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Chapter 157 Genetic Engineering!

Chapter 157 Genetic Engineering! (seeking subscription)
In the conference center on the [-]th floor of the administrative building of Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, an exclusive opening report was held specially for Bai Ye!
The expert group includes Zhang Hanlin, professor of statistics at the school, director of the graduate department, director of a clinical department of an affiliated hospital, and director of the school's experimental center.

Bai Ye stood opposite the five people, and made a presentation on the PPT on the projector.

In the past, the opening report only lasted more than ten minutes, but Bai Ye spoke for half an hour.

Then came the expert question-and-answer session. The first person to speak was the director of the experimental center, a 45-year-old woman named Teng Xiaojuan.

"I have a question for you. This experiment is to prove that the mice bred on BY-1 feed are better than those bred on other feeds, right?"

Bai Ye nodded in agreement.

The woman smiled: "If you don't pay for the funding for the project, I definitely won't pass it. After all, we don't understand this BY-1 feed at all. We don't know anything about the experiment on mice that we don't understand. Definitely won't agree."

At this time, the director of the graduate department also smiled: "When I saw the funding for your project, I was taken aback for a moment. I guess it will set a record for funding for a school project in history!"

The professor of statistics asked thoughtfully: "I originally had a question. With so many experimental groups, statistics is a big problem. After I saw the experimental arrangement, I was very worried. The data I have a guilty conscience about the analysis and experimental arrangements. I am afraid that I can’t do this well. Of course, I believe in your strength. To be honest: I was invited here by Dean Zhang today. I want to laugh. I can Reviewed your experimental data?"

Speaking of this, he smiled: "Good luck, this is your first project, and it is also a truly independent experiment. I hope you can gain something! However, don't be careless, the core of your experiment lies in the experimental arrangement As for the data analysis, if you can't do this well, the experiment will be over. If someone else makes the opening report, I won't let it pass. Finally, Bai Ye, I wish you good luck!"

Bai Ye nodded: "Thank you teacher!"






With Zhang Hanlin's final final decision, the subject was officially passed!

In fact, this opening report is just a necessary process, and Zhang Hanlin will not refuse Bai Ye's opening report.

First of all, the school will not pay any funds, but will get a batch of experimental mice, which is undoubtedly a good thing for those who need experimental mice for experiments.

Secondly: This project is counted as a school project. Once the scientific research results of this project are made, it will be a bonus item for the scientific research ranking of major universities at the end of the year.

The last point is what Zhang Hanlin values ​​most, that is, this is a scientific research activity involving the whole people. There are many participants, and many students can actively sign up to participate in the observation of the experiment, so as to exercise and cultivate students' scientific thinking and ability. This is what Zhang Hanlin heard at the time. The most real thoughts after hearing the news from Bai Ye!
On the third day, an announcement and registration form was posted on the school bulletin board:
"About the subject "Exploration of the Effects of BY-1 Feed on the Experimental Parameters of Mice" related matters..."

It means that the tutors who sign up can apply for mice from the experiment center, and fill in the form when they are required to do experiments.

Encourage students to participate in it, because the project requires a large number of people and experiments, students who participate in the experiment can get a subsidy of 100 yuan, encourage students to actively participate in scientific research, and cultivate scientific research thinking...

All of a sudden, the whole school became lively.

When they were in college, many people were already full of curiosity about those scientific research jobs, but they didn't have the opportunity to contact them at all, but now they not only have the opportunity, but also give them 100 yuan.

Who would refuse such a good thing?

More and more people signed up at once, but the number is limited. In fact, their work is also very simple, mainly observing and recording. When doing experiments on mice, they are assistants to the teacher.

The reason why these people were added was because of Zhang Hanlin's attention. He hoped that the school would have a research atmosphere.

And Bai Ye, who was in the office of the school's experiment center, looked at the virtual screen in front of him, looking forward to the reward for completing the task.

【Ding!Zhang Hanlin's scientific research task was completed, and he completed the project opening report within the specified time (before graduation), and passed the review of the expert group, and was sponsored by the school-level project fund, successfully opening the project!Task completion rewards: 1. 5000 scientific research skill experience points; 2. Three-star scientific research lucky draw once. 】

Bai Ye was overjoyed, 5000 points of scientific research skill experience, not bad!Can this experience be used to upgrade his only current scientific research skill [separation and extraction]?

【Ding!Research skill experience is fully applicable to the research skill level.There is no experience limit, do you use it? 】

Bai Ye was overjoyed, it really did!


Why not use it?Save to have a baby?I currently have no other scientific research skills at all, so I can only upgrade this.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye immediately chose to add experience.


I only heard two consecutive upgrading sounds:

【Ding!Experience is added successfully, separation and extraction skills are upgraded, Ding!Skill separation and extraction: lv2: 1500/5000,]

Bai Ye watched the separation and extraction of lv2 with satisfaction, and his next task was expected.

You must know the task assigned to you by your mentor: to complete the analysis and research on the medicinal ingredients of Danqi Huoxue Pills. If you want to analyze the medicinal ingredients, separation and extraction are skills that must be improved.

Next is the lottery, the lottery for scientific research, what good things will appear?
Bai Ye suddenly looked forward to it!

Seeing that the big turntable was not the same as before, Bai Ye chose to draw a lottery.

The big turntable is spinning crazily, stop!

Suddenly, a familiar thing appeared in front of Bai Ye...Skill reward?
Bai Ye is overjoyed, scientific research skills!
He stretched out his hand, and the direct skill turned into a stream of light into his brain. Bai Ye closed his eyes and felt a lot of things suddenly appear in his mind.

He trembled slightly, a little excited, this... good thing!
I saw that there is another skill besides separation and extraction under the scientific research skills:
Genetic Engineering: lv3: 0/10000 (unlocked).

It turned out to be a genetic engineering reward!
As the most difficult and most promising sub-project in bioengineering, genetic engineering can be said to be the hottest at present.

Any research involving genetic engineering would be great.

No wonder Bai Ye was getting excited.

But... What's the situation without unlocking?
【Ding!Genetic engineering lv3, requirements: basic skills: genetics: lv3, molecular biology: lv3, cell biology: lv3. 】

Bai Ye was taken aback for a moment, he still needs these basic skills to reach level 3 to unlock?


(End of this chapter)

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