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Chapter 28 Rich Rewards

Chapter 28 Rich Rewards

After Bai Ye and Fatty came out of the hospital, they felt a little irritable, so they simply dragged Fatty to a nearby Internet cafe to have fun.

At this time, Bai Ye's phone rang, an unfamiliar caller, he hesitated, Bai Ye answered: "Hello, how are you?"

The voice on the other end of the phone was very enthusiastic. It was a middle-aged man: "Hello? Are you Bai Ye's classmate? I am the dean of our school's School of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine. My name is Yan Ming."

Bai Ye sneered and said, "I don't buy insurance, I don't need a loan, I don't have a balance in my account, I don't like drinking, I'm not interested in financial management, and I'm not punished at school. Thank you, goodbye! And next time you scam and change your identity, just say you are Qin Shihuang , play money!"

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.Yan Ming over there stared at the phone dumbfounded, what's going on?
Don't buy insurance?Don't like drinking?Not interested in financial management?go!Think of me as a scam call!This kid...

Yan Ming smiled wryly, and called Bai Ye again: "I'm not a scam, I'm really your dean, I have something to do with you, Bai Ye!"

Bai Ye was taken aback?Does this liar have any perseverance?
"Do you know what car our dean drives?"


"What does our dean like to do?"

"Smoking, drinking, and burning hair!" Yan Ming said with a wry smile. These little bastards have been talking about his hair all day long, saying that his three major hobbies are smoking, drinking, and burning his head.

"How many wives does our dean have?"

"One! No, oh, I'm Cao, student Bai Ye, be serious. I'm really your Dean Yan. Let me tell you something."

Bai Ye also smiled: "Liars are quite professional now, okay, tell me, what's the matter?"

Yan Ming wiped off his sweat: "It's like this, President Hu called me today and said that you are the 1800 who scored 0055 points in the test, right?"

Bai Ye was dumbfounded, could it really be the dean, and quickly said: "Ahem, dean, I was joking just now, and you also know that there are too many scam calls now..."

Yan Ming: "Okay, stop talking about these useless things, let me tell you the business, Bai Ye, I checked just now, and found that you have won the first-class scholarship for several years in a row during college, No. 1 in the whole department, very good , Very good, the school is very optimistic about you, the school thinks that an outstanding child like you should focus on training, do you have time on Monday? Come to my office on the 16th floor of the school administration building, there are many detailed things to discuss. "

Bai Ye's thoughts changed quickly, and he immediately agreed, and apologized to Yan Ming for a long time.

After hanging up the phone, Bai Ye suddenly heard the system prompt beeping, the reward is coming!
【Ding!Complete the task, pass the first part of the exam, score 1800 points, No.1 in the country, excellent results, experience points: 1800*10, a 2-star lucky draw opportunity. 】

Bai Ye was overjoyed, the rewards are very rich!

18000 experience points, plus the remaining 2000 points, a total of 20000 points. Now the basics of traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine are both lv3, and each of them will get 4 experience points when upgrading to lv10000.

The 4 points of experience have just raised Bai Ye's Chinese medicine foundation and traditional Chinese medicine to a level, reaching lv[-] (expert level!), Thinking of this, Bai Ye felt that it was too timely.

There is also a chance to draw a prize!

2 star lottery chance, very tempting.

Bai Ye chose to draw a lottery, the pointer rotated rapidly, and stopped!

I saw a book appear in the area pointed by the pointer!

["Basic Self-Defense Technique", after using it, you will get lv2 self-defense technique. It is a set of national health exercises summarized by the future world based on human body structure and mechanics principles. It can not only strengthen the body, but also protect oneself. 】

Bai Ye was taken aback, basic self-defense?
Not bad!

As a high-end VIP person, you have to be omnipotent. You have learned to be a top student, beat hooligans, and self-defense, which is better than nothing!

Bai Ye logged into the game account, played a few matches with Fatty, and then went back.

However, Bai Ye thought that it would be best if no one was around when the evolution liquid was reminded to take it, so Bai Ye took his ID card to find a clean hotel and opened a room.

Bai Ye, take out the evolution liquid, it is a small bottle of liquid the size of an injection, with a hole in it, after Bai Ye opened it, he drank it in one gulp.

Just after drinking it, Bai Ye suddenly felt as if there were bugs crawling in his body, it was so itchy!

But then he felt dizzy, and Bai Ye hurriedly sat up on the bed, but gradually, Bai Ye felt too sleepy, and fell asleep after 1 minute.

When I woke up again, it was already 10:30 in the morning, and I came to the hotel at [-]:[-] pm yesterday, and I slept for nearly sixteen or seventeen hours.

But at this time, Bai Ye suddenly smelled a strange smell and felt sticky all over his body. After taking off his clothes, Bai Ye felt a foul smell coming from him.

I saw a layer of gray-black coating on the body!
Bai Ye immediately took off his clothes, ran into the bathroom, turned on the tap, and began to rinse.

After washing for a full hour, Bai Ye finally cleaned up. Looking in the mirror, Bai Ye found that he didn't seem to have changed at all, right?

The skin in the novel is crystal clear, and the height has not grown, has it happened?
Looks like nothing has changed!
Is this Nima a fake and shoddy product?I want to complain!
However, after moving his neck, Bai Ye discovered the problem. The discomfort in his cervical spine disappeared, he felt refreshed, his body was full of vitality, and his brain felt much more active.

Could this be the real function of the evolution liquid?
Bai Ye took a look, and found that the underwear was basically unwearable, it was sticky and sticky, so Bai Ye simply threw it away, and went out to buy some new ones in a while.

Fortunately, there is nothing wrong with the jacket and trousers, but there is a little smell, but fortunately, it doesn't affect too much.

(End of this chapter)

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