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Chapter 171 The Dust Settles

Chapter 171 The Dust Settled (Subscribe for the third update)
That night, regarding Bai Donglin's suggestion, Tang Han urgently called other shareholders to hold a special meeting.

A large part of the reason why the Naya Group can be owned to this day is because of the particularity of the equity distribution of the Naya Group.

As the CEO and part-time COO, Tang Han is not just a CEO, he is the holder of 70.00% shares of Naya Group.

In other words, he has absolute control over the group, what does that mean? 100% equity is basically everywhere in this joint-stock company, and a society where listed companies are everywhere basically does not exist.

It is almost impossible for any multi-billion group company to have only one shareholder. The person who owns more than 66.67% of the shares is called the person with absolute control, because in the shareholder meeting, the company’s articles of association are amended, and the registered capital is increased or decreased. Major decisions such as establishment, merger, division, dissolution, and change of company form must be approved by more than two-thirds of the voting shareholders.

And Tang Han has this kind of right in Naya alone.

The meeting lasted for an hour, and all seven shareholders made more or less suggestions. An hour later, Naya Company made a decision:
I agree with Bai Donglin's suggestion, but what needs to be changed is that Naya Group is willing to provide 2000 million capital injections, and Bai Ye's patented technology evaluation of 1000 million can only account for 33.33% of the shares.

All they want is absolute control.

But Tang Han gave Bai Ye another option. Bai Ye can increase investment, with a maximum investment of 1000 million yuan, and he can also obtain 50.00% of the shares.

In this way, invisibly, the registered capital of the company has become 4000 million, and the starting point is different...

There is a big difference between a company's starting point of 2000 million and 4000 million.

The next morning, the two parties made an appointment to meet at yesterday's hotel.

When Tang Han said his thoughts, Bai Ye was suddenly dumbfounded, his father guessed everything correctly!

After going back last night, Bai Ye thought everything went well, but Boss Bai said:
"The biggest advantage of capitalists is to use capital to expand their advantages."

So Bai Donglin told Bai Ye several possibilities, and increasing capital investment was one of them.

Bai Donglin said with a smile: "Actually, if increasing capital investment is a good thing for us, I was worried that the starting point of 2000 million was too low. Archimedes said that it is a long enough Leverage and a fulcrum, we have a fulcrum now, but the leverage is not long enough, the higher the starting point, the longer our leverage will be, and the higher the shares we can leverage after one year!"

Bai Ye has already seen how powerful Bai Donglin is. As a successful uneducated coal boss, he can successfully transform himself into a person who is in the circle of capitalists in European and American countries and has also won shares in some technology companies. more common.

Of course, although those shares have been losing money... It seems that Haolai earned [-] cents last year?
However, Bai Ye was still a little worried: "If the other party increases investment, what should we do?"

Bai Donglin smiled, opened his bag, and took out a passbook: "What did your mother leave your wife for?"

Bai Ye looked at the familiar 1000 million passbook, widened his eyes and said, "Boss Bai knows things like a god!"



That morning, the two parties signed a series of related contracts. The signer was Bai Ye. There were still many procedures to go, but it was not a recent event.

According to the contract, Tang Han is responsible for the establishment of the company and other matters. Similarly, Bai Ye, as the owner of 50.00% of the shares, cannot transfer or trade shares in other ways. Moreover, Tang Han dominates the company's marketing decision-making power, while in In terms of R&D decision-making, Bai Ye takes the lead.

Everyone was very satisfied with this kind of cooperation. Tang Han returned to Kyoto that day, leaving a vice president of the company at the school to continue discussing specific matters related to the school.

The school meeting lasted for two or three days, and Bai Ye attended several meetings one after another.

Because Bai Ye played a vital role in this link, even MIO chairman Old Enders made a point that if Bai Ye could not become the first chairman of the MIO-BPFH scoring certification, he would not participate in such a meeting, and Cancellation of certification cooperation matters.

In the past few days, old Enders and Bai Ye and his son had many private conversations. Enders was shocked by Bai Donglin's knowledge, and his discussion of scientific development and future trends also made old Enders very admired.

After a few days of getting along, he valued Bai Ye more and more, and even invited Bai Ye to work in the MIO Research Institute, so that he could take on a team.

