

In the entire classroom, almost everyone's heart was shrouded in a kind of haze.

But there are exceptions to everything, just like classmate Wang Youfu.

In the meantime, this fellow clasped his hands together, like worshiping Buddha, muttering something silently, and then the fat face blew air into his hands!
Suddenly, a note fell aside.

Fatty's eyes lit up, he quickly picked up the note and opened it, then scribbled on the answer sheet...



Time passed slowly, and it was time to hand in the papers, the invigilator said.

"Everyone stood up, put down their pens, and handed in the paper!"

It's just that although the people around stood up, their hands didn't stop, and everyone was making the last struggle and effort.

It's like... one point and two points at this time will become a life-saving straw at a critical moment.

After handing in the papers, Bai Ye and Fatty walked out.

At this time, all the people around were talking about it.

"so hard!"

"That's right! I've never seen these words before%..."

"I have memorized the words for the postgraduate entrance examination dozens of times, and I have never seen those damn words..."

"Hey, the word problem is okay, but the long and difficult's too much..."


Hearing the complaints from the people around him one after another, the fat man was taken aback for a moment, glanced at Bai Ye, and couldn't help but ask, " it difficult?"

Bai Ye thought of the fat man who was like a lottery, and sighed: "It's not difficult..."

The fat man shook his head: "No! It's really difficult..."

Bai Ye was taken aback. Could it be that the fat man found the topic difficult?

The fat man said, "Hey... because when I blew the answers, I needed to blow several breaths to get those answers... This... is an ominous sign! I have a feeling that English will be very difficult this year!"

Bai Ye chuckled, "Just as long as you're happy!"

The fat man was brimming with happiness: "I know you love me, let's go, I'll treat you to dinner."

(End of this chapter)

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