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Chapter 66 Killing pigs, I can be very professional!

Chapter 66 Killing pigs, I can be very professional! (for collection)

The matter of Shangdang ginseng is by no means a matter of a day or two. After Bai Ye put it down, he had to go back to read a book.

Then I heard Hu Caiyun say: "By the way, Xiao Ye, the old Pang's family is slaughtering pigs today. Go and buy 10 catties of black pork and bring back more lean meat."

In rural areas, many households have a pigsty for raising pigs. They eat leftovers and cut grass. The meat is of better quality and safe.

When the Chinese New Year arrives, these pigs will be slaughtered and sold for meat to earn some money.

This is not uncommon in rural areas, and Lao Pang's family runs a pig farm, and the scale of the operation is not small. There are more than a hundred pigs, and they supply meat to many restaurants in the county for a long time.

This old Pang is very good at business. During the Chinese New Year, the butcher of the pig farm will help the villagers kill pigs and sell meat. Of course, a certain fee will be charged.

It didn't take long for Bai Ye to arrive at the pig farm. At this time, everyone in the village was queuing up to get the meat.

People in the village usually buy more meat during the Chinese New Year, because those who visit relatives during the New Year do not prepare more, and meat sellers are not open during the Spring Festival.

Bai Ye waited to be bored, so he leaned over and watched the butcher slaughter pigs.

However, at this moment, a bald man with a big belly came over with his belly outstretched, and when he saw Bai Ye, he smiled and said, "You are that little Ye from Lao Bai's family! You have grown up so much! You are studying medicine outside." ?”

Bai Ye nodded with a smile: "Hello, Uncle Pang! Your business is really good."

Old Pang laughed: "I have no education, just rely on the tricks of the village to make money, which is not as good as college students! By the way, Xiaoye, did your medical school kill pigs in experiments?"

Bai Ye laughed: "I have killed many rabbits and many mice, but I have never killed pigs!"

Lao Pang suddenly raised his eyebrows: "Come with me, I will show you the anatomy of a pig, maybe it will be of some help to you, a college student!"

Bai Ye was also eager to move, so he followed the fat uncle into it out of curiosity.

In this room, two masters are slaughtering a pig, the blood has been drained, and the hair has been shaved... The next step is to disembowel it.

At this time, Lao Pang handed over a slender butcher's knife, and said to Bai Ye, "Come on, Xiao Ye, try to cut this belly open!"

Bai Ye took the knife, and the master at the side greeted him: "College student, pull out the knife and stretch it in. It takes a lot of force to pull it out from here, but there are ribs underneath, so be careful not to get the knife stuck."

Bai Ye took the knife, and followed what the master said, he lifted it up and was about to insert it, but because it was the first time he did it, he didn't control his strength well, so he didn't stab it at all.

Everyone laughed, and Bai Ye blushed in embarrassment.

The pig has already bled, so it's time to remove the internal organs, and it's not difficult because it's been soaked in water. This time, Bai Ye stabbed in with the knife steadily, and then started to cut in that direction!

Very strenuous!

The two chefs were also helping. After opening the belly, Bai Ye saw the whole pig's internal organs.

Then the organs began to be removed one by one. Bai Ye was also very curious when he looked at the pig's heart.

I have seen a model of a human heart before, but this is the first time I have seen a real heart, even a pig's!

Time passed slowly, an hour later.

Bai Ye was taken aback for a moment, because he felt that a skill had been upgraded in his mind!

【Ding!Anatomy increased to lv2: 1/5000. 】

This...how long is this!
After studying these days, Bai Ye's anatomy has already reached lv1: 2900/3000, but it's only been 2 hours, and he has increased his experience points by 100!
The experience gained from reading anatomy books is really far behind the practice!

Although it is just a pig, many mechanisms are connected with the human body, such as various tissues, structures, and so on.

Suddenly Bai Ye was taken aback!
The system... Is this letting me kill pigs?
Bai Ye clicked, I wipe, what am I doing?Raising rats and butchering pigs, isn't this my dream of studying medicine?

do not care!
Improving skills is the key. I will go to Kyoto to participate in the Nobel experiment group on the fifth day of the first lunar month. How much can these skills be improved?
Thinking of this, Bai Ye directly put on the white coat hanging on the wall, and looked at Pang with a smile: "Uncle Pang, I want to learn more from here, I think it will be quite rewarding!"

When Lao Pang heard this, he smiled: "Yes! But be careful, don't cut yourself with a knife!"

Bai Ye didn't come home until after eight o'clock. In addition to the ten catties of pork, he also packed a few pig offal in a bag, and went home to dissect it!
At dawn the next day, Bai Ye got up early, changed into dirty clothes, and ran towards the pig farm. The pig farm hadn't opened yet.

However, some farmers sent their own pigs to be slaughtered, and two masters were helping.

Bai Ye happened to follow in. Bai Ye didn't care about killing the pig, bleeding and shaving. He started to dismember the pork on the big chopping board.Originally, the pork had been separated from the internal organs, but there were still a large number of them.

Bai Ye simply picked up the knife, and slowly shaved off the bones on it. Various tissues were glued together, and various ligaments and fascia were very obvious.

In ancient times, many orthopedic doctors were sheep herders. Because they often set the bones of sheep, they slowly began to try it for others.

Bai Ye is doing this now!
Today, Bai Ye started directly. After putting on his white coat, Bai Ye began to independently dissect a pig that was about to be dissected to remove its internal organs.

Bai Ye was much more decisive today than yesterday, and his movements were relatively smoother.

Today, Bai Ye didn't hesitate, and directly unlocked ten times the experience. It was not easy to come across this opportunity, and Bai Ye didn't rest for the whole morning.

Ten times the experience pills, Bai Ye gained nearly 2000 experience points for five hours in the morning.

Although ten times the experience was turned on, the speed at which Bai Ye gained experience was no longer as obvious as yesterday.

Yesterday, it could have nearly 50 experience points in an hour, but today it is less than 40 points.

But Bai Ye is already very satisfied!

Bai Ye didn't return home at noon, so he called home, ate some food at the slaughterhouse, and started working.

Bai Ye felt like he had become a professional butcher of pigs!

By the afternoon, Bai Ye already had a deep understanding of pigs. Of course, it didn't mean that Bai Ye's level of killing pigs was similar to those of the masters.

There is still a long way to go, but Bai Ye has gained more and more anatomical knowledge from pig slaughtering.

After Bai Ye arrived, he stopped killing pigs, but began to observe the tissues and organs inside.

On the third day, Bai Ye spent the entire day in the slaughterhouse.He carefully observed the structure of blood vessels and the course of nerves, Bai Ye observed very carefully.

With the help of the skill [Concentration], Bai Ye is very serious, not letting go of those small and subtle structures in the internal organs.

The elasticity of blood vessels, the organizational structure of the kidneys, the atria and ventricles of the heart, the alveoli of the lungs, etc...

Bai Ye was already immersed in it.

 Thanks to Sister Nan for the reward of 2000, and Brother Xiao Si for the reward of 500.Thank you for your support! ?

(End of this chapter)

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