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Chapter 631 Good stuff, hahaha!

Chapter 631 Good stuff, hahaha!
The first four lottery draws can't be said to be good, but they feel okay. Bai Ye might have thought these things were a bit wasteful in the past, but giving them to the current Bai Ye is equivalent to giving Bai Ye a new field of development.

In the field of food research and development, Bai Ye is now thinking about whether it is necessary to open up a research institute specializing in food research, and then establish a food group. If this is done, he will have a chance to become the world's richest man?

After thinking it over, Bai Ye felt that it was still a very interesting matter. He made a decisive decision, picked up a pen and paper, and decided to put this matter in the memorandum and make it one of the key research matters in the future.

Although food and medicine are two different things, those who have been used to medicine for a long time can easily make people feel at ease when they do food. After all, the approval of medicine is strict, while the approval of food is much more relaxed.

There is still the last lottery draw, the six-star lottery draw, and Bai Ye doesn't know what will be given to him, but he is still looking forward to it.

It's better not to drink a train of leather.

Otherwise, at the end of the year, the benefits of the unit will not be money, but drinks...

Thinking of this, Bai Ye rubbed his hands together and started the lottery draw.

【Ding!Congratulations on your NGS technology! 】

After hearing this voice, Bai Ye's heart melted.

NGS technology!
This is the NGS technology mentioned by Considine every day!

Bai Ye felt very excited and excited just thinking about it.

Immediately after Bai Ye saw these three letters, he lost his instinctive reason.

What is NGS?
Perhaps most people don't quite understand it, but after the last study on bowel cancer, Bai Ye's genetic engineering technology has been completed in an instant, and he has made great progress and understanding of many professional terms and terms.

The system gives the exact answer:

[Full name of NGS technology: High-throughput sequencing technology (High-throughput sequencing), also known as "next-generation" sequencing technology ("Next-generation" sequencing technology), can perform parallel processing of hundreds of thousands to millions of DNA molecules at a time. Sequence determination and generally shorter read lengths etc. are the hallmarks. 】

High-throughput sequencing technology is a revolutionary change to traditional sequencing. It can sequence hundreds of thousands to millions of DNA molecules at a time, so it is called next generation sequencing in some literatures. It is an epoch-making change. At the same time, high-throughput sequencing makes it possible to conduct a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the transcriptome and genome of a species, so it is also called deep sequencing.

It can be said that the birth of high-throughput sequencing technology is a milestone event in the field of genomics research.

This technology makes the single-base cost of nucleic acid sequencing drop sharply compared with the first-generation sequencing technology. Taking human genome sequencing as an example, the Human Genome Project at the end of the last century spent US$30-100 billion to decode the code of human life, while Generational sequencing has brought human genome sequencing into the era of [-] (US) genomes.

Such a low cost of single-base sequencing allows us to implement genome projects for more species and decipher the genetic codes of genomes of more biological species.At the same time, in the species whose genome sequence has been determined, it is also possible to perform large-scale whole genome resequencing of other varieties of the species.

The most important thing is not his sequencing, but what?
NGS technology is a particularly big obstacle in the development of SCS (single-cell sequencing) technology.

This difficulty directly limits the development of single-cell sequencing technology.

Single-cell sequencing technology is the bottom-of-the-box technology of Considine's laboratory. He can use NGS technology to observe the gene sequence information of single cells through next-generation sequencing, so as to obtain the differences in genetic material and protein information between cells, so A better understanding of the function of individual minority cells in their microenvironment.

By sequencing the entire genome, transcriptome, and epigenetic genes of a single tumor cell, it is possible to reveal the complex mechanisms within the tumor cell.

At present, single-cell sequencing technology, also known as SCS technology, is currently the leading tumor research and development technology in the world, and it is also the bottom-of-the-box technology of old man Considine. He can be said to be very good at this line of work.

Last time, it was precisely because of the help of Considine and Morstan that Bai Ye's research progress continued to accelerate.

At the beginning, Bai Ye clearly remembered that Considine said that if the high-throughput sequencing technology-NGS technology can develop rapidly, his single-cell sequencing technology will definitely shine.

He even has an eye, high-throughput sequencing technology is even a key technology for future development!
This involves a function of genetic engineering and tumor prevention.

After all, the combination of high-throughput measurement technology and single-cell sequencing technology can predict the development direction and trend of next-generation cells, which is of great help to cells.

Bai Ye took a deep breath to calm down the excitement in his heart.

Good baby!

With such a technology in hand, why worry?
Although NGS single-cell sequencing technology is difficult, Bai Ye has also learned a lot, especially relying on those expensive instruments, Bai Ye can also try it.

Besides, John is also a master in the field of genetics, if he also has some good technology to suppress the bottom of the box, wouldn't this Yang Yilai be a perfect thing?
Bai Ye got up excitedly and walked back and forth, feeling happy inside.

Roche Group, let's compete this time to see who can win.

Originally, Bai Ye was worthy of the Roche Group, but now that he has the NGS high-throughput sequencing technology, he is even more courageous.

No matter how strong Bona and the others are, Bai Ye will not be cowardly at all.

At this time, a meeting is being held within the implementation group, and this meeting has convened all the senior management of Roche.

But only seven people sat at the front.

Among the seven people were members of the research and development team of the former Puxikang drug: Bona, Considine, and Mostan.

The other four people sitting with the three of them didn't feel awkward or unnatural at all, because their status was not inferior to Bona and others.

The Roche Group's existence today is naturally not based on vain things, but on strength.

This time, the Roche Group invited the Nobel Prize winners of the last two or three sessions, who are currently attracting more attention in the field of cytology.

These seven great members joined at the same time, plus the lineup of academicians, it can be said that this time the Roche Group paid a big price for this tumor research.

In fact, after the Luo Group was rejected by Bai Ye, they made up their minds to do it by themselves.

For this reason, he spared no expense to invite Bona and others. As for the means, it doesn't matter.

Even they are ready for a showdown.

The Roche Group can reach today, naturally it will not be intimidated by a newcomer, and it can support Pfizer until now. It is not luck, but strength!
(End of this chapter)

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