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Chapter 632 Knowledge is cheating

Chapter 632 Knowledge is cheating
The Roche Group currently has two main areas of research and business, one is pharmaceuticals, and the other is diagnostics.

The pharmaceutical technology of the Roche Group has always been well-known. To give a simple example, during the domestic flu epidemic, there was a very popular drug called oseltamivir, which is an antiviral drug, and he Sourced from the Roche Group.

Danio, the current director of the pharmaceutical department, is the one who invited Bona and others to compete with Bai Ye Research Institute in the field of tumors.

The top executives of the Roche Group agreed with Danio's behavior this time, and even approved it unanimously.

Because, after the news about the Roche Group, Bona, Considine, and Morstan came out in the past few days, they instantly became the focus of public opinion, which also brought about a rise in stock prices.

Nothing can be more affordable than benefits.

Seeing such a response, the current executive president of the Roche Group immediately cooperated with Danio's behavior and gave strong support in various policies and finances.

He even invited seven or eight Nobel laureates, including Bona and others, who are bound to make great achievements in this field.

Danio looked at Bona and said with a smile: "Professor Bona, do you think it is more appropriate for us to start with that field?"

Bona put down the materials in his hand, which stated the Roche Group's investment in this research and many strong strengths: "The field of tumor is very large. Although it is only a discipline, this discipline basically covers most of the internal medicine. There are cancers in every field, and the cell specificity of each system determines that each disease has different differences. This is a relatively complicated and difficult task. But... I said To be honest, I don't want to study something with Bai Ye, or in other words, I don't think it is beneficial for us to study something with Bai Ye at the same time."

"It is true that the stock price of the Roche Group is rising now, but I believe that if we and Bai Ye are researching something in a field at the same time, neither of us can guarantee that whoever will discover it first. If two tigers compete, one will be injured. This is not wise. Behavior."

"So, I think we can start with another tumor, that is, conduct research in a different direction with Bai Ye. If he studies lung disease, we will focus on gastric cancer. If he is developing glioma, we will focus on mesenchymal tumors." Tumors, all in all, don't crash!"

All the people present here are the outstanding ones. When Bona said what he said, everyone understood what he meant.

Everyone's eyes lit up, because Bona's suggestion was very constructive.

After hearing Bona's words, Danio immediately felt that the money was not wasted, and his face showed joy. Just like Bona said, no one is God, and no one can guarantee that their research will be better than the other.

What if he collides with Bai Ye, and Bai Ye drives a forklift, and he drives a Santana, this kind of collision can only be called a disaster!

For a listed group like the Roche Group, it has a great impact.

After a company goes public, it is not a simple matter to care about reputation, credibility, and many other things.

Danio asked: "Then where do you think we should start? Which field of research should we engage in?"

Bona seemed to have a solution and method for this problem, but he remained silent for a while, and then slowly said: "Actually, I don't know much about Bai Ye's dynamics, and I really don't know what he will do next. Which aspect of research."

"However, I feel that Bai Ye is likely to start with lung cancer!"

After speaking, Bona opened his laptop, turned on the projector, and said to everyone: "During this time, I have made a detailed report on the market share of Roche Group and Pfizer Group in the tumor field. You can take a look."

"This report is mainly about the market share, favorable rate and effective rate of Pfizer Group and Roche Group's tumor research and development drugs within five years. You can clearly see that in terms of market share, Pfizer Group The total market share is not much different from that of Roche, but we can find many problems by carefully looking at the details and branches of each drug!"

"In the field of lung cancer, our Roche Group's current advantages mainly focus on the drug CAIIS produced ten years ago. However, after observing the past five years, the comparison results between us and Pfizer's lung cancer drugs show that they are 31.212% and 33.211%, and Pfizer is better than ours. Two percentage points more, and these two percentage points don't seem to explain anything, but after I removed the old drug, CAIIS, I found that we were already behind!"

"What does this mean? It means that in the past five years, our drugs for lung cancer have not achieved any particularly good market response. This is not a good thing for us. Moreover, the drugs currently used in China All lung cancer drugs basically come from us, because our old-fashioned drugs entered the developing countries relatively early. Our pharmaceutical groups such as Shanghai Roche Group, Hong Kong Roche Group, and China Roche Group occupy most of the domestic market, but Pfizer is different. He occupies the market of developed countries, here is a scale map, you can take a look."


Although Bona has no discerning eyes, let alone see the scientific and technological content of each drug, but in the brain of a scientist, he can get a lot of invisible information through a bunch of data.

After continuous analysis of these information and data, many useful essences can be obtained, that is, the things behind the phenomenon.

This is knowledge!
In fact, in the eyes of many people, many things are impossible, but if you can analyze many details and data, you can get a lot of seemingly magical and impossible data. This is ability.

This is also the purpose of education.

The education stage is mainly through learning how to acquire knowledge.

The postgraduate and doctoral stages are mainly to teach you how to use the knowledge you have learned to solve many practical problems.

And in this regard, major foreign universities have done a good job, especially those famous schools with historical background, such as the Ivy League schools and so on.

They pay special attention to the cultivation of students in these aspects, and the application of the knowledge they have learned focuses on solving problems.

Therefore, this is also an outstanding aspect in the education of highly educated and high-level talents in foreign colleges and universities.

So, don't think that knowledge is useless, in fact, you just don't know how to use it yet.

In fact, knowledge is cheating!
(End of this chapter)

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