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Chapter 150 The Hot Sale

Chapter 150 Hot Selling (No.13 Request Subscription)

On the third day, Bai Ye called several masters of traditional Chinese medicine to notify them of the news that "Understanding Chinese Medicine" had been printed, and then sent a few books to each of them.

After all, these teachers also guided Bai Ye a lot when he was writing the book, and even wrote the preface carefully.

Fatty sat in the classroom with a notebook in his hand, and said with a smile, "Ye Zi, the store is ready, and I have all the book information. You can post a post on Weibo, and it can be sold."

Bai Ye was taken aback: "So fast? Let me see?"

Fatty is an expert in Taobao, and he doesn’t know how much he contributes to Ma Yun’s father every year. Anyway, his grade and reputation are very high, and Taobao is also very simple to open a store.

The name of the store is: Bai Ye Official Direct Store.Some information about "Understanding Chinese Medicine" is noted later. To put it bluntly, this shop is currently only prepared for selling books.

I have to say that Fatty's ability is really good, at least this Taobao store is very grand, it can't be said to be beautiful, but it feels very comfortable.

The fat man said: "Hurry up and post an announcement on Weibo and your post bar, you can publish books."

Bai Ye nodded. At present, there are thousands of pre-orders, and many fans have been looking forward to it for a long time, but Bai Ye suddenly thought of a question. He looked at the fat man and asked:

"Aren't you too busy alone? Find some part-time classmates?"

The fat man chuckled: "You think I didn't expect it? It will arrive in the afternoon. I've found the courier, and I'm just waiting for the delivery!"

Bai Ye patted the fat man on the shoulder: "Reliable!"

"That is!"

Bai Ye thought for a while, picked up the book, took a photo, and then posted a post on Weibo and Tieba: "The printing of "Mindless Chinese Medicine" has been completed, and the finished product is good. Friends who have made reservations can place orders."

Bai Ye posted the address of the Taobao shop.

After finishing the work, Bai Ye did the math, 25 books, 50 a book, all sold for 30, and printing money and miscellaneous things can earn nearly [-].

Although there are not many, it can also solve the urgent need.

Raising experimental mice is different from raising chickens. It requires a lot of work, and labor costs are messy. It costs a lot of money. It’s not that you will be fine after eating and drinking.

There are only 10 now. If the breeding base is owned by Bai Ye, it can continue to operate, but it is not the case.

In fact, Bai Ye's goal is not to run such an animal company by himself. His goal is very simple, that is, to use this breeding base as a starting point to do well what he wants to do.

First: It is the BPFH score. To make this scale, there must be research on mice, and the BPFH score must be resounded all over the world. This is one of Bai Ye's core thoughts.

Second: Launch the feed. This feed is a good thing that can affect the BPFH score. As long as the BPFH score becomes popular, this feed will definitely become popular. Bai Ye only needs to grasp this thing.

After all, it is impossible for Bai Ye to deal with mice all his life. This is just an opportunity and platform for him to start, and this platform is very suitable for him.

Third: launch a new type of KM mouse. This is the third thing Bai Ye will do. Launch a new generation of cultivated KM mice, so that a new type of mouse with lower variability and more stable will appear in the experimental mouse world.

This is what Bai Ye thought, otherwise he would not have rented this breeding base directly. Doing experiments at someone else's place and making things at his own place are two different things.

It's okay if nothing happens, but if something happens, there will be some trouble.

It happened that he had some money in his hand, so Bai Ye came up with such a series of ideas.

In fact, to be honest, Bai Ye does not have the ability to run such a large animal company. Running a company requires too many contacts, resources, soft and hard power, and so on.

In a short period of time, Bai Ye couldn't do all of these things. Instead of doing this, it would be more comfortable to be a hands-off shopkeeper.

Having a lot of money to support his dream is what Bai Ye wants to do.



At noon, Bai Ye and Fatty had a meal in the restaurant, brought five part-time juniors to the classroom, and started today's work.

During the meal, Fatty's Want Want beeps beeping endlessly. A busy day has begun, which is at least a good sign.

In the afternoon, Hu Fengyun suddenly called Bai Ye and told him that the school would order 200 copies of "Understanding Chinese Medicine".

Originally, Bai Ye wanted to refuse to accept money and give gifts to his alma mater, but Hu Fengyun directly refused.

Throughout the afternoon, several people were replying to messages and delivering couriers. At 8 o'clock in the evening, everyone was still busy.

Bai Ye directly ordered takeaway, and everyone settled in the classroom.

Until ten o'clock, Bai Ye asked Fatty to close the shop, so it wouldn't be a problem if it went on like this.

The reason why Bai Ye didn't sell the copyright at that time was because it was worthless. How much can a book written by a college student earn?

The copyright fee of 10,000+ Bai Ye didn't like it either.

But at ten o'clock, when everyone returned to the dormitory tiredly, Bai Ye realized that after such a busy day, he only bought more than 2000 copies?

This...how long is a head!

Early the next day, Fatty and his part-time classmates went to the classroom. Bai Ye originally wanted to go, but unexpectedly received several calls.

"Xiaoye, I'm Zhang Xuewen, please send 300 books to Beijing TCM."

"Xiaoye, I'm..., please send 300 copies to Nan TCM."



Bai Ye was taken aback, half an hour on the phone, and actually ordered 3000 books.

They were all orders from major schools, Bai Ye was taken aback, what was going on?

I went to Weibo and found that several of my masters of traditional Chinese medicine recommended this book on Weibo.

No wonder!

In just half an hour, 3000 books went out, just when Bai Ye thought the matter was over.

"Hello? Mr. Bai Ye? We are a bookstore in southern Hunan... Our main business is books on culture and education. I want to order 500 books. Is it convenient for you to ship them soon?"

Bai Ye was taken aback, and quickly said it was convenient.

The two added WeChat to each other, and the other party paid a part of the deposit, and made the final payment after receiving the book.

There are more than one similar bookstores. For the whole morning, Bai Ye didn't go out, and wrote down a lot of delivery addresses on paper with a pen in his hand.

When it was 11 o'clock, Bai Ye was taken aback, [-] copies!

I actually produced [-] books in the morning?

so hot?

Bai Ye swallowed, a little unbelievable, is this the legendary celebrity effect?

That's true, Bai Ye really underestimated the influence of several Chinese medicine masters in the field of Chinese medicine, and, at their level, they will never recommend books to you just because of money.

Of course, except for a few, after all, there is no absolute in everything.

(End of this chapter)

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