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Chapter 29 I'm a Good Student

Chapter 29 I'm a Good Student (For Collection)

The next day, Bai Ye went to Yan Ming's office. After he went there, he found that there were already people inside. Liu Zhenxi and others were already standing there, and Bai Ye said hello next to him.

Yan Ming took a sip of water, calmed down his breathing, and eased his state, and then he said slowly: "Okay, you guys sit down first, don't stand."

After everyone sat down, Yan Mingcai said: "It is the instruction of the school leaders to invite everyone to come today, to commend everyone for their achievements."

"Everyone has achieved such excellent results in this competition and won glory for the school. This is something worthy of praise."

"During the meeting today, the principal praised you all. You have shown hope and progress to our school."

"Especially Xu Zhonglei, very good, No.3, we did not misunderstand the person, good job, set a benchmark for the teachers in our school."

"Of course, Xiao Liu is also good. During this period of being a counselor, it can be said that you have worked hard with your heart. The school can see your hard work, and the results are remarkable! Not bad, work hard. Today, Principal Hu called you a compliment!"

Speaking of this, Yan Ming smiled and said to Liu Zhi.

When Liu Zhenxi heard this, he was named and praised by the school leaders?Good thing!

He hurriedly said modestly: "Both the school leaders and Dean Yan are well-led. I just do what I should do under the leadership of the dean. Thank you for your kindness!"

Yan Ming chuckled: "Well, modesty is a good thing, but you can't be too strict in educating students, and you have to pay attention to your methods. Xiao Liu, you are too strict."

Liu Zhenxi smiled and scratched his head, feeling a little flattered. He should be able to move after this year's students graduate. It is said that the position of senior officer of the sub-group will be vacant...by then...

Liu Zhenxi's small thoughts were very lively, and he quickly said: "Don't worry, the principal, I will manage the school well, maintain the order of our school, and remove those black apples from our team!"

Yan Ming nodded: "In this competition, four or five students from the class you are in charge of entered the provincial competition. The principal was very happy when he learned about it, and asked you to pass on your experience. Hehe, not bad."

Liu Zhenxi was already happy in his heart, and quickly expressed his opinion!
Yan Ming nodded: "However, you also have to be a little careful. You can't always punish and criticize students. After all, criticism is a means, and education is the goal. We should encourage and support outstanding students like Bai Ye!"

Liu Zhenxi was taken aback!
What?What!What the hell?

"No... Dean, is there some misunderstanding? Bai Ye, he... he..."

Just as Liu Zhenxi was about to speak, Yan Ming waved his hand: "Don't be modest, Bai Ye can't achieve today's results without everyone's joint efforts and support."

This time, not only Liu Zhenxi, but also Xu Zhonglei was dumbfounded. What's going on?
At this time, Yan Ming took out a document from the drawer, handed it to Sun Qiaoyue, and said, "Little Sun, read it, and it will be posted on the official website in a while to inform the whole school."

Sun Qiaoyue took the report, her eyes widened, and she glanced at Bai Ye in disbelief: "The leaders of the economics school discussed and decided that the student Bai Ye, a 2011 student of the Clinical School of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, performed well during school, has a good style, and is willing to help others. He won the first-class scholarship of the year, and won No.1 in the comprehensive ranking of the school for many times. The student is excellent in character and learning, with comprehensive development in morality, intelligence, physical education, art and labor. He was awarded the school's three-good student medal and won the Fenjiu Campus Inspirational Scholarship sponsored by Fenjiu Group! Notify the whole school."

Liu Zhenxi's eyes widened, full of disbelief, and he said quickly, "Dean? This...why is this? Isn't our Fenjiu Scholarship confirmed?"

Yan Ming smiled: "Is there special treatment for special circumstances! After all, Bai Ye has such excellent grades!"

Liu Zhi heard: "Grade? What grade?"

Yan Ming: "You still don't know? Xiaoye, you didn't tell them?"

Bai Ye shook his head.

"You child, you have achieved such a good grade and still hide it. You are really low-key. Come on, you are all your own, tell everyone the good news, and take out your admission ticket."

Bai Ye took out the admission ticket from his pocket and put it on the table, only to see the admission information written on it.

"Number: xxxx0055, name: Bai Ye, total score in the preliminary round: 1800 points, number one in the country!"

Suddenly, everyone's eyes widened in disbelief!

Sun Qiaoyue covered her mouth: "This...he...he is No.10055! The legendary 1800 points...is...is he?"

Xu Zhonglei also stared wide-eyed, full of disbelief.

Liu Zhenxi shook his head blankly, muttering silently: "This... this..."

Yan Ming was very happy, and said with a smile: "Bai Ye, prepare well, perform well in the provincial competition next week, enter the top ten in the provincial competition, the school will give other awards, you have to work hard!"

"By the way, don't run around in these two days. The courtyard is going to conduct an exclusive interview with you. You should prepare well and don't feel pressured. Just perform normally."

"By the way, Xiao Sun, you can go to the Propaganda Section to notify the Propaganda Department in a while, and put out a roll of honor on campus, and put the students who have entered the provincial competition this time on it. Remember, put Bai Ye in the first row, and there is only one student in the first row." People. You go and arrange it."

Yan Ming took out an envelope and certificate of honor from the drawer, and said to him, "This is your certificate of honor and scholarship, so don't let this slack off, haha, haha, come on, I'm optimistic about you!"

After finishing speaking, Yan Ming said to everyone: "The school has achieved today's credit, and you all deserve it. Xiao Liu, go back and publicize it in the class, and encourage everyone to learn from Bai Ye."

"Okay, let's go back quickly and prepare well! You organize the people who entered the provincial competition this time, everyone prepare well, and strive to enter the national competition. When you enter the national competition, the school will hold a commendation meeting!"

(End of this chapter)

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