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Chapter 20 Graduate students, amazing!

Chapter 20 Graduate students, amazing!

What is Bai Ye's greatest strength?
That must be attachment!

Whatever you do, you either don't do it, or you have to do your best, whether it's study, love or playing games.

Just like League of Legends, Bai Ye either doesn't want to play, and if he wants to play, he must play his best.

The upper limit is talent, he can't change it, but he can do his best.

Some time ago, in order to learn the basic theories of Chinese medicine, with the help of fast reading, Bai Ye read more than 60 books related to "Huang Di Nei Jing", although many books are relatively thin, and the treatises are cumbersome, so it is not so easy to understand. But Bai Ye basically read more than ten books a day.

It doesn't matter how much you remember, but basically there are some impressions in your mind.

This time, Bai Ye was different from the previous two days. He directly ate an intermediate memory capsule. Immediately, he felt a coolness in his head, his head was clear, and he began to brush!

Bai Ye just took one book after another, regardless of whether he was tired or not, it didn't matter if he didn't understand, or if he couldn't remember, he just brushed the books next to each other.

With the help of the memory capsule, although Bai Ye read quickly, many things were also imprinted in his brain, and some of them were also memorized.

One, two, three... By the time it was past 11 o'clock in the evening, Bai Ye had already read more than ten books.

Originally, his knowledge of Chinese medicine has reached lv2, but now he has a deeper understanding of many Chinese medicines, such as the place of origin, season, season, etc. of Chinese medicines, and has a lot of understanding.

At this time, he realized that traditional Chinese medicine is not only a basic subject, but also a clinical subject. Experimental medicine is the best planting environment, picking season, processing method, and medication site through continuous experiments and repetitions. .

For example, a common traditional Chinese medicine, perilla, has extremely high medicinal value. Its leaves, rhizomes, and seeds are all traditional Chinese medicines. Perilla leaves can relieve the exterior and dispel cold, open the nose, clear the head, and treat exogenous diseases. An important medicine for wind and cold, and perilla stalks can release and regulate qi, dissipate stagnation and relieve pain, and are commonly used to treat spleen and stomach diseases, while perilla seeds can reduce qi and eliminate phlegm, relieve cough and moisten the lungs, and can treat lung diseases such as cough and asthma.

Blindly simple traditional Chinese medicine, picking parts and growing environments are different, and the medicinal value they bring is also different.

Bai Ye couldn't stop studying at the beginning, just like how he stayed up all day and night in order to advance to the master rank of the League of Legends, just to get to the master.

He has a tenacity, that is, the spirit of not admitting defeat, supporting him.

It was the same at this time, he didn't go back to the dormitory at night, but fell asleep in the pile of books, got up early, didn't eat or drink, and continued to read.

It was a holiday on December 12st, so the fat man didn't come to the hospital, but this didn't affect Bai Ye. He didn't eat or drink that day, so he stayed in the document center on the 31th floor.

Bai Ye didn't come out from the 1th floor until the examination room was assigned on January 1st. The fat man saw Bai Ye's hair was messed up, his clothes were messed up, his complexion was sallow, and his spirit was listless.

"Fuck me, what are you doing, Ye Zi?" the fat man exclaimed.

Bai Ye smiled and shook his head: "Let's go, take brother to eat something delicious, I'm starving to death."

The fat man nodded and looked at Bai Ye's excited eyes, this guy!Tired like this and still so excited?
In fact, Bai Ye can't be blamed for being excited, because the efficiency of these two days is too high.

Looking at the Chinese medicine skills in his mind: lv3: 111/10000, Bai Ye felt that everything was too worthwhile.

But it's a pity that there are still 10 books short of the task of breaking the 100 books. If it weren't for today's exam, Bai Ye can't wait to finish these [-] books before coming out.

But that's enough, Chinese Materia Medica lv3, basic theory of Chinese medicine: lv3, tsk tsk, two professional levels, there shouldn't be any major problems in winning the first link!

After figuring it out, Bai Ye and the fat man went to a restaurant near the hospital.

The two of them ordered four or five hard dishes. Bai Ye's desire for meat surpassed Fatty's, and the two of them ate and drank.

The fat man asked with his mouth stuffed with braised pork: "You didn't call me the whole night, I'm bored in the dormitory alone."

Bai Ye rolled his eyes and didn't answer.

The fat man continued: "But I heard that there are girls in the Internet cafe here all night, tsk tsk... have you teased one?"

Bai Ye said: "I have an exam this afternoon, brother, can you let me have some food? I'm starving to death."

At this time, several young people walked by Bai Ye.

"Examination? You are talking about the basic knowledge competition of traditional Chinese medicine, right? Are you also a graduate student of Zhongyan?" A man asked with a smile.

Being accosted by this stranger, Bai Ye and Fatty were also a little surprised: "No, we are interns in this hospital."

Five young people, three men, two women, sat down at a table beside them. When they heard that the two were interns, they just smiled lightly and said nothing.

Several people ordered a few dishes and chatted casually: "I heard that the competition is quite high, and getting good grades will also be helpful for graduating next year and finding a job."

"Well, that's the case, but this competition is a mixed bag. There are everyone, and anyone can sign up." A man smiled and said.

The boy who hit up a conversation just now also smiled and said: "That's fine, maybe we can get a good ranking in the provincial competition. After all, there are so many junior college students and undergraduate students. With them at the bottom, I think our chance is still good." some."

One of the girls spoke up and said, "Brother Ming, I remember that when you took the postgraduate entrance examination, you scored 270 in comprehensive Chinese medicine, right? It was a record at that time. At that time, Dean Xiao took a fancy to it. After two years of study, I think you can definitely get it." A good ranking."

Another girl said: "Yeah, Dean Xiao praised you two days ago, saying that your graduation thesis is finished, because the data analysis you did by yourself is in place, very detailed, and professional. It's amazing." .”

The people around also nodded and agreed.

When Yan Ming heard the words of the people around him, he also felt complacent. Sometimes, grades don't mean anything, but he does represent a kind of ability.

Fatty doesn't like to listen to people's bragging. If you say that your graduate students are awesome, you will be awesome, and it will damage our dry wool?He said directly: "Hey, Ye Zi, I just looked at the qualified personnel in our hospital. I didn't know if I didn't see it. I was shocked when I saw it. There are more than 40 doctors and more than 60 senior doctors. You said that there are so many talented people in our hospital, how many good people are there in other hospitals, and there is also the University of Chinese Medicine. cannon fodder!"

These words were obviously meant for the people at the table next to them. The other party deserves to be a highly educated person, and he could tell it as soon as he heard it. Yan Ming's face darkened: "Hehe, graduate students are indeed nothing, but they are better than your undergraduates. It is indeed several levels higher. Your level, to be honest, can only be at the bottom of this competition! It is not an exaggeration at all."

(End of this chapter)

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