However, Bai Ye's plan for the future is not in the direction of experimental zoology. After hearing the news, Old Enders felt rather regretful.

But even so, Old Enders decided to cooperate with Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine to set up a branch organization of the MIO Research Institute in the school, that is, a group under its jurisdiction, and the other party will have certain technical and talent help.

After receiving the news, Tan Jianguo, the vice president, and Zhang Hanlin, the president of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, were extremely shocked and delighted.

Such a world-leading scientific research institute can cooperate with the school, establish a research group, and provide talents and technical assistance. This is undoubtedly a great joy for Shanxi, which is poor in scientific research.

This undoubtedly adds a bit of confidence to the construction of a key discipline.

But at this time, Old Enders made a request: asking Bai Ye to be the person in charge of the scientific research center.

All of a sudden, everyone was fooled.

This is China, okay?

This is a place where seniority is considered. Bai Ye is very good and has made many great achievements in innovation and technology, but he is only 24 years old, right?

Let him be the dean, who can he restrain?

But old Enders' words made everyone speechless: "In our MIO Institute, there are many people who believe in Bai Ye. To put it bluntly, if it weren't for Bai Ye, I think their interest in this place is estimated to be zero. , Scientific research workers do not look at qualifications, but at grades. Isn’t there an old saying in China? Those who have achieved first! Moreover, I have read a lot of Chinese allusions. Why did Gan Luo become prime minister at the age of seven? Why not. "

Looking at the hesitant eyes of the crowd, Old Enders said: "Actually, if it weren't for Bai Ye's unwillingness to go to the United States, we would be willing to set up a branch research center here for the development of experimental zoology, and if there is no Bai Ye's leadership , To be honest, I don't believe in your scientific research capabilities."

Old Enders' words were so direct that it made everyone here blush.

But no one can refute it!

I don't know who said something stupid: "Bai Ye will graduate soon, and he is going to the capital to study for graduate school. What should he do when he leaves?"

Just as this person said it, a group of murderous eyes shot at him in an instant. Zhang Hanlin and Tan Jianguo wished to kill this idiot with their eyes.

Old Enders shook his head: "Actually, you will all be wrong. Bai Ye has already surpassed you by a large margin in the general direction of experimental zoology. What he wants to do is not to conduct experiments, but to set up a study for you. Direction and development plan, if you want to build key disciplines, then Bai Ye is your academic leader, it is no exaggeration, and we established this branch, the main research is the improvement and in-depth research of BPFH scoring."

"So, no matter where Bai Ye goes, as long as he is the person in charge of this scientific research center and the leader of this project, then this general direction will not go astray."

After speaking, Old Enders didn't say anything, he said what he should say, and he did what he should do. The next thing is to see the reaction of the people.

Nine o'clock in the morning on June [-]th!

"Adhering to the construction of national key disciplines, deepening educational reform...approving the construction of key disciplines of experimental zoology at Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine..."

The key subjects were approved, and it was so fast, everyone was moved.

But this is just the beginning:
The official website of the Chinese Academy of Management released a message: "Our institute will cooperate with the World Institute of Experimental Animals MIO to establish an experimental animal research center at Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine..."

And if none of these news is big enough, the next news is definitely big news:
Enders, chairman of the MIO Research Institute, publicly announced: "The MIO organization and the ISO International Organization for Standardization will jointly establish a special organization for MIO-BPFH scoring certification at Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and establish a branch of the MIO Research Institute to be responsible for related research on BPFH scoring. , Mr. Bai Ye will become the general director of the MIO-BPFH scoring certification organization and the MIO Research Division."

For a while, Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine became the target and focus of everyone's attention.

Because Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine ranks 415 in the national universities, in Zhang Hanlin's words, it is a person who hinders national education.

However, this university wants to build a national key discipline, and it cooperates with top scientific research institutions in related fields abroad to introduce top related talents and technologies.

Therefore, the official statement of Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine:

"Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine is adhering to the Ministry of Education's... construction of key disciplines, and has reached cooperation with MIO Research Institute, China Management Institute, and Kyoto Naya Group to build an experimental animal research institute. Bai Ye will be hired as the first honorary dean. The chief person in charge of the research work of the institute."

(End of this chapter)

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