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Chapter 24 Men Can Be Quick

Chapter 24 Men Can Be Quick
Seeing Qi Bing's embarrassment at this time, Liang Yong hurriedly said: "Old Zhang is indeed right, the top ten BJ City has 3 people, and it is No. 4 and No. 1, which is enough for the whole country. Proud, but... No.[-] is actually a contestant from Shanxi Province, his score... really makes people wonder what to say!"

Zhang Xuewen said at this time: "Actually, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, there were many famous doctors in Shanxi Province, but they disappeared later, but they once held up the sky when Chinese medicine was at its lowest. The four famous doctors in the West are also famous! They are well-known throughout the country. At that time, the old man was also my teacher. I also studied under the teacher for a long time. I don’t know if this No. 1 has any connection with the old man. .”

Bai Ye was too busy brushing the questions right now, so he didn't have time to pay attention to other things. Of course, he had no choice but to pay attention in the examination room.

Because he had a hunch that according to the system's card routine, the task rewards definitely had a lot to do with the score, and it was very likely that it was proportional to the score!Or it has to do with rank.

Bai Ye doesn't know how many questions he has done, but he still can't relax. Who knows how many geniuses there are in the whole country!

Not to mention anything else, which one of those people on "The Most Powerful Brain" is not a genius, and they have never forgotten, but they are not far behind, right?
Thinking of this, Bai Ye shuddered, no way!Still not good, speed up, I can go faster!


Thinking of this, Bai Ye started to work faster. Basically, he had just brushed out the questions. Bai Ye glanced over, and he had finished reading the questions of each question, and the answer could be found after a simple look.

Bai Ye did it very quickly, and so did others, such as Fatty.

"My Cao, three longs and one short are the shortest, three shorts and one long are the longest, two shorts and two longs are A... Tsk tsk... It's also nine-year compulsory education, why am I so good!"

And in the TV station, everyone has nothing to say about No.1, because in two hours, the score of the candidate 0055 has reached 900 points!
And No.2 is only worth 500 points, which is nearly double the gap, and the two hosts are used to it.

The audience below and the audience in front of the TV station were also dumbfounded.

"Yeah? Three seconds, why didn't you jump? The score hasn't changed. This doesn't fit No.1's style!"

"My Cao, it's not that I didn't move, it's because I moved too fast and got stuck! Three seconds to one minute, do you want to hang like this, my god, I kneel down"

"Husband, hurry up, close the door, give birth, my mother is so excited, I feel that I will definitely be pregnant this time, come, come, with the joy of No.1, maybe I will give birth to a school bully!" A woman who is preparing to conceive Staring at the TV, blushing, she shouted at her husband.

For a moment, everyone turned their attention to No.10055!

And Liang Yong said at this time: "By the way, I will show you a new thing, that is, our background can not only display the score, but also the number of questions and the correct rate. Are you curious about No.1? Do you want to see the correct rate?" how many?"

"miss you!"

"think about it!"

For a while, the audience below boiled over. After all, No.1's score was too high. At this time, it was almost half higher than the other party. At this rate, No.1 could get No.1 even if he didn't do the questions at this time. .

It's too stable, as stable as Mount Tai!

Liang Yong smiled and clicked on No.1's message.

At this point, No.1 information appeared on the big screen:

Name: xx (hidden), area: TY City, Jinxi Province, test number: xxx0055, phone number: 186xxxxxxxx (hidden), score: 1024 points, answer: 1229 questions, correct rate: 83%, average: 6.35 seconds/1 question.

At this time, the comment section of the show was relieved:

"It's okay, okay, the second battalion commander is disbanded, and I put away my Italian cannon."

"It's okay, the special forces are disbanded, and the Chinese Dragon Group is disbanded. That kid is still a human, not a monster, so there is no need to slice it."

"It's okay, it's okay, this kid is still a Chinese, so don't worry about little RB and Bangzi."

"What's the matter, the people's awakening mission failed, plan b is launched..."


The show host Liang Yong finally breathed a sigh of relief at this time: "This No.1 is so powerful, it only took 6 seconds for a question, and the correct rate reached 80.00%, it is simply amazing!"

Master Zhang Xuewen smiled: "Anyway, this child's Chinese medicine skills are still very good. It is not difficult to answer one question correctly in about 6 seconds, but it is very difficult to answer every question correctly within 6 seconds. 1000 A lot of questions, the future generations are scary!"

Li Shide shook his head: "It's great, but the correct rate is not too high. In terms of problem-solving skills and test scoring skills alone, this young man is really good, but when compared with those good people, he may not be as good. I don’t believe you can look at No.2 and No.3’s information.”

Liang Yong chooses No.2 information to open:

"No.2: Name: xx (hidden), area: BJ City, examinee number: xxx0001, phone number: 134xxxxxxxx, score: 601 points, number of questions answered: 605, correct rate: 99.3%. Average: 12.89 seconds per question .”

"No.3: Name: xx (hidden), area: BJ City, examinee number: xxx0019, phone number: 134xxxxxxxx, score: 600 points, number of questions answered: 604, correct rate: 99.3%. Average: 12.89 seconds per question .”

Both of them have a winning rate of 99.3%, which is terrible!
There were only 600 mistakes out of more than 4 questions. At this time, everyone couldn't believe it for a while. Compared with the horrible scores, this amazing correct rate is more convincing.

Li Shide just smiled: "Actually, No. 1 may have been doing questions for a long time. He is more familiar with the question bank, and his ability to read the questions is relatively strong and fast. For those difficult questions, he can just give an answer at random. I chose the correct answer directly, in this way, I don’t need to think about the questions, and the speed of doing the questions is also very fast.”

"However, the other students are really good, with solid foundation skills and a high accuracy rate of 99%. Medicine is rigorous and cannot be sloppy. Therefore, I am actually more optimistic about the students behind, because, the second The round of the provincial competition is not just like this, it's a test of real strength."

Zhang Xuewen smiled: "Lao Li, you are wrong. The speed of doing the questions is also the ability, the test skills are also the ability, the scoring skills are the ability, the rules are the most important, I don't believe it, if No. Considering the score, he can't get a high score? So, I still think that No.1 is a young man. Everyone should be able to understand the rules of the game. The rules are clear and clear, and the scores are ranked. You are old It's..."

(End of this chapter)

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