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Chapter 151 Agents

Chapter 151 Agent (14 more for subscription)

In the afternoon, Bai Ye received a call from Yang Zhan from the TV station.

After Bai Ye picked it up, he smiled and said, "Uncle Yang, have you urged me to record the show?"

Yang Zhan laughed: "Well, yes, but there is one more thing, is it convenient for you now? I have a friend who wants to meet you."

Bai Ye smiled: "I must know the person Uncle Yang introduced!"

The last printing was introduced by Yang Zhan, which saved a lot of money, and Bai Ye was also thinking about it.

"Okay! Then you wait for me at school, and I will drive over to pick you up." Yang Zhan smiled and made an appointment.

Bai Ye called the fat man, settled down and went out.

Yang Zhan's car is a domestically produced Harvard H9. It's quite new and looks quite impressive.

The two drove to a bookstore. Bai Ye looked up at the name of the bookstore and followed Yang Zhan into an office.

It was obvious that the other party was waiting for Bai Ye and Yang Zhan, and when they saw them coming in, they quickly got up to greet them.

"Haha, this is Bai Ye, I've admired him for a long time!" The man looked old, but his demeanor was hearty.

It's just... Bai Ye felt that it was a strange feeling to be admired by a 50-[-]-year-old man.

"Hello, hello, just call me Xiaoye." Naturally, Bai Ye didn't dare to be too big, so he smiled and said.

Only then did Yang Zhan introduce: "Xiaoye, this is a good friend of mine. His name is Zhou Ling, the owner of this bookstore. Your name is Uncle Zhou, you are very capable."

Upon hearing this, Bai Ye hurriedly said, "Hello, Uncle Zhou."

The man laughed: "Sit down, I'll let someone pour tea."



After enough polite words, Yang Zhan said: "Your Uncle Zhou is my colleague in the TV station, but he is much more courageous than me. He went to sea in the early years, and now he opened this chain bookstore."

Bai Ye had heard of "Ta Ya Bookstore", and when he came in, he took a closer look at it. This is a bookstore brand that does a good job both online and offline.

Zhou Ling smiled: "It's just luck, I won't be polite to you anymore, Xiaoye, I asked Brother Yang to invite you here today to discuss something with you."

"I want to buy your agency rights for your book "Understand Chinese Medicine", a national agency rights."

Bai Ye was taken aback!
National agency?
Bai Ye thought that Zhou Ling was going to buy the copyright, but he didn't expect to buy the agency right, which made Bai Ye a little curious.

Zhou Ling smiled: "Actually, I also thought about buying the copyright, but I'm not sure about the price. If it's too high, I don't like it. If it's too low, I don't respect the book, so I thought about it. I decided to buy the agency rights of your book."

"Xiaoye, listen to me and tell me what I mean. If you think something is inappropriate, let's discuss it again, okay?"

Zhou Ling respected Bai Ye very much. When he spoke, he gave people a very comfortable feeling, and Bai Ye agreed.

Zhou Ling looked at it and said with a smile: "Your book has already printed 2 copies, and it should be almost sold, right? We are responsible for the printing and sales of this book. You don't have to worry about it, but... ...you can cooperate with us to promote it when the time is right..."

"As for the money, I think this way. For each book, you get 15.00% of the profit, that is, you can get about 3 yuan for every book sold."

"You don't have to worry about everything else, you don't have to worry about the channels and supply of books, etc., and..."

While listening to Zhou Ling's words, Bai Ye kept thinking.

There are reasons why it is so popular now, and every book can be sold at a price of 25 yuan. For example, there is no piracy, no competition, and it is very popular. Come on and so on.

These are temporary, and once stabilized, various factors will become more and more important, such as channels, markets, competition and so on.

First of all, he himself doesn't have that much time to do it, and secondly, he doesn't have that much ability.

Moreover, it's hard to say how much a book will sell in the end. I don't have to worry about anything, and the copyright is still in my hands. I don't care about paying three yuan for a book, which is not a lot!
When piracy runs rampant, Bai Ye doesn't know if he can sell it, but the brand value of "Ta Ya Bookstore" is trustworthy.

The most important thing is that after I sell 30 copies, I can already earn [-], and the next ones I sell will be earned, and there is no loss at all.

After thinking it over, Bai Ye smiled and said, "Then I will trouble you Uncle Zhou, I took advantage of you."

Zhou Ling waved his hand: "I booked a master in advance, and I can't forget Zhou Shuha when I get rich in the future. Besides, I took advantage this time."


Bai Ye signed a contract with Zhou Ling on the same day, and then said on Weibo that he could go to "Ta Ya Bookstore" to buy genuine books.

And after Bai Ye returned to school, he found that everyone was very good today. There were nearly 3000 books. Excluding the 5000 books he had finished, more than [-] copies had been sold, and there were nearly [-] books left.

Seeing that the fat man was so busy, he was going to participate in the innovation and entrepreneurship competition, but he was dragged to sell books by himself, and he felt very sorry.

Bai Ye didn't want to drag the fat man down all day, so he simply discussed with Zhou Ling and bought the books at "Ta Ya Bookstore" at a price of 15 yuan per book.

The next day, all the remaining [-] books were shipped to Taiya, and Bai Ye received [-] in money.

After doing some calculations, Bai Ye made a total of about 30 yuan.

Bai Ye took out 3 yuan and handed it over. He looked at the fat man with distress, and said, "You have worked hard during this time. You are the one who is busy all the time. You have lost weight. Dad is distressed. Hurry up and eat something." of."

When the fat man heard that, he ignored the phrase "Dad" and called "I'm Cao". The result was 3 yuan in cash: "Big money! 3 yuan, tsk tsk, not bad."

Bai Ye smiled, and the fat man accepted it, but he just didn't want to see Bai Ye. Speaking of this matter, the fat man was busy all the time.

Bai Ye basically didn't do much. From finding a part-time job, building a Taobao store, finding a courier company, and all kinds of things, the fat man ran around the whole time, just like his own business.

Fatty doesn't treat Bai Ye as an outsider, so Bai Ye will naturally not be stingy.

Moreover, those students have worked very hard these past few days, so Bai Ye directly gave each of them an extra 100 red envelope.

They made a few people smile, and asked Bai Ye for a copy of "Understanding Chinese Medicine".

There are still hundreds of books left in the classroom, and after everyone gave away a book, everyone left happily.

Bai Ye pointed to the almost 300 books and looked at the fat man: "What should I do with these books?"

The fat man rolled his eyes, pondered for a moment, then suddenly smiled cheaply and said, "It's easy!"

 On the one hand, selling books is a trap for writing books, and on the other hand, it is to earn some money to continue the next step of scientific research. Scientific research needs funds, and the protagonist is short of money now.

(End of this chapter)

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