Chapter 158 The Sky Is Broken

Today, the Science and Technology Daily broke out a very interesting thing.

"The Shanxi Provincial University of Traditional Chinese Medicine has set a record for the lowest project funding."

It turned out that after the expedited approval of Bai Ye's project, it was sent to the Provincial Department of Science and Technology. After summarizing and reporting, a strange thing was discovered.

The project applied by Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine: "Exploration of the Effect of BY-1 Type Feed on the Experimental Parameters of Mice" project funding is 1 yuan!
For a while, people in the academic circle suddenly became curious, what is a project fund of 1 yuan?
However, people only smiled after reading the complete news. It turned out that the funding was 20 yuan, but Bai Ye was responsible for all the funding.

But what does this 1 yuan mean?
Why is it 1 yuan?It's better not to, you can do research on the subject at your own expense!
However, Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine did not explain or declare to the outside world. At this time, the entire campus is already conducting experiments in an orderly manner.

Because there are relatively many indicators involved in BPFH scoring, and the strong support of school leaders, almost all teachers who have experimented are required to participate in it.

It can be said that this is the project with the lowest funding, the largest number of participants, the most mice and the most types of experiments since the establishment of Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

It's no wonder that it attracted a lot of attention. Zhang Hanlin's office also welcomed a rare visitor at this time.

Yang Lan, a reporter from Science and Technology Daily!

Nowadays, many media have multiple promotion channels such as websites and apps, and the most basic newspapers can no longer meet people's needs.

As a relatively formal media in the academic and technological fields in China: Science and Technology Daily naturally also has its platform.

Yang Lan smiled and interviewed Zhang Hanlin: "Principal Zhang, thank you for accepting our interview."

Zhang Hanlin smiled, nodded, and said, "Let's start?"

Yang Lan hummed, got the camera ready, and started today's interview:
"Principal Zhang, what do you think of Bai Ye's subject? This is the first action you have taken since you took office at the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Does it have any deep meaning?"

Zhang Hanlin looked affectionate and dignified, and said: "To build a modern university of traditional Chinese medicine, we must raise the importance of scientific research to a certain height, and the reason why we encourage and support Bai Ye's project is precisely because it can help the school There are also students who create a research atmosphere..."

Yang Lan nodded thoughtfully: "Well, President Yang is far-sighted, no wonder you can become the president of Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. I guess you may be the youngest in the country's universities at your age?"

Zhang Hanlin smiled and said thank you.

Yang Lan continued to ask: "Principal Zhang, to be honest, the outside world is not optimistic about this project, and the evaluation is average, and even thinks it is a meaningless behavior. Can you objectively evaluate Bai Ye's first project?" ?”

Zhang Hanlin was silent for a while, and after thinking for a while, he said: "This child is very talented and very thoughtful. I think as his alma mater, we should give the children an environment and a chance to exercise. Moreover, this time his The project is basically done at our own expense, and I think we should actively cooperate in this situation, rather than dispel his enthusiasm."

"Maybe this project will fail, a useful conclusion will not be obtained, and even the experiment may not be completed successfully, but this is not important!"

"The important thing is that I let the children see that scientific research is encouraged and supported. As our alma mater, we should encourage children to have scientific research thinking and cultivate scientific research ability, so that they can be called a new generation of Chinese medicine practitioners!"

"This is our purpose. As for the results of the project? Whether it succeeds or not, it doesn't matter!"

"Because, since we passed the approval of this project, the result is doomed: there is no failure, and failure may be the greatest success, right? So, this will not be meaningless."


The interview went on for over an hour before it ended.

The next day's Science and Technology Daily published an exclusive interview with Zhang Hanlin, and Zhang Hanlin's words were also written in the newspaper. This interview occupied a large section of Science and Technology Daily.

Zhang Hanlin's words aroused heated discussions among many people, some agreed, some disagreed, and some laughed it off.

But most people's point of view is that this project is a bit of a joke, but it doesn't matter, after all, it is a bit strange to have so many big projects every year, not to mention that this is only a school-level project.

However, no matter how the outside world judges, the current school can be said to be in full swing.

Everyone haunted the experimental building and library, looked up information, took notes, and exchanged ideas.

Standing on the 9th floor, Zhang Hanlin looked at the campus through the window, not knowing what he was thinking in his eyes.

The school office next to him said: "Principal Zhang, what happened yesterday was published in the newspaper, do you want to read it?"

Zhang Hanlin chuckled and waved his hands: "No need, I guess there is nothing good to say, those people might see our jokes."

The man from the school office said, "Yeah, everyone spoke nicely. To put it bluntly, they are all waiting to see our jokes. But, principal, why do you want to be interviewed?"

Zhang Hanlin turned around and said: "Bai Ye is still young, he needs to grow up, we are elders, if we don't support the students, how can they have the courage to move forward? Besides, Bai Ye is graduating soon, I hope he can be here Before graduation, mobilize a group of people, sometimes, the influence of students is greater than that of teachers!"

The man pondered Zhang Hanlin's words and nodded.


The experiment on mice has been carried out for more than a week, and the outside world is also talking about this matter, and some even treat it as a negative example.

20 research funds, 6 mice, more than 30 experimental projects, hundreds of experimental groups, hundreds of participants.

This topic has attracted too many people's attention, and they even feel that it is a worthless topic.

Some experts and scholars pointed out that Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine is buying a horse with a lot of money. The purpose of this move is not to conduct this experiment, but to create momentum!

It is to tell others that their Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine encourages scientific research, supports scientific research, attracts talents, and so on.

Say this is Zhang Hanlin's beautiful move!
But undoubtedly, no matter how optimistic everyone is about Zhang Hanlin and the measures of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, no one is optimistic about this experiment.

Even thought it was a boring experiment.

