Xueba is also open

Chapter 65 1 If you don't pay attention, you will become a master

Chapter 65 If you don't pay attention, you become a master (for collection)

Of course, the story has a certain legendary color, but it is undeniable that the old He family has real skills, otherwise they would not be able to support so many generations.

Bai Ye also thinks this thing is precious, after all, it is a family heirloom, so it is not appropriate to give it to himself!
Thinking of this, Bai Ye will return it!

But just as he was about to pay it back, Lao He took out the bag of 5 yuan and said, "Boss Bai, I like Xiao Bai very much. ! If Xiaobai doesn't accept it, I don't want the [-] points, and I won't treat this arm either!"

Seeing this, Mrs. He said anxiously: "Xiaobai, just take it, this is Lao He's heart disease, you can take it away!"

When Bai Donglin saw this, he also sighed, and said to his wife: "Caiyun, you go home and take out another 10 yuan for Lao He and Mrs. He. When you go out, take a little more money. This money is enough for you. When it is Xiaoye's apprenticeship fee, don't refuse it."

"This is the real skill of the old He family. I can't accept it for nothing! Apprentice fee, old He, if you accept this apprentice, you can accept it. If you don't, forget it! Bai Ye returns the book, why can't you Let my Bai family be unkind and unrighteous!"

Bai Donglin has a good way of speaking and doing things. Where is Lao He an opponent, a few words can make Lao He silent.

Then Bai Donglin said to Mrs. He: "When you arrive in the provincial capital, go to the hospital first, and then go to the bank to deposit the money. Old Liu, take care of Mrs. He and Mrs. He."

Old Liu is a long-distance driver in the village, and he often takes on some private jobs. Bai Donglin has a lot of status in the village, and there are many outsiders, so he introduces orders from time to time, so Lao Liu is very polite to Bai Donglin.

"Okay! Let's go quickly, don't get to the provincial capital too late!"

After seeing off Lao He and the others, Bai Ye's family also returned home.

Hu Caiyun sat on the chair and sighed: "Old He's family is really hard-working."

Bai Donglin also nodded and didn't say much.

After a long silence, Bai Donglin suddenly said, "By the way, Xiao Ye, what's in that bag? Open it and have a look."

Hu Caiyun also came over curiously: "When I was a child, I heard a lot of stories about the old He family. Are they really that powerful? Xiaoye, please open it quickly and let us have a look."

Bai Ye nodded, carefully placed the cloth bag on the table, and opened it layer by layer. Finally, a parchment book was displayed in front of everyone.

There are no words on the cover, and the material is very rough. It doesn't look like a high-end product at first glance.

Bai Ye picked up the book and opened it, only to find that most of it was paintings, very simple stick figures, and words were written on the side.

After flipping through it for a while, Bai Ye was a little disappointed. Could it be a book for recognizing medicine?

The old He family is famous for this?
Not so much!

Bai Ye continued to turn backwards. Halfway through the turn, he suddenly realized that this is the point!

It records the growth environment of plants, and even introduces the soil structure, light, and humidity. Although it is not as accurate as modern times, it has provided certain ideas for plant cultivation.

Bai Ye guessed that this should be the secret of the old He family's medicine collection. If you are familiar with the growth habits of these medicines, the environment and many other factors, it will be easy to find those good medicines.

But... this doesn't have much effect on Bai Ye!
Bai Ye shook his head, a little disappointed, and when he turned backwards, he became a little absent-minded.

But halfway through the page, Bai Ye discovered that the content had changed!

I saw that the content recorded in this book is no longer herbs, but some special things.

"Insect repellent water: use mugwort leaves, annua, isatis root... each eight cents, boil to get the juice, and spray on the whole body to avoid mosquitoes."

"Snake venom antidote: three qian of silver flower, five qian of forsythia, eight qian of Angelica dahurica...adding...boiling for 30 minutes can effectively detoxify snakes, ants and mosquitoes."

Bai Ye was taken aback for a moment, he really has a specialty in art, and the old He family also worked hard to collect medicine!

Later, there are many medicinal wines for treating bruises. The formulas are very detailed, ranging from prevention to treatment, and even detoxification is ready.

There are dozens of pages full of ancestral prescriptions, which are of great research value.

After all, daughters are easy to get, and one party is hard to find. This is what I am talking about, and the experience of several generations of the old He family should have a good curative effect and have research value!
When Bai Ye continued to look back, his eyes suddenly lit up!
This is the best stuff!

