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Chapter 612 Strong!Stronger than I thought!

Chapter 612 Strong!Stronger than I thought!

Paul is a decent man, his family has rich assets and a huge business empire, which makes his journey smooth but cautious.

The philosophy of successful people is his philosophy of life all the time. He thinks he is very successful. When he was in his 40s, he became the chairman and part-time CEO of Pfizer, a large international company.

The Gulfstream parked at Kyoto Airport does not seem to be too conspicuous here, because there are really a lot of local tyrants in China, and there are more people than he is willing to spend money on.

Private jets officially entered the world stage in the 21st century and became a mobile fortress for capitalists to show off their glory in the sky.

If you want absolute privacy, it's when you're on a private jet, because here, no one can see you, hear you, say an outrageous word, and you can do whatever you want on it!

This is no exaggeration!
Paul looked at the surrounding private jets parked here, couldn't help but smiled and said: "Kevin, do you see that the Chinese are really rich, you see, that plane is my favorite, but I am not willing to buy it !"

Seeing their own names engraved on the surrounding luxury private jets, Paul smiled meaningfully.

After Kevin heard it, he nodded immediately: "Well, you are really rich!"

From leaving Bai Ye Research Institute to now, his mind is full of that magical laboratory, every inch of land is not an exaggeration, and he even has a feeling that this laboratory can definitely produce results, and once it comes out, it will definitely be Great result!

After going back this time, he decided to have a good talk with his boss. He felt that if he cooperated with the Bai Ye Research Institute, not to mention the luxurious laboratory equipment, but just the level of the people in the Bai Ye Laboratory, it would definitely give both Bring a perfect cooperation experience instead!

Especially when he saw the appearance of the simulated lungs, he felt an unprecedented attack from the heart!

This is not a heart attack!
Not myocardial ischemia!

This is exciting!

He felt that this was a recognition of the subject and a restoration of the experiment. Bai Ye really has a lot to do!
In his heart, Bai Ye's image has changed, and he has become a person who does scientific research for the sake of scientific research to solve diseases. He started a business to build better laboratories, not to buy private jets.

By the way, does Bai Ye have a private jet?
Certainly not!

How could a great person like him, a pure person, a great person, who is out of vulgar taste, buy a private jet that doesn't fly a few times a year like the boss?

Thinking of this, Kevin looked at the silly son beside him, no, it was the boss, and sighed.

Suddenly thought of a word: the boss of someone else's family!

Thinking of doing experiments and research together with Bai Ye in the laboratory, thinking of them together...

Kevin thought a lot, even thought up the Nobel Prize speech. The first person he would like to thank is Bai Ye...

Paul: "Kevin, Kevin? Why are you in a daze?"

Seeing that Kevin didn't speak for a long time, Paul just stared out of the window in such a daze, almost crying, and couldn't help but patted: "Kevin, what are you thinking about? So happy?"

Kevin was taken aback for a moment.Seeing the boss staring at him, he couldn't help but smile: "It's nothing, just think about it."

Paul nodded, and called several directors of the scientific research department to come over: "Come, come, everyone. Regarding today's visit, I think we should hold a small meeting to summarize."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, followed Paul to the conference hall and sat down.

Paul said slowly: "Today, I have a few things that I need to talk about with everyone. Everyone, go back and think about it."

"First of all, starting from today's locker room, Kevin, your performance is a bit out of control. By the way, is that sterile gown still in your bag? You make people look down on our Pfizer Group. What are we? Yes No. [-] pharmaceutical company in the world, our people are all very neat and tidy wherever they go, but looking at your performance today, I just want to say one thing, it's horrible!"

"You know? I don't even have the heart to stand with you. They act like village dolls who have never seen the market. Our laboratory is of international standards. Could it be that it is not as good as Bai Ye's?" From the research institute?"

"However, your performance today disappointed me!"

Kevin and the others were stunned for a moment, recalling what happened today, they had to sigh and had nothing to say.

After Paul finished speaking, seeing the silence of the crowd, he bent down to pick up the sterile suit that Kevin had picked up by hand, and was about to throw it into the trash can.

Suddenly, a word came from around in unison:

"do not want!"

"do not want!"


Paul frowned suddenly, looked up at several people: "What do you mean?"

Kevin quickly took back the sterile suit and looked at Paul cautiously: "Boss! This is not a simple sterile suit!"

Paul sneered: "What? Are you still showing emotion?"

Kevin was ashamed, and quickly explained: "Boss, the reason why I fell in the locker room at that time was entirely on purpose! The few of us wear sterile clothes every day, and we have been familiar with this kind of sterile clothes for a long time. Yes, but, you know? When I put on this sterile suit today, I was stunned!"

"From the perspective of material and touch, the material selected for this aseptic suit is very strange. I have never seen it before, and... its heat resistance, heat conduction, UV protection, and especially the isolation effect on bacteria and dust are very high. !"

"Boss, you may not have noticed that the laboratory we entered today is distributed from level 100000 to level 10. However, we have only ever worn such a piece of clothing. What is the concept?"

"It means that this set of sterile isolation clothing can be applied to the isolation of various levels of sterile and dust-free environments from level 10 to level 100000."

The clean environment in the laboratory refers to the elimination of pollutants such as particulates, harmful air, and bacteria in the air within a certain range, and the indoor temperature, cleanliness, indoor pressure, indoor air velocity, air distribution, noise, lighting, static electricity, etc. etc. are controlled within a constant range, while given specially designed rooms.

Regardless of how the external air environment changes, its interior can achieve and maintain such a cleanliness, temperature and humidity characteristics. In fact, it is also divided into the following levels.

Level 1 is the highest level of cleanliness. This level of laboratory workshops is mainly used in the microelectronics industry for the manufacture of integrated circuits, and ultra-sensitive biochemical engineering.

The cleanliness of level 10 is mainly used in industries with a width of less than 2 microns.

Class 100 is generally the most commonly used dust-free workshop at present. People often mistakenly call class 100 clean room a sterile room. This level can be used in most aseptic manufacturing processes in the pharmaceutical industry. , transplantation, and isolation treatment are more common.

The dust-free clean room above class 1000 is often used in the testing and production of high-quality optical products, etc. The assembly of gyroscopes for aircraft and high-quality miniature bearings are all completed in this environment.

Class [-] and class [-] are generally used in many industrial sectors, such as the manufacture of optical products, electronic systems such as small component manufacturing, hydraulic technology, and food and beverage production.

This level is worth the maximum number of different dust particles allowed to appear per cubic meter, so it is calculated.

Therefore, the lower the value, the higher the cleanliness!
Paul's common sense is understandable!

So after hearing Kevin's words, he frowned immediately, lowered his head and stroked the sterile gown in his hand that was about to be thrown away!

After a long time, he asked suspiciously, "Is what you said true?"

Such people nodded.

Paul saw that there was no label at all on it, and he read it over and over several times.

And Kevin naturally understood what the boss meant, and said, "Boss, there is no logo on it. I guess it was developed and produced by Bai Ye Research Institute. The level of this sterile gown is much higher than ours!"

"In other words, the Bai Ye Research Institute is really strong! It's even stronger than what we've seen!"

(End of this chapter)

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