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Chapter 156 Bai Ye wants to make trouble

Chapter 156 Bai Ye wants to make trouble (please subscribe)

Bai Ye has indeed participated in some projects, even large-scale projects, even the NCKKB project of the World Health Organization, and he is the seventh participant.

But...it was the first time to do specific project application and opening report alone.

This experiment to verify the effectiveness of BY-1 feed, if you do it yourself, not only will it take a long time, but it will definitely cost a lot.

The most important thing is definitely not done well, even if it is done, it lacks certain authority, but if you apply for a project and do it in Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, it will be different.

The project is approved by the state, and each project task is numbered and recorded, and the original data can even be found.

This represents authority and can prove that your experiment is correct and credible.

Of course, scientific research and academic falsification also occurs, and falsified data is not uncommon, but one size does not fit all because of unevenness.

In any case, it must be much more reliable than doing it yourself.

After thinking clearly, Bai Ye decided on the title of the topic.

The name of the project is: "Exploration of the Effect of BY-1 Type Feed on the Experimental Parameters of Mice".

After writing the title, Bai Ye suddenly wanted to laugh. Is this topic a research project of a university of traditional Chinese medicine?
Not a subject of Agricultural University or other biology colleges?

Studying the Effects of Feed on Mice...

But in fact, the core purpose should be to study the experimental parameters of experimental mice, which should belong to animal experiments!

The next step is an overview. The application topic generally requires an overview to prove the current research progress of the thing you want to study.

This requires searching in the database and searching for related research.

Generally, Wanfang and HowNet are commonly used in domestic databases. Bai Ye searched and entered keywords such as research on experimental mice with feed.

Click to search, sure enough, there are, and there are many!

Hundreds of pages of entries are related to the research progress of feed on mice.

It seems that my big country, China, is very knowledgeable about breeding. Bai Ye chooses the principle of the nearest publication time according to the number of citations. After all, these papers and materials are all up-to-date, which is too far away. It is not meaningful.

Searching literature is actually a tedious and lengthy process, because you must understand the progress of the current research, and then explain that your subject has research value or is innovative based on the current social research progress.

Bai Ye is not worried about the issue of innovation, because the BY-1 type feed itself is the most important innovation, and the BY-1 type feed that he researched has definitely not been studied before, so there is no need to worry about innovation.

However, in terms of research progress, many papers are actually worth learning from. For example, the experimental arrangement used by the other party to verify the effectiveness of the feed, as well as the specific methods of the experiment and the data indicators observed, are all very valuable things.

Any article has value, it depends on whether you can find where its core value lies.

Of course, it would take too much time to savor every article carefully, what Bai Ye lacks most is time... no, money is also lacking.

Therefore, many articles do not contain what Bai Ye needs, just look at the abstract. After all, the abstract is the author's general summary of the article, and the core and key points of the article must be mentioned in the abstract.

And those very good articles with constructive ideas and suggestions, Bai Ye downloaded them into his notebook and studied them carefully.

The articles in the database can be said to be mixed, with everything, including those of top celebrities, and many students' graduation thesis.

Bai Ye benefited a lot from the long, tedious, but interesting literature search.

After studying other people's opening reports, Bai Ye now has a solid idea of ​​what the general process is like.

In this way, the next job is to plan and open the topic!

After searching the literature, it was found that Bai Ye summarized several major highlights or innovations of his research topic.

The first is the innovation of feed, which is not available to others.

Of course... this is likely to be the main reason for being directly rejected, because no one has ever known what BY-1 feed is, and this kind of Laoshizi BY-1 feed may be found to be useless after the experiment.

In fact, this is also an exploratory experiment to prove the effect of this BY-1 feed.

But the owner of the BY-1 feed is Bai Ye, not the school. In this way, the school may not pass your project, or it will not favor you in terms of funds.

Why do you say?
The feed you researched is your own, and then you want our school to allocate money for you to do this experiment, which is obviously inappropriate.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye didn't know what to do, and then called Hu Fengyun. As the principal, she should have experience.

Sure enough, Hu Fengyun replied very quickly, and gave two solutions to this problem. The first is that after the experiment is proved, the results belong to the school. Of course, this is what Bai Ye does not want to see.

The second is that Bai Ye used the money to do it and occupy a quota for a subject in the school.

