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Chapter 174 Dross is also a good thing

Chapter 174 Dross is also a good thing (for subscription)
For the next few days, Bai Ye was immersed in the laboratory all day long, and Bai Ye had references for the research on Danshen and Panax notoginseng.

Because these two drugs are actually used a lot, they have already gone through the stage of modern research in clinical practice.

Of course, the medicinal properties of traditional Chinese medicine are too complicated, and there are too many compounds in it. It is really a very difficult and tedious process to find them all.

It has to go through continuous separation and extraction, and then various processes to separate all the components of the drug, and then analyze the specific molecules.

The production method of Danqi Huoxue Pill is very simple. After Bai Ye bought Danshen and Panax notoginseng from the market, after processing, Bai Ye did not make a pill, but made a decoction.

Because pill analysis is inconvenient, it is better to use decoction for analysis.

Bai Ye prepared the decoction with the separation reagent according to the method written in those materials, then added the medicine into it continuously, and then distilled it to obtain some water-soluble substances...

However, Bai Ye discovered a very important problem, that is, after the two kinds of traditional Chinese medicines are added, their original chemical structures will be changed, and new substances will be obtained through chemical reactions.This will undoubtedly increase the difficulty of extraction.

Therefore, Bai Ye extracted separately, and made Danshen first. He crushed Danshen into a coarse powder, added ethanol to heat and reflux three times, filtered, combined the filtrate, recovered ethanol under reduced pressure, and concentrated it into a thick paste with a relative density of 1.30~1.35. Hot water heated to 80°C...

This is a cumbersome process, but the reward is great. Bai Ye looked at the sample he got: orange-red crystals, which should be the so-called cryptotanshinone. Bai Ye oxidized the aluminum...

In fact, the extraction and separation of traditional Chinese medicine is a very important and critical channel for the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine.

It is of great significance to explore and study the active ingredients in traditional Chinese medicine to find active substances with novel structures or new mechanisms, so as to find new drugs with high efficiency and low toxicity.

Therefore, after these few days of research, Bai Ye discovered that Mr. Liu's purpose should be to cultivate his own way of thinking. As for the real separation and extraction of the two medicines, Danshen and Panax notoginseng?
These two drugs are old-fashioned things. Many people have already studied them. The technology is very perfect. As long as you follow the process step by step, you can get the results.

Bai Ye basically spent the past few days in the laboratory, the library, and the office of Zhou Mao, the dean of the Department of Chinese Medicine.

When encountering a problem, Bai Ye went to the library to look it up. If he couldn't solve it, he went online to look it up, and finally consulted Zhou Mao.

Zhou Mao is not a doctor, but a graduate student of BJ University of Pharmaceutical Sciences. After graduation, he came here as a teacher and has done many projects. He and Zhang Hanlin are two different people. Although he also does scientific research in school, for him, The school is a platform, a platform that serves itself.

As the dean of the School of Pharmacy, he has maintained long-term cooperative relations with many pharmaceutical companies, such as Zhennan Pharmaceutical, and often helps them do some drug research, such as drug composition analysis, drug toxicity identification, etc.

Bai Ye only got to know him in recent days. He is an economically minded scientific researcher. It is said that he has set up a small studio outside to undertake such outsourced projects. Many of his graduate students will leave after graduation. Follow him directly.

Moreover, he also applied for patents for some small discoveries in his studio and sold them to those pharmaceutical companies. It can be said that he is the first person in Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine to drive a car worth more than 50 yuan.

These were said by others, but Zhou Mao did not deny it, he admitted openly that he did something.

But these did not affect his work, and on the contrary, every year many graduates are jobs and units that Zhou Mao helped to contact, so he is still very popular among the postgraduate circle of the School of Chinese Medicine.

During this period of getting along, Bai Ye and him are relatively familiar a lot, and Zhou Mao is also very good, professional is only very solid, in his words, what is skill?It's your business of Ansheng Liben. If you don't even have this, what else do you have?
It has to be said that the center of economic construction can indeed stimulate the development of science and technology. For example, Zhou Mao, he has won two provincial progress awards, but he sold the patent after he changed hands, and used the money to buy a car. Lu Xun drove into the campus.

