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Chapter 23 The Competition Begins

Chapter 23 The Competition Begins

Looking at the deserted virtual screen, Bai Ye sighed, all the lucky draws have been drawn, and all the available ones have been used. Now there is no deposit or bill, um, keep working hard!
The location of the exam was two large meeting rooms with thousands of people. Bai Ye and the others actually had random seats and no arrangements were made. In fact, as long as there is one such environment in the offline competition, it would be good.

Auditions, this is just a sieve, the real thing is the provincial and national exams later.

Not long after, the app prompts: "The countdown has begun, please be prepared. Reminder: You cannot switch programs during the answering period. Once you exit this program, you will be deemed to have automatically given up your qualifications for the exam."

Bai Ye has also experienced this kind of online test before, and it is true. The phone screen is locked and cannot be switched out unless you exit the program.

The countdown is 1 minute countdown, start soon!
After Bai Ye entered the answering interface, he received a prompt: "Within 3 hours, the more questions you answer correctly, the higher your score will be!"

More quantity?No total score and cap?
Although the meeting room is very large, there are many invigilators. Basically, there is only one invigilator a few steps away, walking around and looking around.

Bai Ye made a decision in his heart, since the number is the first, then do the questions?With an idea, Bai Ye immediately started to work on the questions!
What are the five internal organs, five tones, five colors, and five flavors of wood, fire, earth, gold, water, and five elements?This is a four-choice question

Bai Ye memorized all these!

Liver, heart, spleen, lung and kidney!
Five tone
Jiaozheng Gong Shangyu!
Five colors?

blue red yellow white black


Sour, bitter, sweet, spicy and salty!
Bai Ye's answering speed is very fast. Basically, after a question comes out, Bai Ye can read the question within 2 seconds and choose the answer.

Of course, encountering difficulties?Need to think?

I'm sorry, Bai Ye skipped to this kind of question because of an answer!

Since it is a question bank, there will not be only a few hundred questions. What Bai Ye wants is to get as many points as possible, not a 100% correct rate!

After thinking clearly, Bai Ye's hands were quick.

At this time, the Science and Education Channel of CCTV Channel [-] launched a new program called "Our Chinese Medicine".

The hosts are newly transferred famous hosts: Liang Yong and Qi Bing.

Liang Yong said: "Today is the first part of our first China Traditional Chinese Medicine Competition, audition. For this reason, our program team specially invited two masters of traditional Chinese medicine: Master Zhang Xuewen and Master Li Shide."

Qi Bing pointed to the mobile phone in his hand, and said to the big screen: "With the approval of the Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, we have obtained special authorization to show you the process of the exam during the live broadcast."

Liang Yong smiled: "Today, let's experience it now, the first part of the exam, of course, don't worry, everyone, we will broadcast live and pay attention to every part of the competition in the future."

"In order to let everyone understand the general level of the exam, we specially asked two masters of traditional Chinese medicine to explain to us the difficulty of this exam, and how many points can enter the provincial competition. And some common problems."

"By the way, let me tell you a secret. We can see the progress of each contestant through the background of the official app, that is, how many points you have scored now. Please look at the big screen."

I saw Liang Yong raised his hand and pointed at the big screen. Suddenly, the big screen turned into something like a large database, with the candidate number in front and the score in the back.

Qi Bing asked: "Professor, what score do you think is a pass in this exam?"

Zhang Xuewen smiled: "I think that some people who participated in this activity will pass even if they pass, while some people will not pass even if they get a relatively high score. For example, Mr. Li, he will get a few hundred if he goes in. The points are also very arbitrary."

Li Shide didn't mind Zhang Lao being joking either, so he took over the topic and said, "Actually, we have held many meetings for this exam. This is a brave step we have taken, and it is also a step for Chinese medicine practitioners. The development of the medical industry must be booming!"

Mr. Li continued: "Also, as for the scores, it's like Mr. Zhang said, ordinary people can get 200 points, I think it's pretty good, like Chinese medicine students, I can get 3 points I think it’s ok, doctoral students in the research department of Chinese medicine, I think getting a score of 400-[-] is considered a pass, professionals, people like Zhang Lao, basically after reading the question, they may have the answer in their hearts? Haha..."

After Liang Yong heard this, he smiled and said, "Then what province do you two think will get the highest score this time?"

Zhang Xuewen shook his head when he heard it: "It's really hard to say, Chinese medicine practitioners, there are too many masters in the folk. Although we are said to be masters of traditional Chinese medicine, we may be compared with those hidden folk masters. There is still a lot of difference, after all, there is no limit to learning! If we have to talk about regional differences, I feel that the highest scores may be in Kyoto, Haishi, Guangzhou, Sichuan, Nanjing, and Jinshi? After all, these places The development of traditional Chinese medicine is not bad.”

At this time, Qi Bing introduced to everyone: "Mr. Zhang is said to be a lifelong honorary professor of BJ University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It seems that he is still very confident in his students."

Liang Yong also smiled: "It's been an hour and a half since the exam started, okay, let the big data tell us, who is the one with the highest score so far!"

Immediately, a leaderboard-like appearance was formed on the computer.

Liang Yong introduced: "We can form a leaderboard with the results, with candidates' information in the front and scores in the back. In order to ensure the privacy of candidates, we will use region + candidate number instead."

In an instant, 100 names appeared on the big screen.

Ranking + examinee + score arrangement.

Suddenly, everyone exclaimed!
I saw on the big screen: No.1——xxx0055, Shanxi Province——score: 512 points!
No.2——Kyoto City xxx0193——Score: 390 points.

No.3——Kyoto City xxx0001——Score: 388 points.

No.10——Kyoto City xxx0019——Score: 388 points.


No. 98 - xxx1821, Chuanshu City - Score: 378 points.

No. 100 - xxx8391 in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province - Score: 377 points.

Qi Bing said habitually: "Everyone has seen the big screen, the competition is very fierce, it seems that the top 1 are not easy, you compete for each other, everyone can clearly see every second. The rankings are fluctuating, which means that our players are evenly matched... Eh? No! No.512! He actually got 520 points, no, [-] points in the ten seconds of speaking! Who is this guy?"

In an instant, everyone noticed this No.1!
Because the top of the list is relatively high, everyone didn't notice the score of No.1. They saw that the top 380 behind them all had a score of about 1, but no one thought that No.500 would reach [-] points!
Qi Bing was stunned for a moment, and she who was usually eloquent was at a loss for words and didn't know what to say!

(End of this chapter)

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