Really found a baby!
"How to grow ginseng"

Bai Ye continued to look back carefully, and was immediately stunned.

Didn't expect the He family to have such abilities?
Shangdang ginseng can be said to be a treasure with a long-distance reputation and great popularity in history!

The ginseng recorded in various classics at that time was Shangdang ginseng, not Northeast ginseng or Korean ginseng.

"Compendium of Materia Medica" wrote: Ginseng is sweet and slightly cold, and pointed out that "Shangdang ginseng is in short supply."

"Shuowen Jiezi" even records: "Ginseng, medicinal herbs, come from Shangdang"

In the Tang and Song Dynasties, there are even more extensive written records.

As a tribute to the imperial palace, Shangdangshen has always been loved by the royal family, but it disappeared due to various reasons.

Some people say that it was because the supply was in short supply at that time, and all kinds of ginseng pickers picked it one after another. Some said that the war in the Huguan area broke the ecological environment there. It is even said that in the Yuan Dynasty, a forest fire lasted for three months. The environment of Shangdang Ginseng has been completely broken!
Shangdang ginseng, the most glorious moment in history, has disappeared!

It is said to have disappeared, but it is not extinct. Occasionally, some people can still pick it. It is said that after the founding of the People's Republic of China, an old man who collected herbs collected Shangdang ginseng in the Huguan area of ​​Taihang Mountain and handed it in.

Unexpectedly, the He family has been silently simulating the growth environment of Shangdang ginseng!And after several generations of research, very fruitful?

Did Lao He discover and raise ginseng?

When Bai Ye saw the detailed introduction, he was suddenly a little moved. When his laboratory is produced, he must simulate some of this kind of ecological circle to see if he can produce Shangdang ginseng!
I have a batch of high-quality Shangdang ginseng seeds. If Lao He's research of several generations is true, then it is very likely that I can get the disappeared Shangdang ginseng out!
Thinking of this, Bai Ye was very excited!
Bai Ye looked back and found that it was all about the records of the growth environment of Shangdang ginseng and the various simulated cultivation environments. Bai Ye was filled with emotion!

It turns out that the old He family should be called ginseng pickers, that is, the group of ginseng pickers who went to the mountains to pick ginseng for the palace.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye thought, when Lao He is well, let him help him cultivate a batch of Shangdang ginseng and see if he can succeed!
Once it succeeds, the impact it will bring will definitely not be a little bit or two!
It's just that Boss Bai, Hu Caiyun and Bai Ling stared at Bai Ye for a long time, and couldn't help asking, "Xiao Ye, is it really that amazing?"

Bai Ye shrugged his shoulders: "This is actually a book that records the growth environment of Chinese herbal medicine. There are also some secret recipes, such as mosquito repellent, detoxification, soothing tendons and blood circulation, and bruises. Maybe the effect will be good. It’s ready for you to try.”

Boss Bai sighed: "Hey! What a loss again, I thought there were some martial arts cheats!"

However, Bai Donglin didn't feel too regretful. He and Old He's family have been good neighbors since childhood. Back then, Bai Donglin's father was seriously ill and needed a lot of medicine. At that time, the medical level was limited, so Old He's father helped him. Mountain mining to medicine.

And after Bai Ye's family left the village, Lao He has been helping to look after the house.

Bai Ye read the book from beginning to end, and many things in it are very reasonable. This is the understanding of traditional Chinese medicine obtained by the old He family after several generations of research.

There is a lot of knowledge in it, including the functions of traditional Chinese medicine, and the concept of traditional Chinese medicine is also very creative.

After Bai Ye finished flipping through, he carefully closed the book.

Suddenly, there was a ding, which shocked Bai Ye!
【Ding!After reading it, you will get the experience book "Inheritance of Old He Family's Experience" and get 15000 points of experience in traditional Chinese medicine. 】

Bai Ye was taken aback!
I am Cao!

Experience book?
There is such a good thing?

Earn big!Earn big! 15000 experience is not easy to get, it is equivalent to a three-star lottery reward.

No loss, not only no loss, it should be said that I made a lot of money. There are too many good things in this book.

Bai Ye looked at his Chinese medicine level: lv5: 1000/50000.

It's really a big profit, Bai Ye looked at his lv5 level, and was very moved. If he didn't pay attention, he was a master!
 Thanks to Brother Chaoshanhui for the 100 rewards. This week’s urban class is strongly promoted. The results are very important. I hope everyone will support it. The veteran has recently saved some manuscripts accidentally~ Hehehehehe, you understand~
(End of this chapter)

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