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Chapter 21 Can do it, no bb

Chapter 21 Can do it, no bb
In fact, when the man first came in, Bai Ye felt a little familiar. After listening to their chat, Bai Ye thought it must be a man.

Because at that time the man asked Bai Ye to revise the data analysis of the thesis, and the man's WeChat avatar was himself, chatting with several people: "Dean Xiao", "Brother Ming"...

Bai Ye also basically confirmed that this man is strict, and he didn't plan to deal with him more, but when he saw the man's behavior, he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

Bai Ye smiled: "Yeah, of course graduate students are amazing. They are several levels higher than our undergraduate students, but graduate students are also a mixed bag. I remember that I revised a paper called "Shengyang Yiwei Decoction for chronic Atrophic Gastritis Recovery Period Clinical Observation", the data analysis is simply horrible, the level of elementary school students is not as good, how can you say that the level of graduate students is so good now!"

When Yan Ming heard this, he was stunned!

"Clinical Observation of Shengyang Yiwei Decoction on Chronic Atrophic Gastritis in the Recovery Period" is his thesis. The data analysis was done by a student who was introduced by his friend. It cost 800 yuan, but the 800 yuan is worth it , let the dean praise for a long time.

Of course, he told everyone that the data analysis was done by himself, not for others.

Speaking of which, Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine are not the same school after all, so the graduate students here don't know the existence of Bai Ye, a great statistician.

When Yan Ming heard Bai Ye's words, his expression changed immediately, and he asked tentatively, "Are you Bai Ye's junior?"

Bai Ye nodded and didn't say much. When Yan Ming came over with a kettle, he poured a glass of water for Bai Ye and Fatty each, coughed and said, "When I came in just now, I saw that the two juniors looked familiar. It really is you guys. , haha... I've cleared the dishes for today, so don't be polite to me, junior Bai Ye, senior brother still has something to do, let's talk later when we come down."

Then Yan Ming said to the students around him: "I have something to eat with you guys, please eat more, I'm leaving first."

After finishing speaking, the man got up and wanted to settle Bai Ye's bill, but the fat man had bright eyes and said directly: "Boss, do you have any cigarettes? Give me a soft Zhonghua, um, do you have Wuliangye? Add one." A bottle of Wuliangye. I’m not full, boss, let’s have another plate of that... the most expensive one will do.”

Yan Ming, who was about to pay the bill, lost his legs and almost knelt down...

Bai Ye looked at him jokingly, but Yan Ming looked at Bai Ye beggingly, hoping for mercy.

Bai Ye waved his hand: "No need, there is an exam in the afternoon, fat man, you have enough wine, the food is enough, so you don't need anything else. Thank you brother for your hospitality. It's my brother's treat every time, so I can't do it next time." That's it, next time I will treat my brother to dinner."

When Yan Ming heard this, he burst into tears of gratitude, paid the bill, got up and left. The meal was actually not cheap, costing more than 200 yuan.

Bai Ye didn't want to tear his face apart. They were all interns in the same hospital. Everyone bowed their heads and didn't see them when they looked up. It was unnecessary and there was no great hatred.

After the two arrived at the hospital, they inspected the examination room. Unfortunately, they ran into an acquaintance again.

I saw that Liu Zhi and a few people seemed to be familiar with the examination room, and one of them was very familiar, it was Liu Zhenxi, why did he come here?

At this time, Liu Zhi also saw Bai Ye and Fatty, and after thinking about it, he said to Liu Zhenxi, "Director, isn't that Wang Youfu and Bai Ye?"

Liu Zhenxi smiled, and walked towards the two of them. At this time, there were many people behind Liu Zhenxi, including their students who were interns in the hospital. From a distance, they were full of official style!

Bai Ye and Fatty said lightly, "Hello, Teacher Liu."

Liu Zhenxi looked at Wang Youfu, smiled affectionately, and patted the fat man's shoulder: "You are blessed, you are too, tell the teacher about any difficulties in school, and you don't tell the teacher if you say your grades are not good, hey! The teacher didn't care enough about you! It's the teacher's dereliction of duty! The teacher has to review."

Liu Zhenxi looked heartbroken, and continued: "I heard that you failed the postgraduate entrance examination this time, how about this, I will find you a dormitory at school, and study hard at school for a year. This year, what difficulties do you have? Tell the teacher, although we are teachers and students in class, can we be good friends after class! Don’t you think so?”

The fat man smiled foolishly: "Yes, yes, teacher, you are right!"

Liu Zhenxi saw that the fat man was upright, and turned to look at Bai Ye, only to see Bai Ye's well-dressed clothes and messy hair: "Bai Ye, hey, you also have to study with Youfu. Work hard, don't you?"

Bai Ye smiled mischievously: "Yes, teacher, you are right! I must study like a blessed classmate."

When the people around heard it, they couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Liu Zhenxi then sighed, and pointed at Bai Ye: "Look at this, you are such an adult, you don't pay much attention to your appearance, and clean up after you go back."

Bai Ye nodded. Although Liu Zhenxi treated him a little bit badly, he didn't mean to be too harsh on him.

At this time, the exam was about to start, and everyone entered the exam room one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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