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Chapter 56 Chain Quest Trigger

Chapter 56 Chain task trigger (please collect it)

Zhang Hanlin's words surprised Bai Ye. There are very few projects with 2000 million yuan. If any of them are completed, they will be awarded the National Science and Technology Progress Award!

Thinking of this, Bai Ye felt a burst of envy. No wonder he said that Zhang Hanlin is a strong candidate for the dean. Not to mention anything else, as far as the hard power of scientific research is supported by this 2000 million National Natural Science Foundation project, where does this lead? They're all amazing people.

The dean of Jinxi Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, who was a second-level scientific and technological progress at the beginning, is now well-known in the scientific research circle of Jinxi Province.

Zhang Hanlin continued: "The project has encountered problems, the data cannot go forward, and the conclusion cannot be drawn."

At this moment, Bai Ye suddenly thought of a message:
【Ding!Trigger serial tasks: the first link: Zhang Hanlin's confusion, task completion requirements: help Zhang Hanlin solve the current confusion and find out the problems encountered in the project.Task completion rewards: 1: 20 member points, 2: [-]-star lucky draw chance. 】

Bai Ye was taken aback, the chain mission, does this mission have a follow-up?
Zhang Hanlin sighed: "Of course, it is impossible for a country to complete such a large subject so quickly. What we are doing now is just the concluding thesis of one of the links. I think this thesis is very interesting. Do it It should be able to publish very good papers, because this is a new direction."

Bai Ye understood. It turned out that this task was just a sub-project under the big project of National Nature. After thinking about it, Bai Ye clicked to receive the task.

Afterwards, Bai Ye looked through the data carefully, and Zhang Hanlin didn't bother, and got up to refill Bai Ye's glass of water.

After more than an hour, Bai Ye raised his head and sighed.

Seeing this, Zhang Hanlin's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that Bai Ye can't do it either?
For this matter, he searched all the friends in the circle, but they all said that they could do nothing, because there are many experts in statistics, but most of them are abroad, and medical statistics is a partial branch of statistics. A very deep knowledge of statistics also requires a high degree of attainment in medicine.

That's why Zhang Hanlin found Bai Ye. In fact, he had the attitude of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, but even so, he had great expectations.

Bai Ye closed the notebook and smiled: "I can try it, give me two days."

Zhang Hanlin, who was a little disappointed at first, his eyes lit up, and he immediately relaxed his frown: "Okay! Okay! I'll wait for you. If you can analyze the data, we will be the first authors together!"

Bai Ye was overjoyed to be the first author. This is a piece of high-scoring SCI. With Zhang Hanlin's contribution, the absolute impact factor is very high. Thinking of this, Bai Ye accepted without hesitation.

Zhang Hanlin handed the USB flash drive to Bai Ye, who was taken aback!I was a little surprised, after all, the experimental data, various indicators, and the whole process are all in the USB flash drive.

Is Zhang Hanlin so relieved to leave it to himself?

Seeing this, Zhang Hanlin smiled, and patted Bai Ye's shoulder: "Xiaoye, I believe your future is not just the sky in front of you. Indeed, it is very likely that this is a high-scoring SCI, and the experiment is very important." Value, but compared with you, it is worthless! Let go and do it, I believe in you."

Bai Ye didn't say much about Zhang Hanlin's trust, just nodded with a smile, got up and left, and Xu Yan originally wanted to go with him, but was sent to the laboratory by Zhang Hanlin.

Watching Bai Ye leave, Xu Yan curled her lips: "Teacher~ why don't you let me go?"

Zhang Hanlin looked at Xu Yan with love in his eyes: "Xiaoyan, I have an appointment with my friend today. His son is 27 years old and has an MBA in the United States. Come meet me at noon."

Xu Yan turned her head aside: "No, I don't want to go!"

Zhang Hanlin smiled: "Be obedient, go clean up, we are ready to go."

Xu Yan sighed, watching Bai Ye slowly leave through the window.

And Zhang Hanlin naturally understands Xu Yan's thoughts, but some people are destined to only intersect with you, not to be parallel to you.

Zhang Hanlin felt that if everyone was on the same line, Bai Ye and Xu Yan might only have one point of intersection.

Of course, the line of life is not a straight line, it may also be…………… rice noodles or ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ woolen yarn!



After Bai Ye returned, he changed into a handsome suit, met Xu Zhonglei, and drove towards the Provincial People's Congress together.

This was the first time that Bai Ye went to such a high-level government agency. Looking at the huge national emblem, he was in awe.

There were armed police standing guard at the gate, and Bai Ye and the two got out of the car and were about to explain, when the railings that stopped the car were erected suddenly, and the armed police on both sides saluted the car.

Only then did Xu Zhonglei say to Bai Ye: "Principal Hu is the deputy director of the National People's Congress! We are driving Principal Hu's car."

When Bai Ye heard this, he gasped, Deputy Director of the Provincial People's Congress!Hu Fengyun actually concurrently held the position of the Provincial People's Congress.

All this is easy to explain.

After the two drove to the yard, they parked the car and walked towards the auditorium. After entering, they found that many acquaintances had already arrived.

For example, Zhang Jixian, still looking gentle, sat there silently, holding a copy of "Medical Lin Gaicuo" in his hand, reading with relish.

Bai Ye greeted, and said with a smile: ""Yilin Gaicao", the more you correct it, the more mistakes you make, but there are many classic and famous prescriptions in it that are worth studying."

Zhang Jixian nodded: "Yes, every book is the lifelong energy of a generation of masters. It is easy to understand, but it is very difficult to realize the truth of seeing a doctor."

Bai Ye nodded in deep thought, and at this moment, a bald man in his 50s suddenly laughed: "You are Bai Ye, right? You have such a great ability at a young age? Come on, young man, show me Take your pulse."

Bai Ye smiled and shook his head: "Uncle, you are looking for the wrong person for the pulse. I am still a student and I have not passed the medical examination."

The man was stunned: "Aren't you the national champion of the Chinese medicine knowledge competition? You can't even feel the pulse?"

Bai Ye shook his head: "Yes, yes, but medicine is a clinical subject, and it is also a very practical subject. The knowledge in books alone is almost far away. I can only say that it is a A good student is not a good doctor."

At this time, Bai Ye suddenly heard a burst of applause, turned around and looked familiar, and saw Zhang Jixian greeted with a smile: "Hello, Dean Xiao, Bai Ye, this is the dean of our hospital, Dean Xiao .”

Bai Ye is an intern in the province, so he naturally knows the name of Dean Xiao, a nationally famous Chinese medicine doctor: Xiao Hanxi.

(End of this chapter)

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