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Chapter 16 4 Star Completion

Chapter 16 Four Star Completion Degree
When the two arrived at the entrance of the restaurant, they suddenly found a police car in front of them, and it was very lively!

What happened?

Everyone just came out of the examination room and saw the bustling outside, so they hurriedly gathered around to see what happened.

After the two squeezed in, it was found that a man was put into a police car.

Surrounded by teachers from several schools, some of them were from Bai Ye School, the fat man couldn't help but ask, "What happened?"

The people around were also talking about it. At this time, a shrewd and capable woman in her 50s looked up at everyone and said, "During today's exam, I found cheating and called the police immediately. We will not tolerate this kind of cheating in the exam! "

Bai Ye knew this woman. She was the principal of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and she was a strong woman.

It turned out to be cheating on the exam, no wonder...

Because the phenomenon of cheating in exams has become more and more serious, it has also attracted the attention of the country, so it was included in the criminal law for the first time-since November 2015, 11, the Criminal Law Amendment was officially implemented. Anyone who cheats in national examinations prescribed by the law, such as civil service examinations and teacher qualification examinations, will be convicted and sentenced to up to seven years in prison.

Now the crackdown on this kind of cheating is getting stronger and stronger!

Looking at more and more people around, the female headmaster said in a stern voice: "Examinations are related to the personal fate of candidates, and their importance to candidates is self-evident. We will definitely crack down on cheating! The country clearly includes cheating in exams. Criminal law, I hope everyone can pay attention to their words and deeds!"

After dinner in the evening, they found that both Lu Peiyi and Duan Yue had returned.

It's just that the two seem to be a little depressed and sullen.

The fat man asked, "What's the matter? Why are you sighing?"

Lu Peiyi sighed: "The answer came out on the Internet, I'm cheap, I got it right, and it turned out... I got 15 fucking mistakes in my reading comprehension! It's over..."

Duan Yue said with a bitter face: "The key is that I don't believe in evil, so I got it right, and I made 14 mistakes... I've finished my English, it's better to be Mongolian, I can't pass the national line, right? !"

Bai Ye was taken aback: "Where did you get the answer?"

Lu Peiyi handed over the phone: "Some postgraduate entrance examination institutions have already made the answers and posted them on the Internet, and I couldn't help but get the answers right...I knew I was wrong, hey..."

Bai Ye took it and looked at it. It was an answer uploaded by a postgraduate entrance examination institution whose name he had never heard of.

Bai Ye looked at his reading comprehension, but... the answer was different from his own.

And four or five of them are different.

Moreover, these answers Bai Ye is still very sure!

Bai Ye smiled and said, "Why are you so anxious? Somebody wrote this answer and posted it on the Internet, and you believe it? This answer is not right at all, okay?"

Everyone was taken aback, the answer was wrong?

Lu Peiyi's eyes widened: "You mean, this answer is wrong?"

Bai Ye nodded: "That's right! There are quite a few of them... If you don't believe me, look up the dictionary."

Duan Yue quickly brought over his mobile phone and searched it. After half an hour, everyone sighed.

Duan Yue: "I'm going... I was scared to death. I made a false alarm. It's okay. I made 9 mistakes. It's okay! I'm satisfied."

Lu Peiyi also breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Now that all major institutions have said, this year's English may be the most difficult question in the past ten years."

Bai Ye nodded and didn't say much.

The next day, when everyone went to the examination room, they found a large banner hanging in front of the examination room:

"Integrity exam, cheating is strictly prohibited!"

Today is the last one, and it is also the most important one. Bai Ye deliberately didn't eat breakfast, for fear of having another diarrhea.

A total of 300 points for comprehensive Chinese medicine, 1.5 points for a single-choice question, a total of 120 questions, 2 points for a multiple-choice question, a total of 60 questions, covering basic theory of Chinese medicine, diagnostics of Chinese medicine, prescriptions, Chinese pharmacy, internal medicine of Chinese medicine, acupuncture and moxibustion Study six subjects.

After studying these days, Bai Ye Chinese medicine is the best!

He found that the questions this time are very layered, from simple to medium to difficult, progressively layer by layer!

For example, this question: Among the five internal organs, which ones play an important role in the metabolism of water in the human body?

The answer immediately came to Bai Ye's mind: lungs, spleen and kidneys.

The lungs are the source of water, regulating waterways, the spleen governs body fluid metabolism, and the kidneys govern water. This is the standard answer.

But then the next question came out, which functions of Qi are reflected in sweat metabolism?
This question is more difficult, sweat and water are different.

Bai Ye did it very carefully, because the amount of questions was too large, so he had to take it seriously.

It took about an hour and a half before Bai Ye finished the question, checked it back and forth, and then painted the machine-readable card.

These nearly 200 question cards are a big project!

Bai Ye just spent half an hour painting the card, and his eyes were covered with black dots!
After the exam was over, just as Bai Ye left the exam room, he heard the system beep:

【Ding!Completed a random task with no stars, scoring completion: Politics: 61, English: 100, Comprehensive Chinese Medicine: 300, total score: 461, task completion: ★★★★, four-star completion, randomly obtained rewards: Skill: Quick Reading lv2. 】

【Ding!Acquisition of new skills: fast reading, as a top student, you must have the characteristics of a top student, and the basic condition is to be rich in learning and talented.Fast reading is an essential skill for reading thousands of volumes. Current skill level: fast reading lv2: 0/5000, effect: ten lines at a glance, reminder: ten lines at a glance is a realm of fast reading, learning is endless, start your study. 】

Bai Ye shuddered all over, and suddenly felt that he was very talented, a little bit silly, the system was honest and not deceiving.

The system master, welcome to engage in...


Classification of occupations:

Classification criteria for subject skill levels,

lv0: Getting started; get started and understand the subject, have a certain foundation, and basically form skills.

Lv1: Proficiency; subject skills have been proficient, can be skillfully used, and flexibly grasped.

Lv2: Proficiency; already proficient in this skill, good at it and can give full play to its advantages.

Lv3; professional level; subject attainment is amazing, can be regarded as a professional level player.

Lv4: Expert level; become a top expert and academic leader in the subject field.

Lv5: Master level; mastery, self-contained, just like a master.

Lv6: Grandmaster level; established a sect with far-reaching influence.

lv7: King level: Standing at the top of the discipline.

Lv8; planetary level; to promote the development of the world and create an era, you are the creator of the myth.

Lv9: Stellar Level: Hundreds of years ahead of the times.

(Not all skills can reach lv9, and many skills have a maximum level limit.)
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(End of this chapter)

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