Chapter 159

Animal company is an emerging industry, and it is also an interdisciplinary, multi-field high-tech industry, not just ordinary breeding.

For example, BJ Naya Group is a relatively good representative in China. The company was established in 1996. It is a large-scale animal company integrating scientific research, production and operation. At that time, the registered capital was 1 million. Today, the annual output value has exceeded 8 million .

Naya Group has established good cooperative relations with more than ten scientific research institutes in China, and fifty or sixty experts in nutrition, animal husbandry medicine, pharmacy and other fields have served as consultants for a long time.

When MIO released the special issue of "Promotion of Application of Laboratory Animals", domestic animal companies suddenly realized the importance of BPFH scoring.

In the office of the president of the Kyoto Naya Group, Tang Han, as usual, was watching the latest developments in the world, and seeing what new news was released by the authoritative MIO in the circle. It was also very surprising.

And when he saw that the person on the cover was a young man named Bai Ye, he quickly asked people to investigate Bai Ye's information.

Because for a long time, experimental animals seem to be foreign patents, not only the sales of animals, but also animal feed, new animal modeling, etc. seem to be unique technologies of foreigners.

And in this seemingly technological monopoly situation, a Chinese person proposed the BPFH score, opening up a new era of experimental animals, and even the most authoritative MIO graduate students issued a special issue to acknowledge his correctness and great value.

This is simply a great thing for Chinese people, especially those in the experimental animal circle.

The circle of experimental animals was not big, but overnight, the name Bai Ye seemed to be known to everyone.

Tang Han looked at the electronic version of the newly released special issue of "Promotion of Laboratory Animal Application" on the computer, and carefully read the articles in it.

As a rare animal company boss in China, Tang Han has an extraordinary sensitivity to the latest cutting-edge science, which is why he led Naya to create today's situation.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Tang Han said please come in.

The secretary came over with a bunch of documents in his hand, and said excitedly, "Mr. Tang, all of Bai Ye's documents are here. We can find them."

Tang Han nodded, said it was hard work, and then looked down.

I don't know if I don't see it, Tang Han was a little stunned when I saw it!

Is there really a genius in this world?
Champion of Chinese Traditional Chinese Medicine Knowledge Contest.

Joined You Tu's lab and discovered the stable artemisinin complex, which laid the foundation for the discovery of new artemisinin...

He was named and praised by the Secretary-General of the World Health Organization at the [-]:[-] news time of China Central Television Channel [-].

Published more than a dozen papers, with an impact factor of 258 points!These include "cell", "Promotion of Laboratory Animal Applications", "New England Medicine", etc...

The book "Understanding Chinese Medicine" sold 2 copies a week...

Finally: Bai Ye, male, 24 years old, a student of Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, currently a fifth-year student, was admitted by Academician Liu Boli for the postgraduate entrance examination.


Even Tang Han, who was used to seeing geniuses, gasped for a while. Is this a genius?
No genius can compare!
At the age of 24, there are so many resumes, even those veteran experts are thrown far away!
Thinking of this, Tang Han was extremely shocked, but then his heart became hot.

At this time, the secretary on the side smiled and said: "Mr. Tang, there is a hot news recently, I think you must be interested!"

Tang Han raised his head and looked at his secretary Zhang Hui: "Oh? What news?"

Zhang Hui handed over the newspaper in her hand: "The protagonist who created the lowest scientific research funding published in the Science and Technology Daily two days ago is Bai Ye!"

Tang Han was taken aback. Not only did he hear the news, he even made a joke with his friends after reading the article.He didn't take it seriously at all, but it's different now. He took the newspaper and looked at the topic carefully, and then checked the time. Suddenly, a terrible idea appeared in Tang Han's mind!

Tang Han quickly picked up his personal mobile phone and dialed an old friend.

"Hello? Director Yang, I'm Tang Han. I want to ask you something." Tang Han was anxious.

