Xueba is also open

Chapter 610 Me, me, me, me!

Chapter 610 Me, me, me, me!
Seeing the unpromising senior executives of the Pfizer Group's scientific research department around him, Paul was a little hurt, and it was hurt from the bottom of his heart.

How much energy does it take to train each senior executive?You are all the elites of the elite who have been tempered by capitalism for a long time!
Paul sighed deeply...

After all, it was agreed before we came here today that we will come here with the attitude of the above company testing the level of the scientific research institutions below. We must show our good professionalism and successfully interpret what a large international company is. The high-level, high-level vision and high-level temperament and momentum are displayed. At the very least, we must let the members of the Bai Ye Research Institute see that we are different!We have background!
Even if your performance can be slightly worse, I can understand it!

But... definitely not such a "dog licking" look!

Paul is a bit regretful now. He promises that he will never take Kevin out in the future. You should stop thinking about those high-end meetings from today!
What a shame to throw it home!

He smiled, distanced himself from Kevin, and caught up with Bai Ye. From the bottom of his heart, he wanted to prove that he was different from Kevin. If he could, Paul would say that they didn't know each other!
Seeing Paul chasing after him, Bai Ye smiled and said, "We'll be there soon."

Paul nodded: "It's okay, don't worry, this laboratory is good."

Bai Ye nodded and sighed: "It's not bad, it's not bad, but it's a bit expensive. It's really expensive to do scientific research."

Paul: "Yes, Pfizer now invests tens of billions of dollars in scientific research every year. I feel afraid when I think about this figure. If I can't guarantee the smooth development of products, I am a little worried."

Bai Ye smiled slightly: "Pfizer is our role model, and you are giants in the medical industry. If you have the opportunity, you must go to Pfizer's scientific research department to learn."

Paul nodded: "Of course there is no problem. Pfizer has always been generous to friends."

"Our laboratories are all international standard laboratories, and the directors of the scientific research department are all scientific research backgrounds, so they personally check the selection of instruments. I am very relieved of them. But as Mr. Bai Ye said, investing in an experiment The room is not cheap, and if necessary, Kevin and the others can communicate with your institute, and I believe we will gain something from each other."

Paul's words are very modest, but the sense of superiority in his bones makes him think that everything in Pfizer is the best.

In his view, the so-called communication may be more appropriate to use learning. After all, Pfizer's record is obvious to all, and it stands out in the market battlefield time and time again.

Bai Ye: "That must be a wonderful thing, but before that, maybe I should earn money, after all, building a laboratory is not cheap."

Paul laughed: "Actually, there is no need to follow international standards. Configuring a laboratory is like modifying a car. You must do what you can. I will ask Kevin to explain it to you later. He is an expert in this field. I think This lab is beautiful."

Paul believes that beauty and practicality are two different things, and he has also been to Pfizer's own laboratory, how should I put it?

He felt that in comparison, this place is more like a scene in a movie, while Pfizer is more like life.

However, he naturally wouldn't say these words to Bai Ye, after all, it made people uncomfortable to hear.

At this time, he turned and glanced at Kevin and the others.

He found that a few people were watching the instrument, really... hey... disappointment +100086!

After a few minutes, Bai Ye brought several people to a room. There were still many people busy in the room. Bai Ye clapped his hands and said to everyone:

"Wait a minute, everyone. These are friends from Pfizer. I invite them to take a look at some of our current research progress, which may be related to our follow-up research cooperation."

This laboratory is in charge of Bai Ye, and it is also one of the main research projects that Bai Ye Research Institute is currently engaged in.

After hearing Bai Ye's words, the people around began to discuss in low voices.

"Pfizer? Why did you come to our research institute?"

"Isn't it because of the success of Puxikang drug that I want to get the fruits of my labor!"

"Why did Boss Bai find Pfizer? Without Pfizer, we can still research it..."

"Okay, Boss Bai needs you to teach him what to do. Boss Bai must have his own considerations!"

"That's right, let's go, go open the closed warehouse first."


There is an aseptic culture chamber in the closed chamber, in which the control of bacteria, dust and radiation is very strict, and the ultraviolet spectrometer and infrared spectrometer are all controlled at a strict value.

When Kevin, Paul and others saw this huge closed warehouse, they immediately became curious: "What's inside?"

Bai Ye smiled and asked back: "Don't you think this is like a model of lungs?"

Kevin was taken aback for a moment!
He tremblingly asked: "This is... the equal-scale lung environment simulation chamber? My God! This... this must be a big project!"

Bai Ye shrugged and did not deny it: "Indeed, not only that, we also have liver, gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, breast, thyroid gland, etc. in the same simulation cabin."

"What we have to do is to restore some internal environment systems of the human body and construct a bionic internal environment. Of course, this is only temporary. Our new building is called the BODY Bionic Building, in which we will simulate the human body to build a giant laboratory .”

"Okay, let's get far, this is the simulation chamber of lung cells, but at the point of simulation we can only do a few aspects, first of all, blood supply and return, and then lung cells, but the most important point is that we are now Adding the lung and respiratory flora is basically 80.00% complete.”

"In the entire simulation cabin, every tissue and cell of ours is electronically marked. Whether this huge marking instrument sees it is all thanks to him. After marking, the overall condition of the lungs can be reflected on the computer. Of course... …This is only a partial idea, after all, the human body is a whole."

"Also, we have simulated the electrophysiological diagram of the metabolism of the drugs used by your company in the lungs, and we have found many interesting problems!"

After Bai Ye finished speaking, he brought up a chart on the big screen!
"We haven't studied lung cancer for a long time. However, we have now conducted relevant research on all the drugs currently on the market for the treatment of lung cancer, and have obtained relatively complete data. Perhaps in the future, we may find out the shortcomings of everyone and start to study our own. thing!"

(End of this chapter)

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