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Chapter 42 Fighting, In fact, we are very professional

Chapter 42 Fighting, In fact, we are very professional
Bai Ye always found that this Buick business car followed him from the time he went out in the afternoon. Even though there were many BJ cars, he wouldn't run into them everywhere, right?
Bai Ye paid attention to the license plate number, and sure enough, when he arrived at the KTV, the car still followed.

This made Bai Ye have to pay attention.

Originally, I thought about calling the police, but I had no evidence, and there was really no reason.

But thinking of the ten elders on his side, Bai Ye didn't take it too seriously.

They didn't drink in Quanjude, but after arriving at KTV, the group of people yelled a few times and started drinking directly. It was only then that Bai Ye discovered that there was a tiger hidden in the heart of this group of bullies.

Zhang Ji wanted to go to the polite one first, but he never put down the wine glass.

Bai Ye, on the other hand, became the most undrinkable of the ten!And it was only now that Bai Ye discovered that out of the ten people, four were orthopedics and two surgeons, and they had a long history of drinking.

After some fuss, the atmosphere became harmonious and they talked a lot, so Xu Zhonglei patted Bai Ye on the shoulder and called him brother.

After the commotion reached past twelve o'clock, everyone left with more than enough satisfaction.

At this time, the Buick not far from the ktv was still parked,

Seven people squatted in the car and smoked. A tattooed man in the co-pilot frowned and flicked the cigarette butt away: "Damn it, I've been following them all day. Aren't these people all doctors and experts? Make a fuss!"

A sharp-mouthed monkey who was driving the car said with a smile: "Boss, let's do it directly. After waiting for a day, I still haven't encountered that Bai Ye who has acted alone."

The people on the side also echoed: "Yes, what can a group of scholars do? If we scare them away, we are sure to scare them away. Just take down a Bai Ye and beat them up."

The tattooed man thought for a moment: "Damn it, Hook, you wait for them to come out later, go pick something up, just find that Bai Ye, and then we'll fuck him when we go out, Xiao Wu drives the car, we'll be there after we finish the fight." run."

Everyone nodded in response.

Here, Bai Ye and the other nine people wobbled out while supporting each other.

Although Bai Ye was young, his body was not small. He supported Xu Zhonglei and walked outside.

As soon as he went out, he saw the Buick parked in the distance, and Bai Ye was startled, and the smell of alcohol dissipated.

At this moment, suddenly a man walked towards the ktv first, and Bai Ye and the others happened to be face to face.

The man was quite sturdy, a bit taller than Bai Ye. While walking while playing with his mobile phone, the man bumped into Bai Ye intentionally or unintentionally.

Immediately, the man glared fiercely at Bai Ye: "Fuck, are you blind?"

Bai Ye understood, he was looking for trouble!

But Xu Zhonglei had already drunk too much: "Blind you, let's fight!"

The man was taken aback, what the hell?This script is reversed?
Bai Ye was also in a daze, why is this guy so aggressive.

The man stared at Xu Zhonglei, a little confused.

Xu Zhonglei: "What are you worried about?"

The man unexpectedly replied: "What are you doing?"

Xu Zhonglei was taken aback for a moment, then glanced at Bai Ye with drunken eyes: "What is the last sentence?"

After finishing speaking, he fell drunk on Bai Ye and started snoring gradually.

Bai Ye was speechless, looking at the drunk Xu Zhonglei with a silly face, ten thousand muddy horses were galloping in his heart, at this time you fucking fell asleep?You fucking mountain cannon!sleep ball!You messed up and let me wipe your ass!
Bai Ye quickly said to the man, "I'm sorry, my friend drank too much."

The man suddenly shouted into the distance: "Brothers, come here! Someone is looking for trouble!"

Immediately, five or six men got out of the car and ran towards Bai Ye with baseball bats in their hands.

Bai Ye was taken aback!
Nima, this is definitely prepared.

At this moment, nine of the ten people were sober, and only Xu Zhonglei was left peacefully in Bai Ye's arms like a sleeping child.

Bai Ye hurriedly found a place to put Xu Zhonglei away, but at this moment, Bai Ye found that those six people came straight towards him!

Immediately, Bai Ye was startled and stared: Xu Zhonglei, your fucking stick!What the hell am I your father, causing trouble for me.

In less than half a minute, six people fiercely raised baseball bats and attacked Bai Ye.

The other eight people were taken aback, and immediately reacted.

Although they are scholars, they are doctors by profession, and they don't have many lives in their hands!And I see too many bloody and bloody scenes on weekdays, will I be discouraged with the addition of alcohol?
Even doctors, orthopedic doctors are absolutely top-notch combat effectiveness, and surgeons are not inferior at all!
"Cao! Fighting!"

"Are there a lot of people bullying us?" A doctor in the orthopedics department yelled and ran towards a man.

War is imminent!
The tattooed man in the lead suddenly felt a chill, and felt bad!
The script was written so that they were scared away by themselves!
But now it seems that they scare themselves...

Immediately, the tattooed man looked at the eight big men who were rushing towards him, and quickly said, "Stop, stop!"

Zhang Jixian and the others were taken aback: "Stop fighting?"

The tattooed man snorted coldly: "That friend of yours bumped into my friend and even insulted him. If you leave him to us, I will... I will let you go."

The tattooed man watched eight or nine people surround him.Suddenly, I felt a strange feeling when I said this.

Who let who go!
At this time, everyone suddenly heard a sentence: "Let your mother be forced to bully us outsiders, right? Fuck you!"

Suddenly, a shaky body held up a block of bricks and rammed towards the tattooed man!
I saw Xu Zhonglei's snake skin walking around, stuttering, but his momentum was overwhelming, he walked a few steps and fell asleep on the ground again!
Bricks were also thrown on my head...on my own head...


I have to say, this guy has ignited the flames of war again!

A group of drunk orthopedic doctors and two surgeons who played with knives every day started directly.

But Bai Ye discovered a strange thing.

That is, those six people came prepared, and they specifically attacked themselves.

The tattooed man yelled, "Dry Baiye, don't worry about others!"

Bai Ye was startled, and cursed secretly, but his men were not slow in their work. After taking the primary gene enhancer, plus the lv2 self-defense technique, he was considered a master.






After a chaotic battle, six people fell to the ground, not to mention injuries on Bai Ye's body, the skin on his body was not broken, and they were all fighting in the audience.

Nine people surrounded the six people lying on the ground.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard a voice behind him.

"I'm Cao, whoever turned his head on me!"

Everyone turned around and saw Xu Zhonglei staring at them in bewilderment, shouting, "Who... who hit me!"

This guy wobbled around Bai Ye and the others, looked at the six people lying on the ground, and kicked them!

"Your uncle, let you sneak attack!"

"Let you hit me with bricks..."

"You just looked at me? What did you look at!"

Bai Ye was speechless...

Everyone is speechless...

The people on the ground are even more speechless...

The six people on the ground were also speechless...

 Haha, thank you for the great rewards from Brother Han Tang, um, thank you very much!Add more updates.Also, thank you guys for your votes and support, thank you everyone, and I will be free of registration fees for seeing a doctor in the future!And... Friends who have book lists would like to add a wave of book lists.Cute~~~~~~~~~/cute face.

(End of this chapter)

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