It caused a lot of jokes at the time, but in the second year, Zhou Mao sold a patent again, this time for more money than last time.

However, Zhou Mao was very patient with Bai Ye's advice, and told Bai Ye a lot of things, such as salvia miltiorrhiza and notoginseng, and Zhou Mao had also done extraction and separation, so he was very proficient.

I personally taught by example in the laboratory, and told Bai Ye some precautions and things that need to be paid attention to.

Especially things that are easy to miss and miss. In Zhou Mao’s words, you can only get other people’s results if you follow the path of others, but if you follow the path of different people more, you may lose There are different results.

Invention and creation is to discover subtle differences and start from the details.

In the past few days, Bai Ye has basically been a library in addition to his laboratory, but he has gained a lot!Especially under the condition of ten times the experience bonus, Bai Ye's skills have been directly improved.

Basic subject skills: medicinal chemistry: lv3: 2300/10000.

Scientific research skills: separation and extraction: lv3: 6999/10000.

With the improvement of separation and extraction skills, Bai Ye's speed of separation and extraction has increased significantly.

According to Zhou Mao's methods and ideas, he did the extraction work from multiple angles according to the ideas and methods of different people.

However, the two traditional Chinese medicines, Danshen and Panax notoginseng, are too common, and people's research is rotten, so after Bai Ye tried many times, he still didn't receive any goods, except that after the separation and extraction skills were further improved, he reached lv4 level, others are still not received.

Therefore, Bai Ye decided not to study the two drugs alone, but decided to combine them and try the substances after the reaction of the two drugs to see if they could get something different.

Two days later, Bai Ye was able to separate some common substances according to the techniques and instruments he had learned these days. The combination of Danshen and Panax notoginseng is very common, but it is not uncommon for people to analyze it.

For example, Compound Danshen Dripping Pills is a patented medicine made of Sanqi and Danshen extracts. It mainly uses Danshensu and Panax notoginseng saponins.This drug has been widely used in the treatment of coronary heart disease and cerebral thrombosis in China, South Korea, Russia and other places.

After extracting those substances, Bai Ye suddenly had an idea. Since they only used Danshensu and Panax notoginseng saponins, are other substances useless?
Perhaps it is possible to study Danqi Huoxue Pills in reverse from the perspective of Compound Danshen Dripping Pills.

Therefore, Bai Ye went directly to the pharmacy to buy the drug, and then began to analyze it.

Compound Danshen Dripping Pills are widely used clinically, and the most important thing is its safety and drug toxicity analysis, there is no problem in a large number of clinical trials.

Then Bai Ye suddenly understood something.

The purpose of Mr. Liu is not to allow himself to study this mature product, but to allow himself to compare the mature compound Danshen dripping pills when studying Danqi Huoxue Pills, and then understand how the modernization of Chinese medicine is developed.

For example, Danqi Huoxue Pill is just a traditional Chinese medicine prescription, while Compound Danshen Dripping Pill is a drug that can be widely popular in foreign markets.

Where is the gap between them? Is it obvious that they are extracting effective ingredients and then proving their effectiveness through experiments?

The advantage of Compound Danshen Dripping Pills is to extract its essence and remove its dross, so as to realize a relatively mature modern product!
Bai Ye was suddenly curious, and opened up the development history of Compound Danshen Dripping Pills. He was surprised to find that his tutor, Academician Liu Boli, was actually the person in charge of this project, and he was also the first prize of the 2003 National Science and Technology Progress Award.

Bai Ye took a deep breath, so it turned out that if it wasn't for his mistake, he might not have discovered the teacher's intention.

But... Bai Ye also has a new research direction.

Since the compound danshen dripping pill removes the dross and extracts one of the essences, then if I do the opposite, reverse thinking, find out the dross, and really discover the reason why it was removed, it is Will there be new discoveries?

Discovering something that is beneficial to mankind is progress and an invention, but inventing a harmful thing and letting people avoid it is also a kind of progress!Moreover, many poisonous things are increasingly found to have new functions.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye started his own action!
(End of this chapter)

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