What do you mean?
It means that Bai Ye funds this project, and then the teachers in the school will do it and make the results. The ownership of the results belongs to Bai Ye, and the project participants can post papers, write articles, and even write them on the project participants. name.

Good thing for them too!
In this way, the first problem is solved.

It is meaningful and purposeful to do this project, and it can prove whether the BY-1 feed is good or bad, at least it is a scientific research.

The instructors of the school can have one more opportunity for scientific research, so why not do it?

As for the funding of the project, Bai Ye felt that he couldn't lose the big because of small things. The purpose of doing the project himself was to feed himself.

In fact, it means spending money to let the school do this project, and by the way, bring some scientific research benefits to these people who do the project.

If the funds come out by themselves, those experts and professors should not embarrass themselves, right?The expert group's review of the opening report should pass!
In fact, the evaluation starts from several aspects. In addition to the significance of the topic, the next step is innovative research, whether the design of the experiment is reasonable, whether the arrangement of the experiment is appropriate, what kind of data analysis is used, how feasible is the experiment, and what is needed How much does it cost...

Bai Ye carefully planned these questions. The experimental design was carried out by Bai Ye strictly according to the indicators in the BPFH score, which was very detailed and perfect.

The arrangement of the experiment is that Bai Ye chooses several kinds of mice, namely the mice that only eat BY-1 type feed, the mice that eat ordinary feed, and the mice that only eat a well-known imported feed called Longka, which is generally popular in China.

And data analysis is not a problem at all. As a super expert in lv6 statistics, Bai Ye's grasp of the data and the analysis method he chooses will definitely not be a problem.

Finally, there is the feasibility analysis and funding.

The feasibility analysis is also very simple, because the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine has all the conditions to complete the experiment, which is enough to allow the experiment to proceed.

As for the budget... Bai Ye didn't report much expectations at all. Instead of getting stuck on his project because of this reason, it's better not to, because for Bai Ye now, it's best to get the result as soon as possible!

And it's best to take advantage of the gust of wind that just came out of the BPFH score to fuel the flames!


In the past two days, Bai Ye has been preparing for the opening of the topic, running between the library and the dormitory. On the one hand, it is also for the convenience of looking up some information and using the school's database.

The opening report examines and exercises a person's scientific thinking and ability, and this ability is indeed intangible, just like your calculation ability and judgment ability.

This is a comprehensive ability, which is obtained through long-term continuous learning, exercise, and practice.

Reading a hundred papers is not as good as doing it yourself to train yourself. In the past few days, Bai Ye has consulted information and studied, and Bai Ye has acquired a lot of knowledge, such as basic subject skills: experimental zoology has been upgraded to lv2.

Experimental zoology is the study of laboratory animals, as the MIO research group does.

Taking advantage of the gap in the middle, Bai Ye went to the TV station, finished the recording of the program, and finally dealt with these trivial matters.



On Friday morning, Bai Ye looked at an opening report document in his notebook with satisfaction, checked it carefully three or four times, and clicked Save!
Then he got up and went to the printing shop, printed 2 copies according to Zhang Hanlin's request, and then walked towards the principal's office.

People came and went on campus, and people greeted Bai Ye from time to time.

"Hello, senior!"

"Good afternoon, senior!"


Bai Ye always answered one by one, and now Bai Ye is more and more full of sense of belonging to the school.

These are all lower grade students, but they all looked at Bai Ye with excitement and yearning in their eyes.

Who said that Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine has no talents?

Who said that if we are backward, we cannot cultivate geniuses?

Therefore, there is no doubt that Bai Ye is like their belief or role model, guiding everyone's path.

After Bai Ye appeared, who changed the most?

It must be that batch of first-year freshmen, and Bai Ye can be said to be their guide. Occasionally, they hold a copy of "Understanding Chinese Medicine" and ask Bai Ye to sign it shyly.

Bai Ye is also very enthusiastic, and usually writes a word of encouragement.

The teachers who attended the class reported that the number of roll rolls in the school is less and less, because the number of absentees is less and less, everyone is very enthusiastic about learning Chinese medicine, and the attendance rate and borrowing rate of the library have increased significantly.

It didn't take long for Bai Ye to arrive at the principal's office. Because he had said hello in advance, Bai Ye went in directly.

