Chapter 57
Xiao Hanxi sized Bai Ye up, and praised with a smile: "A good-looking talent, and the key is not to be arrogant or impetuous, or to be flattered or humiliated, that's what learning is all about!"

Bai Ye was a little embarrassed to be praised by Dean Xiao so much, so he smiled shyly and didn't say much.

Xiao Hanxi walked up to the bald man at this time, smiled and shook hands with the bald man: "Director Zhou, long time no see."

The man also replied enthusiastically: "Well, Dean Xiao, it's been a long time. I'm still so energetic, but it's different for people who practice Chinese medicine. Like me, I lost all my hair! Am I suffering from kidney deficiency?"

After finishing speaking, the man touched the sparse hair on the top of his head worriedly, and sighed.

Bai Ye's heart skipped a beat suddenly, no wonder he thought this man looked familiar!

I'm going, I didn't have time to get excited just now, and now I regret it, I should have known that I pretended to feel my pulse just now!
Just when Bai Ye was regretting, the bald man said with a smile: "Dean Xiao, you have to take care of this doll, this is the future! The motherland needs talents like you!"

Xiao Hanxi nodded: "I will definitely complete the task assigned by the leader. Xiao Ye, if you have time, I will go out to the clinic with you. Your foundation is solid, and the improvement of clinical skills will naturally be faster. However, medicine is a subject of clinical practice. Knowledge is dead, it has to be learned and used in clinical practice.”

When Bai Ye heard it, he nodded internally, seems that he has no time!

There are still ten days left for Chinese New Year, and after going home for a few days, I have to go to the Nobel Experimental Base.What's more, Zhang Hanlin's affairs piled up for another two days, so what kind of chain missions, who knows how many chains and rewards there will be in the future.

Go to the Nobel Experimental Base to stay for a month, one month later it will be April, and it will be time for the re-examination for the postgraduate entrance examination.

correct!The results of the postgraduate entrance examination are estimated to come out after the end of the year. Bai Ye is confident that there is no problem. He will definitely pass the first test, and if the retest...

Bai Ye sighed, ready to write a paper, and be on the safe side when the time comes.

It's April again, graduating in July, Master Zhang Xuewen even asked me to go to BJ to go out with him, hey!
It doesn't matter if the person is too good, busy shit, Bai Ye suddenly misses the days of salted fish, comfortable!

It's been a long time since I played the game, so it won't be lost, right?

The bald man smiled and turned to leave. He also happened to meet Bai Ye, so he came up to tease him, to see what kind of genius boy Li Huaizhong praised all day long.

The next time schedule is very tight. This is a summary meeting held at the Provincial People's Congress at the end of the year.

And the commendation meeting was temporarily added, which also shows how much the province attaches importance to this commendation.

This is going to be included in the news live broadcast of Jinxi Satellite TV, so one can imagine how shocking the venue with thousands of people is.

Bai Ye was arranged in the first row. After sitting down, looking at the densely packed bureau chiefs and chairman behind him, Bai Ye felt a little flustered!

He let out a sigh of relief in his heart, thankfully he is also a rich second generation who is a student, so he can't be cowardly in front of this group of officials, second generation and rich generation!

With a cough, Bai Ye sneaked a glance left and right, and found Xu Zhonglei's legs were shaking!Zhang Jixian is also shaking...

Um!It turns out I'm not alone in the fight!No... trembling!

The front was very boring, at least Bai Ye thought so, so, amidst the boring voice, Bai Ye fell asleep, watching the spirit of the meeting conveyed by a person beside him who was concentrating on studying, Bai Ye was full of admiration.

Finally... the meeting lasted for three hours, and it was finally time to present the awards!

I saw Yang Chensheng said: "Chinese medicine is something that our country has been paying attention to in recent years... With our efforts... we have achieved excellent results. In the end-of-year review, our province entered the top ten for the first time and achieved excellent results... Let We give them awards!"

"Let's invite ten outstanding Chinese medicine practitioners to come to the stage to accept the award."

In the middle of Bai Ye's team, ten people lined up and walked up to the conference stage in an orderly manner. Yang Chensheng awarded certificates of honor and medals to each of them.

Although there is no cash reward, this kind of reputation cannot be bought with cash. Yang Chensheng walked up to Bai Ye, and Bai Ye bowed slightly. Yang Chensheng put the medal around his neck, then looked at Bai Ye with a smile, and said in a low voice : "Good boy, come on! You will become a famous doctor to see me later."

Bai Ye nodded, stared at his eyes, and said in a low voice: "Uncle, you have abundant kidney energy, which is not in vain at all! Really!"

When the man heard this, he gave a dumbfounded smile and continued to present the award to the next person.

The matter didn't end until six o'clock, and at this time, Li Huaizhong informed them that they were going to a dinner party.

The dinner was held in a high-end hotel, and all the staff who came to attend the meeting, that is, the legendary director, section chief and chairman, um, they were all seniors!

Bai Ye and the ten of them were arranged at a table. After all, it is not appropriate to arrange with others.

While eating, Bai Ye saw Hu Fengyun coming, wearing a professional attire. After coming, he looked at everyone and said with a smile: "Everyone has worked hard today, eat and drink well, Xiao Ye, come with me. Yes Okay, Xiao Xu, you don't have to see Xiao Ye off for a while, just take a taxi back, I want to use a car."

Xu Zhonglei was taken aback for a moment, let's take a taxi back... let's take a taxi...: "Hmm! Good principal, it's okay."

It's okay... is it useful?Aggrieved, Xu Zhonglei picked up a chopstick of fish-flavored shredded pork, and sighed, things are different...

Bai Ye followed Hu Fengyun to a private room, and was taken aback when he entered. It turned out that Yang Chensheng and Li Huaizhong were at this table.

After Bai Ye came in, he greeted everyone with a smile, and Hu Fengyun pulled away the chair and said, "Come on, Xiao Ye, sit here. Sit with Auntie."

Everyone was taken aback, the auntie, there was something in Director Hu's words, tell them!
Hu Fengyun is currently the deputy director of the Jinxi Provincial People's Congress, the president, standing committee member, and chairman of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.How could it be so simple for this woman to get to this point!
Everyone was no longer a child, so they naturally understood what Hu Fengyun meant, intentionally or unintentionally, they got acquainted with Bai Ye, and said some things that the elders cared about the younger generation.

And Bai Ye actually understood what Hu Fengyun meant in his heart, but apart from being grateful, Bai Ye couldn't think of anything else to say.

The people at the table were chatting and laughing, Bai Ye didn't eat much, but gained a lot.

 Thank you for the 100 reward from Xiaoguai, who loves to read, and thank all friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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