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Chapter 172 Give You a Reminder

Chapter 172 Give You a Reminder (Please Subscribe~)

Who is the busiest in June?
It is the children who have just taken the college entrance examination and the worried parents.

The college entrance examination is the most important turning point in a person's life. Today's society pays more and more attention to children's education.

There are a lot of tutoring agencies, from reviewing exams to applying for volunteers in one step, and the service is very thoughtful.

And these two days have made the educational institutions in Shanxi very worried.

Why do you say that?

Because the situation of Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine is very embarrassing. In previous years, the score line of Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine was not high, and it was higher than the second line, and those good majors were slightly higher.

However, with the launch of the National Traditional Chinese Medicine Knowledge Contest this year, the whole country has begun to vigorously support the development of Chinese medicine.

All the universities of traditional Chinese medicine in the country suddenly became popular, but the most important one was Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This little-known university suddenly became the focus.

The No.1 winner of the National Traditional Chinese Medicine Knowledge Contest is a fifth-year undergraduate student of Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

What an emotional thing it is for an undergraduate student to overcome all obstacles and win the national championship.

The excellence of a student can often make people think of this school.

Just when everyone realized that this school was very ordinary, a series of major events suddenly happened.

Even the top foreign scientific research institutions have to set up branches and research institutes in Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and it is said that there are also opportunities for foreign exchanges.

Then the Ministry of Education and the Provincial Department of Education are actively preparing for the construction of national key disciplines.

This national key subject is treated only by a key university, but you have it in a second school?
How can this not make those families yearn?

After all, it is now said that a good university is not as good as a good major, and professional theories are getting more and more attention.

It is said that men are afraid of entering the wrong profession, and women are afraid of marrying the wrong man. You say that if a man enters the wrong profession, which woman will marry you?far away...

But at this time, Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine spread the news that it is cooperating with the Kyoto Naya Group, a large group with nearly [-] billion yuan, and even signed a labor contract?

As a result, everyone is anxious, no matter what you are going to college for?
It's not for having a stable and good job, but the Kyoto Naya Group is a billion-dollar group, and the employment contract signed...

Can I report it!

How is the enrollment of Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine this year?Will the Institute of Experimental Animals recruit students this year?
How many points are appropriate for admissions?One or two?How do you count?
These tutoring institutions were overwhelmed by Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Not only them, but also the parents of those families are very anxious, but they don't know what to do?
But no matter how you say it, Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine has begun to attract the attention of countless people, and it is no longer a little-known school.



However, Principal Zhang has been very busy these days, and he forgot to sleep and eat. In just a few days, he lost a small circle of weight, and his chin became a little pointed.

But the whole person looks more energetic!

Busy and busy, full of energy, when I got home, my wife thought I had hyperthyroidism.

But even though he was tired, Zhang Hanlin was excited. The school's take-off was about to take off. At this time, he couldn't make mistakes. He had to hurry up and work hard.

Not only him, but the whole school is busy. Originally, after the construction of the new campus was completed, a medical technology building was ready to be put into use. However, seeing that the laboratory animal department was coming soon, it was too late to prepare, so it was directly occupied and affixed the logo of the Laboratory Animal Research Institute. .

And Bai Ye, who is the academic leader of the school's emerging disciplines, honorary dean, and many other titles, suddenly became idle...

The honorary dean is a good thing!

Basically, you don't have to worry about anything at this time. Of course, Bai Ye has no way to worry about it. Now everything is in the preparation stage, and he doesn't need to help at all.

But Zhang Hanlin, the dean with real power, has multiple jobs at one time, busy inside and outside, devoting himself to everything.

Bai Ye felt a little sorry and was ready to help, but after he went there, he found that he didn't understand anything.

So Mingzhe simply stood by and watched.

Old Enders and Yu Li from China Standardization Organization stayed at school for an extra day and went back the next day.

Before leaving, the old Enders, whom Bai Ye sent to send, handed over his concluding paper to the other party, and let it be published.

Enders looked at the article and said with a smile: "Do you want to be the editor of "Promotion of Application of Experimental Animals"? Or the editorial board?"

Bai Ye quickly shook his head and refused. After finishing his work with the mouse, he still had a lot of work to do.

If you mess with mice again, maybe your mentor should consider the issue of being expelled from the teacher's school, right?
Sure enough, after Bai Ye returned to the dormitory at night, he received a call.

It belongs to senior brother Lu Fengxian.

"Hello? Brother, are you not busy?"

Bai Ye remembered that Lu Fengxian directly joined a research group of his senior sister to do experiments.

Lu Fengxian laughed loudly: "It's not that I'm not busy, but the teacher asked me to call you and tell you that school will start in September."

Bai Ye was taken aback, starting in September?Can you forget this?

But what the teacher said to himself should not be about this problem!
Suddenly Bai Ye was taken aback, the teacher probably meant that time is running out, don't waste time, get ready to do what you should do!
Bai Ye smiled awkwardly: "Brother, did the teacher say anything else?"

Lu Fengxian pondered for a moment, and suddenly said: "I also met the teacher once when I was handing in the report yesterday. The teacher just mentioned something casually, let me concentrate on what I should do, and don't be like some people, playing with mice today and tomorrow." For fodder..."

Bai Ye paused: "Really?"

Hearing Bai Ye's anxious voice, Lu Fengxian suddenly laughed: "No, I'm just kidding you. The teacher is very happy. I heard that you have done such a big thing, saying that you are contributing to scientific research, but it really made me Let me bring you a sentence: let you choose a path carefully, after all, your energy is limited, and you must seize the time to do what you need to do well.”

After hearing this, Bai Ye felt relieved. He didn't want to leave a bad impression on the teacher before school started.

However, both Mr. Liu and Professor Tu have said about this matter. He has limited energy and can't eat too much. Choose one and stick to it.


After Bai Ye hung up the phone, he pondered for a moment. He must be leaving differently from others, but no matter what, the main direction still cannot be deviated.

Just like Tu Lao and Teacher Sun said, thinking of this, Bai Ye opened the task bar, and Bai Ye looked at the two tasks in the mentor task, the first one is: complete the analysis and research on the medicinal ingredients of Danqi Huoxue Pill.

Is my own extraction and separation already lv2?Maybe try it out!

(End of this chapter)

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