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Chapter 55 2000, 2000

Chapter 55 2000 million ah 2000 million (seeking a large collection)

After going to college, I broke away from the regular life of high school, and began to get used to staying up late, sleeping late, and skipping breakfast. One meal a day may be the norm, especially eating a lot of dinner.

Gradually, I found that my body was getting worse day by day!

During this time, he got used to getting up early, and after Yang Zhe's incident, Bai Ye gradually realized the importance of his body.

I ran a few laps around the campus, and originally wanted to run a few more laps, but when I looked back, I found a large group of juniors and juniors following behind me!

"Look! That's Senior Bai Ye..."

"Wow, the senior is so handsome, and he loves to exercise so much."

"Yes, we have to learn from our seniors."

"Okay, let's run together!"

Bai Ye didn't notice it at first, but gradually realized something was wrong!He found that there were many people behind him!
The line is neatly running after him, Bai Ye thought to himself, how many people run every day in school?

But after two laps

Looking at the growing team, Bai Ye felt fearful, and some even came up to the line with their mobile phones on Douyin!

"Did you see that, this is Bai Ye, he is doing morning exercises! There are indeed reasons for outstanding people!"

This is not an exception!Many people gathered around Bai Ye to take pictures, they asked for WeChat!

Bai Ye immediately blushed. He wanted to run a few laps, but he couldn't even walk in this situation!Can only run away.

Hu Fengyun didn't go home yesterday, but was on duty at the school. He originally went out for a walk in the morning to have breakfast, but he didn't expect to see the picture of Bai Ye running with a group of people.

After seeing this scene, Hu Fengyun was greatly appreciative: the hope of Chinese medicine!The future of the motherland!

She felt that this kid Bai Ye was so inspirational that he brought up the atmosphere of the whole school!


Since then, Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine has added a regulation that makes countless people gnash their teeth.

"A year's plan lies in spring, and a day's plan lies in spring. From now on, our school will officially start morning exercises. Every morning at 6:30, we will receive morning exercise cards downstairs. After that, we will gather on the playground for a 20-minute run. The morning exercise cards will be Count it as attendance and count it into the credit assessment at the end of the year!"

The instigator had already gone to the restaurant to pack a lot of food and returned to the dormitory.

The commendation meeting was held at the National People's Congress at around three o'clock in the afternoon. Bai Ye was fine in the morning and originally planned to go to the library to read.

But I received a call from Xu Yan.

"Student! Do you still remember Senior Sister?"

Bai Ye smiled: "How can I forget the gift of books!"

Xu Yan was cheerful as always, and giggled: "Well, yes, Gou Fugui, I haven't forgotten! Okay, are you busy today? I have something to tell you."

"I have something to do at three o'clock in the afternoon, but I'm fine in the morning." Bai Ye said truthfully.

Xu Yan heard: "Okay, then you wait for me at Zhongjingting, I will come to you, I have important matters to discuss!"

Bai Ye was ashamed and was about to speak when he found that Xu Yan had hung up the phone, so he had to clean up.

Zhongjing Pavilion is a pavilion in the school, in which there is a statue of the medical saint Zhang Zhongjing.

Bai Ye waited for less than 2 minutes before seeing Xu Yan who was wearing red boots and a white down jacket running towards him.

"Hey, come on, let me take a closer look, what does a genius look like!" Xu Yan is a bit baby fat, with short hair that reaches the ears, coupled with that silver bell-like voice, you will definitely fall in love with this smiling girl.

Bai Ye said with a straight face on purpose: "Don't make fun of me, what's wrong with senior sister? It's okay, I'm going back now?"

Xu Yan suddenly pouted: "Tch, just now you said that the gift of the book is a promise of your body!"

Bai Ye almost couldn't hold his breath, and laughed directly: "When did I promise you with my body?"

Xu Yan's eyes were wide open, and her small face was puffed up: "Why, I added the last sentence, do you have any opinions!"

Bai Ye smiled mischievously, and the woman had double buffs in defense: "No! Absolutely no objection."

Xu Yan said excitedly: "That's it. Last time I revised my thesis, my teacher helped me submit it to a magazine, and they sent me an acceptance notice! That's an SCI! Although it only scored 1.02, But that's SCI!"

