Xueba is also open

Chapter 40 The reason why the master is a master

Chapter 40 The reason why the master is a master (for collection)

Seeing Bai Ye bored playing with his mobile phone, an old man suddenly said:
"Young man, you also study Chinese medicine? How old are you this year?"

Bai Ye: "I'm 24 years old, fifth grade."

When the old men heard this, they suddenly looked at each other in blank dismay, 24 years old?There is no one under 30 years old in the whole classroom, right?
The old man continued to ask: "Oh? The young man is amazing. He can participate in the national competition at the age of 24. It's amazing! Today's question is difficult?"

Bai Ye nodded: "Well, it's very level, it seems to be biased, but it's actually very upright. Every question focuses on testing the examinee's TCM thinking, but it must be based on a deep understanding of the classics. The first question, Emphasis on embodying the idea of ​​harmony between man and nature, harmony between man and nature; the second topic, emphasizing the overall concept, emphasizing that the human body is a whole; the third topic, testing..."

Seeing Bai Ye talking so eloquently, everyone was stunned!
Zhang Xuewen and the others were taken aback, looking at each other in blank dismay, is there anything?Have we thought about this?There should be...

So we are so powerful?Seemingly a short question, it turns out that it contains so much knowledge, why didn't it be considered when the question was first written!
Zhang Xuewen suddenly slapped his thigh, and the five old men looked at each other, the meaning in their eyes was self-evident.

I am worried that I don't know how to explain the reason why the question is so difficult. I can't say that the selection is a pillar of the country, not an ordinary talent, right?There must be an official reason!
Some words can only be understood, not expressed in words.

Zhang Xuewen gave the old man opposite him a look: "When the exam is over and the official speech is over, use these words as an excuse! It's really great, it's too timely!"

The old man on the opposite side also frowned and winked: "Okay! That's really good, the foundation of Chinese medicine is combined with the core idea of ​​Chinese medicine. While examining the foundation, it also focuses on testing the thinking of Chinese medicine! It's great!"

Zhang Xuewen's left eyelid twitched, and his right eye shrank: "That's right! You guys remember, just do it like this. When the Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine asks, just explain it like this!"



Bai Ye was dumbfounded!
These old people are amazing!Absolutely extraordinary, playing blind chess between words, expressing spirit between eyebrows, and making moves is extraordinary!

This is definitely the best intelligence agent during the Anti-Japanese War!
Can you communicate by raising your eyebrows and squeezing your eyes?

Bai Ye sighed, a master is a master, it really is not comparable to us ordinary people!I am still a long way from being a master.

Zhang Xuewen suddenly asked again: "Young man, it seems that what you said is logical, why don't you do it for a while?"

Bai Ye gestured to his mobile phone and said, "Before the exam, my dad sent me a text message saying that my mom was not at home and no one was cooking, so I asked him to order a takeaway."

The corners of the five old men's mouths suddenly twisted, and they almost fell to the ground!

One of the old men was suddenly furious: "Do you know that this is a national exam? How many people in the country are paying attention, and how many people can't come if they want to! You...you are wasting the opportunity! Hey!"

Zhang Xuewen also shook his head, sighed, a little disappointed, originally thought this young man was unusual?Didn't expect it to be so indistinguishable.

But at this moment, the door of the examination room was pushed out, and the teacher who collected the papers just now hurriedly ran among several old people with a paper in his hand.

"Teacher Zhang, look at this paper!" The invigilator's hands were even trembling, and his eyes were filled with disbelief.

Zhang Xuewen was stunned: "What's the matter? Someone finished it? It's so powerful, it's only been about an hour."

After speaking, he took the paper and read it, Zhang Xuewen's expression changed suddenly!

He frowned, and suddenly took out an eye box from his pocket, took out a pair of reading glasses, and put the paper in the middle of the table.

The other elders also hurriedly sat aside and watched, wondering what made Mr. Zhang so cautious!
As soon as he saw it, his expression suddenly became serious.

Is this... the same as the answer?

Same!But it's not the same!
And there are big differences in different places.

For example, in the first question, when answering the question, while introducing the five lucks and six climes of several years, it also analyzed the situation of each region, such as the land of Sichuan and Shu, which is located in...the climate is humid and prone to epidemics , Diet is hard... He included climate, geography, and diet in it, and he spoke clearly and logically, and he simply combined heaven, earth and people together.

Zhang Xuewen suddenly slapped his thigh and shouted: "Okay!"

The other elders were also taken aback, but after they finished reading it, they were amazed and amazed at the same time.

Not only the first question, but also the second question, and every question after the third question is analyzed in great detail, which is more standard than the standard answer.

Zhang Xuewen thought of something, turned the paper to the front page, and saw a candidate's information on the seal.

"Bai Ye, Jinxi District, examination number: xxxx0055."

Zhang Xuewen muttered, Bai Ye?Bai Ye!After finishing speaking, he stared at the invigilator, and suddenly asked, "Where are others? Let him come out."

The invigilator's face suddenly changed, and he said in embarrassment: "He...he has already finished the exam and left!"

When everyone heard this, they were suddenly a little disappointed. With such a genius, who wouldn't want to accept him as a disciple!
Suddenly, the invigilator glanced at Bai Ye, saw Bai Ye playing with his mobile phone, and said in surprise, "Isn't that him? He is Bai Ye."

Immediately, the faces of the four or five old men around changed suddenly!
Takeaway boy?

It turned out to be Bai Ye!
Did he finish it and come out?

It's not a blank paper!

It's full marks!
Zhang Xuewen suddenly sighed, and asked Bai Ye, "Are you Bai Ye?"

Bai Ye was taken aback and nodded.

Zhang Lao frowned, not knowing what he was thinking about!
After a while... Just when everyone thought Zhang Xuewen was going to say something, Mr. Zhang asked slowly, "What takeaway did you order?"

Everyone almost fell to the ground.

Bai Ye also couldn't laugh or cry: "Fish-flavored shredded pork rice bowl. Added a seaweed egg drop soup."

Zhang Xuewen snorted, raised his hand and looked at his watch: "Help us five old guys order a takeaway too! I want fish-flavored shredded pork too, um...add seaweed egg drop soup..."

Bai Ye was speechless, and everyone was also speechless.

When Bai Ye was ordering takeout, an old man suddenly winked and said, "Old Zhang, what are you doing?"

Zhang Xuewen raised his eyebrows and signaled: "Let me see if there is any difference in the takeaway that I just ordered that day? It's just... fish-flavored shredded pork... can my dentures move? Old Hu?"

Hu Hu stared: "My Cao, how did I know that I don't eat chili, and you don't tell me either."

Zhang Xuewen sighed, and winked at Mr. Xu beside him: "Old Xu, do you have any money? Give the delivery money to the young man."

Old Xu closed his eyes: "I didn't see it! I don't have money either!"

When Zhang Xuewen looked at other people, he saw that everyone closed their eyes and rested their minds, not talking about money, so they had to let nature take its course and cultivate themselves with their eyes closed. Anyway, he didn't bring any money...well, there , this feeling seems to be pretty good?Seeing his displeased face but having to do it, um, not bad!
Bai Ye watched the five masters of traditional Chinese medicine all close their eyes and meditate. Suddenly, there were mixed emotions in his heart. It turned out that the masters are the masters!

 Thanks to Laochengzi for the never-ending rain, Bogotá's reward, and the support of every little brother and lady who voted, and the recommendation of the Queen who doesn't sleep in the middle of the night and doesn't know what to do.

(End of this chapter)

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