A zoologist directly commented: "Comparing some data without any rules, what kind of results do you want to get? Experiments are inherently rule-based, rather than relying on some strange thinking. To be honest, I I really can’t see, what’s the point of these indicators?”


Bai Ye has been very busy these days, and he has also participated in the experiment, but what he is doing is collecting data.

Every day's data was carefully collected. Bai Ye's initial preparation was to wait a week to collect data together.

But this is not possible, because the data is cumbersome, and it is easy to omit and cause problems. To be on the safe side, Bai Ye directly records and collects on the same day, and summarizes it on the same day.

Therefore, the experiment proceeded safely.

While Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine is carrying out an orderly public participation experiment, the MIO Institute of Experimental Animals on the other side of the ocean is also anxiously holding this year's highest-level conference!

Enders, the chairman of the Institute, requires all the team leaders to participate, and it is held in the exhibition hall of each grand industry annual meeting.

There is no doubt that this is a meeting with high specifications and high standards!

Why does Enders attach so much importance to this meeting, and let all the team leaders participate.

Because after a week of analysis by the experimental team of the entire institute, the mouse BPFH grade scoring system proposed by Bai Ye has been confirmed.

The keen old Enders has already smelled something called the beginning of the era.

So, after a little thought, he directly held this meeting regardless of the weekend.

How could he not be excited, because there has always been no gold standard for whether the mice are good or bad.

The major research institutes have been using their own research standards, and the BPFH scoring system proposed by Bai Ye is undoubtedly a unified scoring system!
And he also proposed four grades for mice based on scoring, which is a very great innovation.

Thinking of this, Old Enders felt a little short of breath.

After the meeting started, Enders sat on the rostrum and started today's meeting with a sentence:
"This is an ordinary day, but it is also a great day, but it is a milestone day in the history of experimental zoology!"

In fact, the people present have more or less understanding of BPFH scoring, but their understanding is not very comprehensive.

But Enders' words made everyone feel that this matter was not easy, because they were only responsible for a part of the measurement, not the whole measurement.

And Enders got all the verification results, and there is also Bai Ye's thesis.

Enders said and continued: "I believe that everyone has already obtained the paper, "BPFH Grading System for Experimental Rats", and I will give you a general introduction."

"More than two months ago, we received a contribution article, which was an article about the conjecture of the scoring system of experimental mice. I believe everyone knows this article, because we have also made various attempts for it."

"But just over a week ago, the author submitted another manuscript, which is the one in everyone's hands. He has completely made a detailed scoring table for the scoring system of mice."

"Over the past week, our respective research teams and project leaders have verified the above scores. Today, I will announce the results of the verification."

Having said that, Enders took a deep breath to calm down his excitement.

"For a long time, our research on experimental animals has been in the top industry in the world. It is not modest to say that we are the authority. Our MIO Institute of Experimental Animals is the compass of the experimental animal world. We are committed to researching new and more advantageous experimental animals. "

"However, we have overlooked a problem, that is: how to measure the quality of a mouse, is there a unified way to rate the situation of these mice!"

"But now, someone has proposed this conjecture and solved this problem. He is Bai Ye, the creator of the BPFH score!"



The meeting lasted the whole afternoon, mainly for the adjustment and arrangement of the work of the MIO Institute after the appearance of the BPFH score.

On the second day, an incident swept the academic circles of the entire American continent:
The magazine of MIO Research Institute: "Experimental Animal Application Promotion" has published a special issue!
What is a special issue is a periodical specially issued for a certain issue.

At this moment, everyone who paid attention to this matter was dumbfounded!
A research institute of a European scientific research institute looked at the news on the computer, and asked his colleagues around him suspiciously: "What happened? Isn't "Promotion of Experimental Animal Application" a monthly magazine? Why is it published in the middle of the month? "

The colleague took a closer look, and suddenly widened his eyes and said, "This is a special issue! Didn't you see it said: BPFH scoring special issue! Who is this cover? Why does it look like a Chinese? And so young, it even appeared on the cover of the magazine! Oh my god? What the hell happened, Aize, hurry up and order! Something big must have happened to make such a journal publish a special issue, what the hell is going on, hurry up... I I can't wait!"


In the world-renowned animal company-Lonka Animal Company, James Lyon sat in the president's office, looking at the computer with a serious expression.

On the computer screen is the cover of MIO's official magazine "Promotion of Experimental Animal Application".

After 10 minutes, he picked up the phone and dialed his secretary:

"Go and inform me that in one hour, a video conference will be held on time, and all the heads of the regional regions will participate. You ask the people in charge of the China region to call me back first."

After finishing speaking, Leon stared at the electronic magazine on the computer, chanting the name Bai Ye from time to time, thinking about something in his head.


There is no doubt that the emergence of the BPFH score has the greatest impact on animal companies, because they are companies that deal directly with animals.

It can be said that the emergence of BPFH scoring has opened up a new perspective for evaluating experimental mice, allowing them to better and more comprehensively evaluate the quality and grade of mice.

Regardless of whether it is for the cultivation and sales of mice, it is a big deal.

Not only Ronka, but all animal companies related to experimental mice began to hold emergency meetings.

Because of the emergence of the BPFH score, experimental mice will be graded in the future. It is no exaggeration to say that this will become the core standard for future mouse sales.

In the future, it will no longer rely on word-of-mouth, advertising, and strength marketing, but on the BPFH score certified by MIO. If your score is high, your mouse will be popular and your product will sell well.

This is competitiveness!

Shopping malls are like battlefields. Just one day after the publication of the MIO special issue, all animal companies started to be busy, and urgently held meetings to actively prepare for this historic change.


 I would like to recommend a book, "The Great Detective of Cultivation of Immortals", interested friends can read it.

(End of this chapter)

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