Zhang Hanlin was waiting for Bai Ye, and when he saw him come in, he was surprised and a little unbelievable:
"It's only been a few days? You've already finished it? Why don't you go to Mr. Xu to help you see, he is quite good at experiments."

The teacher Xu that Zhang Hanlin was talking about was Xu Zhonglei, and he asked Bai Ye to communicate with Xu Zhonglei if he had any questions.

After Zhang Hanlin came, he valued Xu Zhonglei very much, but I have to say that Xu Zhonglei's ability is beyond doubt, and he has the same experience as Zhang Hanlin, so many things are easy to communicate with.

Bai Ye smiled and said: "After I finished writing, I sent it over in a hurry. I didn't have time to find Teacher Xu. If you are busy, Teacher Zhang, I will go to Teacher Xu to have a look first? Do you need to change it?"

Zhang Hanlin waved his hands, looked down at the opening report in his hand, and said, "Sit down first, I'm fine now, just to help you take a look."

Just after reading the review, Zhang Hanlin frowned, raised his eyes and asked, "Did you make this BY-1 feed yourself?"

Bai Ye nodded and said, "Well, yes, I researched it myself and have applied for a patent."

Zhang Hanlin let out a cry of surprise, and then continued to read. He read very carefully, turned slowly, and wrote and drew with a pen in his hand.

About half an hour later, when Zhang Hanlin saw the funding for the project, he was taken aback for a moment, widened his eyes and said, "Your funding? Are you... are you sure?"

Bai Ye nodded: "Yes! Because it is my own research on the feed, and I have applied for a personal patent on the feed. If... I ask the school to spend money for me to do research, it will be unreasonable."

Zhang Hanlin looked at Bai Ye suspiciously, and said, "Didn't I tell you that you can take the school subject? Hey...you kid!"

Bai Ye smiled: "Mr. Zhang, I know your kindness, and I understand what you mean. Besides, haven't you seen it? The scope of the subjects involved this time is relatively large. It's a great thing, so...you can't bother anymore."

Zhang Hanlin hummed without saying a word. He opened the place where the experiment was designed and arranged, and looked at it. I have to say that people with high skills are bold, and ordinary people would never dare to do such a big project and experiment.

The experiment requires 6 mice, which are divided into six groups. Each experimental sub-item requires about 300 mice of various kinds, and there are more than 30 items that need to be tested.

This... this is a big project!
Moreover, it does not mean that the experiment is difficult, on the contrary, the difficulty of the experiment is very simple, and even many operations can be performed by students.

The most important thing is that these experiments do not need to be done deliberately, but when you are doing the experiment you need to do, you can fill in the data that needs to be recorded for each mouse experiment.

For example, if you want to do an experiment to observe the effect of a certain drug on the blood sugar of mice, you can use our mice for free to do the experiment, you only need to record the relevant parameters of these mice when doing the experiment, and it will not You affect your experiment, just one more recording step.

There are 6 different categories, 30 groups for each category, and 300 mice for each group, which virtually increases the difficulty of statistical analysis.

Thinking of this, Zhang Hanlin originally wanted to ask Bai Ye that the calculation is a big problem after getting the results of such an experiment, but he couldn't help but be speechless as soon as the words came out.

Bai Ye's statistical knowledge and ability... I am far behind... Forget it!Since he dared to design this way, he must be able to do it well.

Thinking of this, Zhang Hanlin shook his head helplessly.

After reading it again from beginning to end, Zhang Hanlin finally sighed, looked at Bai Ye and said, "Go back and change the place I marked out a little. On Monday morning at 19 o'clock, I will open the question and answer! Do the PPT, and it will be in the small classroom on the [-]th floor." Conference room, go back and get ready!"

Bai Ye was taken aback, so fast?Originally thought it would take a while: "Will it be too soon?"

Zhang Hanlin chuckled: "If you think it's too soon, you can go next year!"

Naturally, Bai Ye knew that Zhang Hanlin was joking, so he quickly smiled.

Zhang Hanlin continued: "There should be no problem. At that time, several experts will review you, and after you pass the test, you can open the topic. But... Are you sure you will not change your funding?"

Bai Ye nodded: "No change!"

Zhang Hanlin shook his head and smiled helplessly, this kid is going to make trouble again!

 This is two chapters, two in one...

(End of this chapter)

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