"No one in our school has posted an SCI in the last three years! So, Bai Ye, thank you very much."

Bai Ye waved his hand, and Xu Yan continued, "Of course, that's not what I'm looking for today."

Bai Ye was dumbfounded. It turns out that when chatting with a woman, the first hundred sentences are all nonsense...

Xu Yan said: "My teacher wants to see you, and he asked me to invite you over!" When he said please, Xu Yan deliberately emphasized his tone.

Bai Ye was taken aback: "Your teacher?"

"That's right! My mentor, Zhang Hanlin, the director of the Brain Disease Research Institute, told me to invite you over." Xu Yan stared at Bai Ye, saw that he was about to speak, and immediately said: "I have issued a military order, you I have to go today."

The Brain Disease Research Office of Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine is not in the school, but an independent research institution.

The two went out and took a taxi, which took less than 20 minutes to arrive.

In front of you is a 90s building, which reveals the sense of age and the atmosphere of time everywhere.

Bai Ye followed Xu Yan and walked inside. After entering, Bai Ye was stunned. You really can't judge by appearance, you can't look at the walls of the house!
Passing through the first floor, Bai Ye stared at the scenes in each room through the windows, busy experimenters in white clothes, and the instruments of the operators...

Bai Ye followed Xu Yan to the sixth floor, stood at the door of the director's office, knocked on the door and went in.

Bai Ye saw a middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, well-groomed hair, sitting in front of the computer in casual clothes, modifying things, and didn't even turn his head when he saw someone coming.

Only then did Xu Yan say: "Teacher, I'm coming!"

"Well, go get me a glass of water." When the man spoke, he didn't even turn his head, his eyes were still fixed on the laptop, and his brows were furrowed.

Xu Yan said again: "Teacher, I brought Bai Ye here."

Just after Xu Yan finished speaking, the man suddenly stood up and gave Bai Ye a lot: "You...are you the Bai Ye that Xiaoyan said?"

Bai Ye stretched out his hand and said, "Mr. Zhang, hello, I'm Bai Ye."

Zhang Hanlin looked at the neither humble nor overbearing young man in front of him, and he admired him a little more than he knew him: "Yes! Yes, I heard about you, you are amazing, young genius, sit down quickly, Xiaoyan, go and pour Bai Ye a glass of water."

When Xu Yan heard this, she pursed her lips, made a face for Bai Ye, snorted, and went to pour water for Bai Ye.

Bai Ye took the initiative to ask, "Mr. Zhang, what can you do for me?"

Zhang Hanlin frowned, and sighed: "Well, yes, something really happened! I asked Xiaoyan to find you here because I want you to do me a favor!"

Bai Ye didn't speak, he was a little curious, how can he help?

Zhang Hanlin turned the notebook over: "Say, I've been working on a project recently and encountered a lot of trouble, it's about data analysis."

"Because the experiment is very complicated, the data involved is huge, and the processing of these data is even more troublesome. It involves all aspects. I have been working on it for several days, and my head is getting bigger. But I have no clue, but I am getting more and more confused It's getting messier."

Bai Ye took it and took a look. It was a study of Chinese medicine ingredients on essential renal hypertension.

There are too many distracting factors, and the data has to be processed constantly.

The more Bai Ye looked at it, the more surprised he became. When he turned to the end, he was also dizzy.

This... so complicated!Bai Ye couldn't help asking:

"What kind of subject is this? It's very complicated!"

Zhang Hanlin nodded: "Yes, this is a project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China. It's almost time to finish the project, but I haven't prepared the thesis yet."

Bai Ye was taken aback!

Zhang Hanlin nodded earnestly: "Well, it's a natural project of China."

"How much?" Bai Ye asked curiously. It is difficult to apply for the National Natural Science Project, and it is not easy to do after applying. They are all big projects that cost several million.

"2000 million!" Zhang Hanlin said calmly.


 Well, thank you Brother Dugu Duanren for your reward of 1000, and Brother Rain of Time for your reward. Thank you for your support. The recommended collection of new books and so on are very important.grateful!
(End of this chapter)

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