Chapter 611

Bai Ye is a professional, but Paul is not. He can only listen in a daze, but he still hears some unusual things!
For example, Bai Ye has thoroughly researched Pfizer's current drug for lung cancer, so innovation may be the next thing to do?
That should be the meaning!
Bai Ye's words didn't seem to put too much pressure on Paul, because he didn't feel threatened. Since Pfizer's drug was launched on the market, it was the result of research several years ago. They are innovating and developing every year. Transformation, Paul has enough confidence in Pfizer.

However, in Kevin's eyes, Bai Ye's graph is quite different!

After Kevin saw this huge bionic warehouse, he was dumbfounded. The previous money was negligible, and the daily maintenance cost of this huge bionic warehouse cost tens of thousands of dollars!
And that huge electrophysiological reduction marker is the latest product of Harvard this year, right?

Not to mention the high or low price, it is only in the trial stage at present, and less than one hundred units have been produced in total!

At present, this instrument has not been recognized by the market, and it is only used in a small area, but... His investment is extremely high, and it is a conceptual device jointly developed by Harvard and several companies.

Bai Ye has it here!

And listening to his tone... more than one!
Kevin had already planned to buy this equipment, but he hesitated considering the current expensive cost and immature methods. A piece of equipment worth tens of millions of dollars is definitely not something that a supervisor can decide on. What is needed is the approval and vote of the board of directors.



And, this is not the most important thing.

After all, as long as you have money and power, you can buy these equipment and equipment, but how effective you can really play it is the most important thing!
Restoring the blood supply system is the first step, and now Pfizer can also do it. Kevin guarantees that he has such strength.

He can also try to restore the lymph, after all, it is not difficult.

Restoring the cells... This is too difficult. He guessed that Bai Ye was crossing the river by feeling the stones, and there is not much guarantee, but... it is not impossible.

After all, Mr. Bona's research on cytology has reached a point where he can't achieve it, and it can be done through cultivation and experiments.


Kevin said he couldn't accept the fact that you restored the microbial flora.

How can this be?

Compared with the monotonicity of cells and blood, the study of flora is full of various uncertainties.

The public function of countless flora, the interconnection between each other, this is simply a BUG!
Dude Kevin expresses serious doubts!
However, when he saw the situation of various bacterial groups, reproduction and many other conditions reflected on the computer screen beside him, he believed it a little bit. After all... who would spend tens of millions to make a joke and make an illusion to confuse himself?

is this necessary?

No good at all!

Then there is only one result. Baiye Research Institute's research on microbial engineering has reached a level that is currently difficult for Pfizer.

Moreover, the level of cytology is only high but not low!

what does this mean?
Kevin knew it very well.

He knew better than anyone what Bai Ye was going to show them.

What is this equivalent to?
It is equivalent to Israel inviting Pakistan to visit their armed base, and then pointing to their own arsenal and saying: "See? That's an aircraft carrier, that's an atomic bomb, that's a hydrogen bomb, that's an anti-missile system..."

Although the analogy is a bit inappropriate, it is a truth!
Bai Ye is telling Pfizer: I have money, ability, and level. You can cooperate or not. If you don’t cooperate, I will do it myself. If there are problems in the future, don’t blame me for being unkind.

If you want to cooperate, it is best to cooperate on an equal footing. Don't be a moth, without you, we can do better by ourselves.

The reason to cooperate with you is because you are also good, win-win cooperation, shorten the R & D cycle, save the cost of society, and save resources for the earth!

Kevin instantly understood Bai Ye's meaning!
He also wanted to understand all this in an instant.

For a while, his body was soaked in sweat, but...

But... instantly!
This sterile isolation suit seems to be able to send in the cold air from the air conditioner, allowing his sweat to slowly evaporate... Moreover, he didn't even see the sweat seeping out of the mask and sterile gown!

I just clearly felt the gas go in?

Why didn't the water come in!

This unscientific!

No, this is not unscientific, but the scientific content is too high!
This sterile gown...

Kevin's mood is very complicated now.

very subtle.

He felt like a country bumpkin who came to an international metropolis. Everything he saw was very novel. If he had seen Dream of Red Mansions, he would definitely sigh with emotion. This is why Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden!

Mixed feelings……

Kevin swears that he doesn't have to be ten years younger. If... If he comes here alone this time, he just wants to say a word to Bai Ye: "Mr. Bai, I want to do scientific research!"

Then he offered his knees and looked at the laboratory with envy.


But he came with his own boss, and the big boss Paul was looking around calmly at this time.

It seems to have a condescending attitude!

This reminded Kevin of the silly son of the neighbor, of a movie "The True Story of Ah Q" he watched when he was a child, and of that innocent and innocent boy...

If he has seen the Three Kingdoms, he will definitely like the role of Liu Chan, and he will definitely feel the same for Zhuge Liang.

Kevin was very complicated, he just pulled the boss away from this place.

Because this place is really... too shocking.

After Bai Ye finished speaking, he looked at Paul: "Mr. Paul, this is what I invited everyone to see today. I think what I expressed should be enough."

Paul nodded: "Well, today is really an eye-opening scene. After I go back, I will study it with our team and give you an accurate answer. I believe it won't take too long!"

Bai Ye smiled: "Don't rush to conclusions, we have plenty of time to wait, I just hope your company will be more cautious."

Paul nodded and looked at Kevin.

At this time, Kevin no longer had the expression of licking the dog just now. On the contrary, he calmed down a lot. He looks like a Pfizer executive...

Thinking of this, Paul has already forgiven Kevin three points in his heart. After all, he is his veteran, and he should bring more of them out to see the world from now on, otherwise... it will affect Pfizer's honor.

Thinking of this, Paul patted Kevin on the shoulder thoughtfully, nodded in relief, his eyes full of encouragement.He considers himself a qualified leader.

But Kevin's expression is another scene!
He looked at Paul's calm expression, sighed, and blamed himself deeply.

It's all my fault!

Maybe I should give the boss a little science before coming here.

He repented, he regretted, he regretted, and his eyes showed deep self-blame!

This scene seemed to be understood by his boss.

Seeing the boss' understanding and relief, Kevin felt that he was even more wrong.

Paul smiled, he knew that Kevin had realized his mistake.

It's good to know the mistake, I can still accept it!
The two looked at each other and smiled, everything was silent...


(End of this chapter)

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