Chapter 41 Can still have such a coquettish operation (thanks to the queen)
The three hours ended quickly, and after handing in the papers, a group of people walked out slowly, dejected.

After coming out, I saw six people, five old men and a young man eating boxed lunch with their heads bowed. The air was filled with the smell of fish-flavored shredded pork.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly one of them had a sore nose and cried out.

The friend on the side was startled, and quickly patted him on the back: "Brother? Why are you crying?"

The man whined: " mother likes to make fish-flavored pork shreds. Before I came to the exam, my mother specially made fish-flavored pork shreds for me. I...I didn't expect to get 0 points in the exam...I I'm sorry for the fish-flavored shredded pork, I'm sorry for my mother!"

The people around were stunned for a moment, and suddenly they all fell silent.

It's not because their mothers like fish-flavored shredded pork...

It's because... they are likely to get 0 points in the test...

What kind of test paper is this damn!

The worst thing to come to the exam is a doctorate, right?Do you really think that a doctor is used to wash vegetables and pans?
At this moment, the entire lobby was filled with a whiff of wind and cold water. When the strong man went to the fish-flavored shredded pork rice, the tragedy was mixed with the faint taste of seaweed and egg flower soup, which made this tragedy more real.

Xu Zhonglei, Zhang Jixian and several others walked out of the examination room together, and when they came out, they saw Bai Ye eating there.

He was startled for a moment, then the corner of his mouth twitched, and he almost cried aggrievedly.

"I...I'm holding you back...Minister Zhang, I...Am I a pig teammate?" Xu Zhonglei looked at Zhang Jixian aggrievedly and asked.

Zhang Jixian sighed: "I can do two questions, with a maximum of 30 points, don't look at me..."

The others were also silent:
"20 points"……

"19 points"……

"25 points"……

After everyone finished speaking, Bai Ye almost spit out the food in his mouth, I'm going to talk about the original question, and you still have such a point... Pig teammate!
When the other five elders heard this, they suddenly let out a sigh of relief, "Damn it, I was so worried that I was going to die just now."

Zhang Xuewen was even more apprehensive. It's okay, it's okay, it's fine if you don't know how to do it, and you think the topic is too simple.I just say so!The questions we put up are still very good, how could anyone know how to do them?

Well, of course, Bai Ye doesn't count!

Seeing everyone's grievances, Bai Ye shook his head, pointed to a pile of fish-flavored shredded pork rice bowls beside him, and said, "Come back after eating. I've ordered the rice. It's just delivered. It's hot."

Everyone was stunned, they didn't expect Bai Ye to order the meals, Zhang Jixian shook his head: "Is this considered a breakup meal?"

Bai Ye smiled: "No! This is a celebration banquet! We can enter the top 10."

Everyone was taken aback, thinking that Bai Ye was stupid and mad?

Xu Zhonglei stared at Bai Ye nervously: "Bai Ye, don't scare me, it's all my fault! I didn't do well in the exam, I was slowed down, really... Blame me, don't do this, I'm a pig teammate."

Bai Ye rolled his eyes: "Go, I'm serious, I'll settle it, we still have a chance."

Having said that, Bai Ye suddenly raised his head and asked the group of old men, "How many points can I score?"

The five old men raised their heads at the same time and looked at each other. After a second, everyone lowered their heads and worked hard on the meal.

"The dishes are good."

"Well, it's just a little sweet... Can I eat it if I'm diabetic?"

"Oh, I'll prescribe you some medicine another day."

"Help me get a toothpick and stuff it in my tooth."

"What kind of toothpick do you have dentures, just take them off..."

The four chatted on their own.

Only Zhang Xuewen smiled awkwardly.

"This... how appropriate do you think?"

When Xu Zhonglei and the other nine people heard this, what... what's going on?How much do you think is appropriate?You take the exam as your home!
Could it be... Bai Ye is really mad! ?
Everyone blamed themselves crazily: It's all my fault for pulling back!Otherwise, Bai Ye wouldn't go crazy!
Bai Ye was taken aback for a moment, then coughed suddenly: "This... Teacher, this takeaway money..."

When Zhang Xuewen heard it, he immediately looked stern, and said with a serious face: "I think the answer to this question is very reasonable, I suggest! 100 points! How about you?"

Zhang Xuewen patted the table, and the four old men said in succession: "Yes! It makes sense!"

Zhang Jixian was dumbfounded, and sprayed the food mixed with shredded fish-flavored pork and seaweed egg drop soup on Xu Zhonglei's face in one gulp!

But Xu Zhonglei didn't feel it. He stared at Zhang Jixian with wide eyes and said, "It's bad... Bai Ye is not sick, but Lao Zhang is sick and has projectile vomiting. It must be a rage riot that caused the intracranial pressure to rise. Do you have high blood pressure! Bai Ye, hurry up and call 120! Lao Zhang couldn't be suffering from cerebral hemorrhage, right?"



In the afternoon, Bai Ye was about to take a rest, but was invited by the other nine people to go shopping. Bai Ye didn't like shopping so much, and always felt that playing a game of games would be more refreshing.

What Xu Zhonglei and the nine people meant was not to make Bai Ye angry, come out to relax, relieve stress, and never let this baby from Shanxi Province get into trouble.

Xu Zhonglei is very acquainted: "When I come to the capital, I can be half a tour guide. I have been here since I was in college and stayed here for 11 years. It is half my hometown."

"Well, yes, let's go for a stroll, after all, it's not easy to come here, maybe you have to go back home when the results come out tomorrow!"

Zhang Jixian didn't speak, and he didn't like to talk, shopping was a dispensable thing for him, and he didn't want to disappoint everyone, so he went together.

Xu Zhonglei said with a smile: "It's still early, I'll take you to a good place."

Everyone had been to BJ before, but Xu Zhonglei was not as familiar with it. Xu Zhonglei took them to three taxis and said to the master, "Master, go to Wangfujing."

Xu Zhonglei was in the car with Bai Ye and said, "Let's go shopping today. We finally made it out and brought some gifts back."

Bai Ye nodded, thinking it was the same thing, he hadn't been home for so long, so he happened to buy some gifts for his parents.

Wangfujing is very big. Under the leadership of Xu Zhonglei, Bai Ye and others found a lot of good shops. Although the shops are not big, the things inside are really good.

Bai Ye found a time-honored store, bought a hair bun with silver accessories, and bought a mahogany dressing box for his mother. The price was not cheap, but it wasn't outrageously expensive either. It cost nearly 3000 yuan.

When Bai Ye was about to pay the bill, Xu Zhonglei preempted him.

He smiled and said, "Xiaoye, this is my apology. Don't mind what happened before, my heart, okay? But I think you should be careful of Liu Zhenxi, that guy is not a good person."

Bai Ye tried every means to make excuses to no avail, so he had to accept that he was not the kind of person with a small belly.

Everyone wandered around for three or four hours, and at seven or eight o'clock in the evening, it was suggested to have a meal together and go back.

Bai Ye didn't spend a penny on the consumption along the way. Among the ten people, Bai Ye was the youngest, and he was still a student. The others were already successful in their careers, and their income was not bad.

Quanjude was eaten at night, and it was around ten o'clock after dinner, and the results will be announced tomorrow, but there is nothing else to do.

Everyone decided to sing, and ordered a big bag at a good KTV nearby.

But Bai Ye discovered that a Buick commercial vehicle had followed them for a long time!

 Thank you, Queen, for staying up in the middle of the night and helping the veteran push the book. I feel ashamed and deeply regretful.

(End of this chapter)

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