"Haha, Old Tang! Why do you still call me Director? Don't think calling me Director can avoid the drink!"

Tang Han smiled sheepishly: "I will definitely make up for it some other day. I have something to ask you today. Has the project you applied for at Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine arrived at your place?"

"Uh! Here we go, Old Tang, whose subject are you interested in and are you planning to sponsor?"

Tang Han shook his head quickly: "Hehe, almost, I want to know about the subject of a person named Bai Ye, I am more interested."

When the other party heard this, he was dumbfounded, Bai Ye?Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine?Isn't this the more violent thing?

"Old Tang, are you kidding me? Jinxi Traditional Chinese Medicine... that topic is meaningless, right? You are talking about the one with a research funding of 1 yuan?"

Tang Han nodded: "Yes, I think this topic is good, and I want to know more about it."

"Okay! Wait a minute, I'll ask someone to check what's going on."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Mujun pondered, why Tang Han was interested in this subject, could there be some news that he didn't know?
Thinking of this, Yang Mujun asked the people below to send the electronic version of Bai Ye's project to his computer.

He took a rough look at the subject and found that there was nothing special?
Yang Mujun then searched Bai Ye on Baidu, and a lot of news came out. After a closer look, Yang Mujun was almost frightened!Amazing!This Bai Ye is so good?

Could it be... Tang Han has taken a fancy to this student?Want to have a good relationship?

Because there is no bright spot in this subject, Tang Han should have taken a fancy to this person, right?

So Yang Mujun sent Bai Ye's project plan to the other party. The project plan is not confidential, but the things studied in the truly confidential project.

For example, Bai Ye's project, other things are not confidential, the secret is the BY-1 type of feed, of course, this feed is only known to Bai Ye, it is not public, and the project management center does not know.

However, after Yang Mujun sent it to Tang Han, he still asked worriedly: "Old Tang? What's the new news? You must be kind!"

Tang Han chuckled and said, "Go to the official website of the MIO Research Institute to have a look..."

After hanging up the phone, Tang Han opened Bai Ye's subject to read, and suddenly his eyes lit up!


This Bai Ye!
This is making a big deal!
The test items in this project are clearly the disassembled version of the BPFH score!Why doesn't he just do the effect of BY-1 feed on BPFH score?

When Tang Han saw the date of the project, he suddenly realized that he slapped his thigh excitedly. It turned out that he had scored BPFH and failed the certification of MIO!
But... Bai Ye is sure that the BPFH scoring system can pass the review?Passed the eyes of those people! ?

He continued to look at the experimental arrangement of Bai Ye's subject. After seeing it, Tang Han suddenly felt his scalp tighten. It was incredible, this Bai Ye!
The experimental period is 7 days!
When he saw the project date and the submission date, Tang Han suddenly understood what was going on!
He, Bai Ye, is going to make a big deal, a big deal!

A big event that pierces the sky!

This is simply genius!

Why do you say that, because Bai Ye is convinced that there is nothing wrong with this BPFH scoring system, he can pass the MIO review, and he is even sure that he can attract the attention of the world and create a storm in the world!
After he submitted the manuscript, he immediately prepared for the BY-1 type of feed. The cycle is 7 days. Even if the review time is up and down, when the BPFH rating is popular all over the world, Bai Ye can just get the conclusion of the project and get the BY-1 type. Feeds are useful and can even change the BPFH score of a mouse and improve the level of a lab mouse!

Thinking of this, Tang Han's scalp became tense, and he even felt his heart beating very fast. too scary!
Is there really a genius in this world?A genius is a bit less human...


BY-1 type feed, this is the core of all this incident, right?
Thinking of this, Tang Han said to the secretary: "Book a ticket for me, no! Drive directly to Jinxi! Let's go immediately, and you ask the driver to prepare! You go and inform..."

After speaking, Tang Han immediately got up to pack his things. However, he suddenly thought of something and dialed the finance number.

(End of this chapter)

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